
A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED!

Death comes to all, but what comes after is hard to say only your time will tell. One soul lived a filling live with family but ultimately had regrets like everyone else. He has been given a second chance but not without difficulties to fill his path he chose the world of Remnant for his new home. He will be a huntsman, warrior, rogue, but no hero or villain his only goal is to gain happiness once again. In the end, saving the world is part of the problem with loving the heroines of team RWBY along with relationships. ( I do not own RWBY or any references only OC) DROPPED!

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Chapter 99. Schemes

Ozpin POV

After the ceremony of introducing the teams this year and naming Silva Cloud an elite huntsman-in-training, I head back to my office. I opened one of the drawers, and in it was a report by Qrow on Silva based on the information he gathered and his own experiences with the young man.

- Qrow's Report-

Okay, Oz, here's what I know so far about Tiger. For starters, he was born within the Branwen tribe, his mother the bandit, and his father a prisoner she captured as a toy for some nighttime fun. He lived as a typical bandit whelp when he was born for the most part but include some Faunus discrimination into the mix, and apparently, the den mother, the one who ran the nursery encampment, had it out for him, old hag.

Now for the interesting part, some years back, an unusual Grimm attacked the nursery encampment, some fire breathing Beowolf, and wiped out the whole camp except Silva. And the kicker here is that Silva was the one to kill the Grimm by unlocking his aura on his own and just barely surviving the encounter; hell of a brat, he is killing Grimm when my nieces were playing around like normal kids.

After that, my sister, Raven, decided to take him in as her adopted son because, and I quote, "He was worth more than that whole encampment of weaklings," yeah, she still is a piece of work, my sister. Anyways, after taking him in and training him, she also had him participate in the bandit war a some years back; he then left the Branwen tribe when he turned 12, and she allowed it.

( insert crude drawing of Raven scowling by Qrow)

I don't believe her; she wouldn't let a kid as strong as Silva leave the tribe without some means of getting him to return because, from what I have seen of Tiger, he handles bandits with extreme prejudice. Still, I think I am better off asking Tiger myself how he managed to leave the tribe with Raven's blessing. After leaving the tribe, he went to Mistral and got involved with the underworld for a bit as an information gatherer, which; he even earned a reputation as "Mistal's Phantom," and he earned the rep by being almost untraceable regardless of the difficulty of acquiring hard to get info.

He also won the Mistral Cup when he was 13; I'm not surprised; those kids probably didn't even pose a challenge to him. Too I wasn't there to see it; I could have made a killing on gambling on him but moving on. After the tournament, he traveled to the Menagerie, but apparently, someone put a massive bounty on his head in the underworld, which attracted various assassins and bounty hunters.

But Oz, while he left a trail of bodies in his wake from the assassins, the most significant thing is that he survived an encounter with "No Second Strike," this is big Oz if even half the stories about her are true, Silva already outclasses most huntsmen and huntresses. He also wiped out some cannibals and a cult out in Anima's Wildlands. Now things get even bigger when he goes to the Menagerie; he set a means of powering all of Kuo Kuana, WITHOUT DUST! Crazy right?

Aside from wiping a horde of Grimm and taking part in an expedition into some parts of the Menagerie, he helped out the Faunus there big time. After spending a year there, he went to Atlas next, where I ran into him; as you know, taking out two of the largest bandit tribes in Solitas and a giant ancient Grimm. Aside from that, he also dueled with two retired Huntsmen to the death, and he won. He also has some connections with Robyn Hill and Rory Eis, prominent people up in Atlas and down in Mantle. Jimmy really didn't interact with Tiger, so things were fairly quiet during Silva's stay at Atlas.

After a year or so, he then went to Vale next. First, he picks up a pretty little thing named Emerald; I guess he takes after me after all, and MY FREAKING DAUGHTER, I DID NOT KNOW I HAVE TILL I MET HIM AGAIN! But back on topic, he then builds a whole bloody castle on the outskirts of Vale and just chills for the most part. That is it for my report, Ozpin.

( insert some random scribbles that Qrow likely made while he was drunk)

- End of Qrow's Report-

I pinched the bridge of my nose, thinking I either picked a great potential ally if I can convince to work with me or a can of worms I rather not open. I can only do what I can as what I have always done, but still, Silva Cloud certainly has lived an exciting life that put most Huntsmen and Huntresses to shame. I sincerely hope that he can work with me and not against me because I rather not imagine the damage him and Salem working together.

Silva POV

Okay, I am having mixed feelings about my appointment as an Elite huntsmen-in-training. The pros are that I have a dorm room to myself, and I already take some missions for extra credit, plus not being required to attend any classes. The cons are that my class schedule is entirely different from any other student, so I won't see any classroom shenanigans by Team RWBY. Still, the pro is that all my classes are with Glynda Goodwitch, which gives me a chance to make a more intimate relationship with her.

But back to cons, I can already see Ozma trying to isolate me from other students, which does not affect me all that much, but this puts him on my blacklist as he is taking an overly cautious approach with me. Overall, I will do as I please for now and not deliberately oppose Ozma till Salem either agrees to my alliance or there is an opportunity I can't resist.

I head for my dorm room to catch some sleep. After I put my stuff in a corner for now, out of my Blue Jade Ring, I went to take a quick shower first before going to sleep. I just rinsed the grime off my body and a quick scrub down to get clean. After my shower, I heard someone knocking on my door, so I went to who it is.

I opened the door to see Emerald in front of me, and I ask her.

Silva: What's up, Em?

Emerald: Mind if I come in?

I opened the door all the way and let her in, and I noticed she has her things with her. Before I could ask anything, she explains why she is here.

Emerald: You see, Silva, me, and Ilia have an agreement where she gets the dorm room to herself, and I share yours with you.

She then nervously added.

Emerald: If that's not too much trouble?

I shrugged and told her, feeling a bit happy for her company.

Silva: Sure, make yourself at home.

( The following morning)

My alarm rang, telling me to get up so I can go to my classes. I felt Emerald using my right arm as a pillow and starting to get up along with me. I wait for her to get up first then move to turn off my alarm. I greeted Emerald.

Silva: Morning, Em.

She grunted in reply and head to the bathroom, and I soon heard her taking a shower.

I got up and stretched for a bit, then started decorating my dorm room, just a treadmill and a pull-up bar that stands on its own on the right side of the room. Then I set up a workbench and fabrication forge to design weapons to kill some free time, and I left enough room for Emerald to unpack her things. Emerald came out of the shower naked, drying her hair with a towel. She looked towards me and said, seeing that I was finish unpacking.

Emerald: That was fast. Still, you left me plenty of room for my stuff, thanks!

I shrugged and changed into my uniform, then told Emerald.

Silva: You better hurry and get dressed. Class starts in the next 30 minutes.

She quickly put on her uniform, and I briefly admire how good she looked in it. I left the dorm, and as I pass by Team RWBY's room, I heard construction noises coming from it. I sighed and wryly smiled at their antics and decided to do the nice thing and let them know classes are starting soon. I loudly bang on their door to get their attention, and soon, the door opened, revealing Ruby, and she said.

Ruby: Silva!? What's the matter?

Silva: Classes are starting soon, just letting you know before you get too caught in your project.

Ruby: Oh! Thanks!

She then called out to her teammates.

Ruby: Weiss, Blake, Yang! Classes are starting soon; let's go!

Ruby then zipped by me with her Petal Burst, and the rest of her team soon followed. I looked over to Team RWBY's neighbor Team PLAN, and most of them overhearing me following them as well. Except for Pyrrha and I greeted her.

Silva: Morning, Pyrrha.

She smiled at me and returned my greeting.

Pyrrha: Good morning, Silva.

After an awkward silence, Pyrrha then asked.

Pyrrha: Do you want to walk together?

I scratched the back of my head and replied.

Silva: Sure.

We walk side by side as we head to our respective classrooms in silence, and before we went our separate ways, Pyrrha asked.

Pyrrha: Can we do this again?

Silva: I would like that.

Pyrrha: Great! See you later!

Silva: Same here.

As Pyrrha went off to join her team, I head to Glynda's office. I knock on her door, and I heard her say.

Glynda: Enter.

The door opened, and I saw Glynda filling out a bit of paperwork. Her office was a decent size, with bookshelves on opposite ends of her office and a dark wood desk where she is working. I took a seat at one of the couches by the coffee table in the center of the office. I kept quiet as she worked as I was in no rush for whatever she had in mind to teach me.

As I made myself comfortable, I took out my scroll to read one of the stories I downloaded to kill time. After a while, I heard Glynda call out.

Glynda: Sorry for the wait, Mr.Cloud.

Silva: It's fine, so what now?

She took out a pile of papers and set them in front of me with her telekinesis semblance, and said.

Glynda: For now, I would like you to take this written test to properly gauge how much you know about the current curriculum before planning for your future classes with me.

I shrugged and got started on the giant pile of papers in front of me; well, there are worse ways to start class, like listening to Professor Port. Glynda nodded and went back to her desk, and before she made it there, I reminded her.

Silva: Glynda, I mention before you can call me Silva rather than Mr.Cloud.

She gave an expected sigh and told me curtly.

Glynda: And I told you to address me as Professor Goodwitch.

Silva: True, but you and I will be spending a lot of time together for the most part, so I would like to be on friendly terms with you at the very least.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and told me.

Glynda: This is not up for discussion, Mr.Cloud.

Silva: Whatever you say, Glynda.

She then muttered to herself, thinking I can't hear her.

Glynda: Of all the qualities to take from Qrow, he just had to inherit his lack of courtesy and respect for authority.

I chuckled and reminded her.

Silva: You do know my history, as you put it, don't you?

She sighed once more and headed back to her desk, and started to massage her temples. I focus on the test she gave me for now and commented.

Silva: Ozpin really owes you a pay raise.

Glynda huffed a bit and replied.

Glynda: You have no idea.

Well, it looks like it will take some time for Glynda to get comfortable with me, which Ozma so generously provided, by making Glynda, my sole teacher.

( Hours later)

I finally finished the test Glynda gave me before lunch, and I got up and stretched for a bit. She went off to handle her classes this morning and left me alone with several warnings not to mess with her office. After working out the kinks in my body, I decided to head off to lunch at the cafeteria.

It did not take me long to reach the cafeteria, and I scanned the surroundings and saw Weiss sitting by herself. I grabbed myself some Mistral-style curry and rice before taking a seat in front of my favorite Snow Princess. She looked at me in surprise and said.

Weiss: Silva!? I thought you had a different schedule than me.

I shrugged and replied.

Silva: I got the test I was assigned to finished early, and Glynda is busy, so I thought to grab a quick bite to eat and see how everyone is doing.

Weiss gaped at me and asked.

Weiss: How come your calling, Professor Goodwitch, her first name?

Silva: Mainly to aggregate her a little and get familiar with her.

Weiss looked at me wide-eyed and flatly said.

Weiss: You're incorrigible!

I chuckled, not denying her accusation, and asked her in turn.

Silva: So how come you are by yourself here?

Weiss looked downcast and told me.

Weiss: I might have said to Ruby that I should be team leader instead, and her appointment is a mistake by the headmaster.

I sighed and said.

Silva: Weiss...

Weiss: I know, I know; Professor Port told me how I was acting was not Team Leader material.

I shook my head and did not repeat what Professor Port said to her and instead asked.

Silva: So what are you going to do now?

Weiss: I don't know yet.

I then offered her just in case things don't go like in the canon.

Silva: Well, if things are too awkward for you in your dorm room, you can come to mine for the night.

She gave a small smile and said.

Weiss: Thank you, Silva, but I will try to make things right with Ruby first.

I nodded and started digging into my lunch. Beacon's cafeteria is definitely one of the best ones I have come to know of; this curry is pretty good. As I ate, Weiss then talked to me as she fiddle with her hair.

Weiss: Silva, about what you said the other day about courting me, what do you have in mind?

I swallowed my food and told her.

Silva: Well, if you're interested, how about a date this weekend.

She looked surprised at my directness and then said.

Weiss: I suppose I don't have any plans this weekend, so I MIGHT be willing to meet up with you.

Silva: Okay, then see you Saturday morning at around, let's say ten o'clock-ish.

Weiss: Very well then; I will see you at that time.

Well, that was easy. I finished my lunch and headed back to Glynda's office after saying goodbye to Weiss. I knocked on the door to see if she is in, and the door opened, revealing Glynda looking over the test she gave me. She then said as she looked over the test.

Glynda: Well, Mr.Cloud I-.

Silva: Silva, Glynda.

She looked displeased at me for interrupting her and just sighed then asked me.

Glynda: If and I mean IF I agree to address you by your first name, I expect you to treat me with respect afforded my position, Mr.Clo-, Silva.

I grinned at her and replied.

Silva: Understood, Glynda.

She looked me in the eyes for a few moments, then said.

Glynda: As I was saying before, I am surprised at your level of literacy despite your origins because, so far, you have gotten every answer correct from what I have seen.

I explained myself after taking a seat.

Silva: My goal was always to get my Huntsmen License, so I studied every subject in advance to handle any written tests easily.

Glynda looked mildly impressed and commented.

Glynda: Well, you certainly are well prepared if this test is any indication, Mr... Silva.

Well, I am already making progress with her, just one step at a time, and I may yet make her take me seriously as a romantic interest. Well, it is not a bad day for the first day of school.