
A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED!

Death comes to all, but what comes after is hard to say only your time will tell. One soul lived a filling live with family but ultimately had regrets like everyone else. He has been given a second chance but not without difficulties to fill his path he chose the world of Remnant for his new home. He will be a huntsman, warrior, rogue, but no hero or villain his only goal is to gain happiness once again. In the end, saving the world is part of the problem with loving the heroines of team RWBY along with relationships. ( I do not own RWBY or any references only OC) DROPPED!

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Chapter 79. A Long Over Due Reunion

Ilia POV

From camping out in the woods hiding from the authorities, to living in a literal castle, I never saw my life leading me to this. It has been a month since Blake and I left the White Fang with Silva. While Blake was hesitant to take up Silva's offer for food and board, he and I convinced her. After all, you don't look at a gifted horse in the mouth.

Since we left, I was hoping to let Blake know my feelings for her, but unfortunately, instead of looking at Adam, she is looking at Silva instead. Although I don't blame her, he has wealth, strength and a better person than Adam. I don't see Adam ever taking in orphans out of the kindness of his heart, even though Silva told me when I asked him why he took them in that he mainly did it on a whim.

Plus, he is helping the Menagerie in several ways, whether through the dam he built or funding Kuo Kuana's restructuring efforts and giving them the necessary know-how to do so. I have to admit he helped the Faunus far more than the White Fang ever did, and this is including the settlement he set up, Oath in Solitas, for the Faunus to migrate to during the aftermath of the White Fang's large scale operation in Atlas.

Another thing that changed for me unexpectedly is that I now have a human friend named Emerald. We were wary of each other at first, but we surprisingly got along once we started talking to one another. An when I told her my story before I joined the White Fang, she laughed at the part when I made those upper-class girls from Atlas lose some teeth.

She told me her story from before Silva took her in, and I felt we had more in common than I initially thought. With how we both despise those so-called upper crust fools, we got along pretty well. Another exciting thing that has happened is that I bonded with a little Fox Faunus girl living with us in the castle named Kyuu. She is just the cutest little thing; when I learned of her circumstances, I felt a strong urge to murder those scumbags that call themselves her uncles.

However, Silva assured me that he had dealt with them, and I let go of the matter. I am also planning to attend Beacon along with Blake, Emerald, and Silva. Life has gotten better for me, and now I need to get Blake's attention to tell her my feelings for her. Maybe lure her away with a lot of tuna?

Silva POV

It is late morning, and I am currently helping Morgana train her semblance by providing my aura for her to use her Semblance continuously. Near the end of our session, I felt Morgana's semblance change, and the girl in question then mumbled.


She wrapped her arms around my waist in an excited fashion while saying.

Morgana: Thank you. Thank you so much.

I was happy for her and told her.

Silva: Well, Morgana, how about making all of your favorite foods to celebrate your Semblance's evolution for lunch.

She nodded, looking happy beyond belief, and I got a closer look at her soul to understand the change it underwent. By using her soul as a template, I can modify Qrow's semblance so that he can switch it off like his daughter. I also decided to give Morgana the day off and check on Kyuu. I went to Kyuu's room and found Ilia playing with her.

It surprised me how quickly she bonded with the fox Faunus, but it has done well for Kyuu's mental state from what I have seen so far. Kyuu seeing me came up to me and hid behind my legs which made me shake my head in amusement. Ilia then asked me.

Ilia: Hey Silva, what brings you here?

I told her with a slight smile.

Silva: Just checking on Kyuu since I finished Morgana's Semblance training.

I then turned to face the fox Faunus and ask her.

Silva: How are you today, Kyuu?

She replied briefly.

Kyuu: Kyuu is okay.

Kyuu likes to talk in a third-person for some reason, but I felt it was cute, so I did not bother correcting her speaking patterns. After talking with the 2 of them for a bit, to head to the castle library to find Blake. I went the extra mile for the library because I wanted to show off to Blake for when she started attending Beacon, but that was then, and this is now since I helped Blake leave the White Fang earlier than in the canon, which is just over eight months until Beacon's next semester.

Blake was reading in one of the secluded corners I set up in the library by surrounding it with tall bookcases with a skylight overhead. It gave the impression of privacy and wanting solitude to get away from everyday issues. Blake quickly made one of them into her corner when I showed her around the library for the first time. I would honestly not be surprised if she set a bed and made it into her room if she thought she could get away from it.

I knocked on one of the bookcases to announce my presence to her, and she looked up from her book then said.

Blake: Hello Silva.

I gave her a wry smile and said.

Silva: I see you're adjusting well to the castle.

She replied with a slight smile.

Blake: Yes, I never thought I would come to live in a castle, like in a fairy tale. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of such things but never mind, what brings you here?

I replied plainly.

Silva: Just checking on you since I finished with Morgana's Semblance training early than expected.

Blake replied before going back to her book.

Blake: Thank you for your concern, Silva. I am fine.

Seeing that she went back to reading was my queue to leave her alone. Right now, I am giving her space to relax and get comfortable here at the castle. Adam's reaction to her leaving shook her up a bit, and I have already taken her to her parents to reconcile with each other. She came back with me to get tutored by me for the written part of the Beacon's entrance exam after telling her parents her plans to become a Huntress.

Feeling a bit bored and unsure what to do to pass the time, I wander around the castle for the time being. My scroll started ringing, and I saw it was Winter calling me, so I answered.

Silva: Hey Winter, what's up?

Winter then asked me.

Winter: Can you come by right now? We need to talk.

I replied, feeling curious about what she wants to talk about right now.

Silva: Okay, standby for a portal.

I took out the soul crystal with Kindred Link, Raven's Semblance, in it to open a portal to Winter. I hung up my scroll and made my way through the portal to Winter. I saw Winter, and we are in my mansion at Atlas; I then asked her.

Silva: So, what's up?

Winter just gave me a wry smile and told me.

Winter: Let's continue in the living room along with Rory and Lilith.

I shrugged and followed her to the living room, where Lilith and Rory were sitting on one of the couches. I took a seat in one of the chairs and asked.

Silva: Did something happen?

Rory was the first to speak.

Rory: I am being assigned as commander and chief overall operations in Vacuo while Winter is...

Winter finished Rory's sentence.

Winter: Heading to Mistral for my next tour of duty.

I nodded in understanding and then asked.

Silva: I guess Lilith needs to stay with me while you two are away along with Noctem, right?

They both nodded in agreement, and I then asked.

Silva: Okay, anything else, or do I tell you two what I have been up to lately?

Rory answered me with a slightly predatory smile.

Rory: No, that is all.

Rory then asked me.

Rory: However, I would like to ask you something specific, have you fulfill your promise on those twins that made you save yourself for them?

I replied while having a bad feeling for some reason.

Silva: Yes.

Her smile grew, and she then told me.

Rory: I hope you don't intend to keep me waiting too long, my dear Silva.

I knew what she means, and I promised her.

Silva: We can make it a date at Vacuo, plus you won't have to wait too long, Rory, but I need to take care of a few things that can't wait first.

She gave me an appeased look, and Winter fake-coughed to get my attention with an expecting expression on her face. So I also promised her.

Silva: Don't worry, Winter, you will get your date in Mistral.

She nodded as it is her due, and the next couple of hours, we packed Lilith's things and grabbed Noctem, then took them through the portal I opened. Thankfully it before lunch, so I can introduce her to the rest of the castle residents when everybody shows up for lunch. Now I need to get the robot chefs working on making Morgana's favorites which are pizza, fried rice, and strawberry sundaes.

Let's see here, small personal pizzas with a side of fried rice and strawberry sundae for dessert. After setting up the menu, I will give Lilith a room, and as we head towards the living quarters, we ran into Emerald. Emerald looked at Lilith behind me and asked.

Emerald: Um, Silva, who is this?

I gave her a brief introduction.

Silva: Emerald meet Lilith, Lilith meet Emerald, and as for why she is here, I will tell you at lunch with everybody else.

Emerald nodded and went back to what she was doing before, after appraising Lilith for a moment. I quickly set up Lilith's room and was just in time for lunch. With everyone gathered around, I made a few announcements.

Silva: Everyone meet Lilith; she will be staying with us from now on, and before you ask who she is, I need to tell you she is neither human nor Faunus.

They all just looked at me with confused expressions, and I further explain by telling them the truth of Lilith's origins. Blake was the first to ask.

Blake: Wait a moment, you're telling us that she is a machine with a soul and her soul came from a dead friend of yours, am I correct so far?

I nodded, and Blake then asked.

Blake: She also does not have memories of her previous life either, but there is one thing you haven't told us... How did you move her soul into a new body?

I realized that I let that detail slip from my mind, and I then told them.

Silva: Well, as you know, I can copy semblances, so I happen to know of a semblance that can extract and crystallize a soul into a physical form which enabled me to give my dying friend a second chance at life, although without her memories.

Blake then asked me with a bit of dread.

Blake: How many other souls have you extracted?

I sighed; while I wasn't going to hide this, I would not be completely open with it either, but regardless, I told a half-truth.

Silva: Aside from Lilith, I extracted the souls of those who tried to kill me.

Technically true, but not the entire truth. Hopefully, that will appease Blake, and I asked her.

Silva: Any other questions?

Looking at everyone around the table and Emerald then asked me.

Emerald: Silva, who is trying to kill you?

Seeing her look of concern for my wellbeing made me happy, and I told her.

Silva: I have a bounty on my head in Mistral's underworld, and I am not sure who put on me in the first place or why.

Kyuu then asked curiously.

Kyuu: Kyuu wants to know what a bounty is.

I chuckled and told her.

Silva: A bounty is a price for bringing me into someone who wants me for some reason, so Kyuu, you should not follow strangers if they say you have a bounty on your head, okay.

I left out the part about not necessarily being alive to get my bounty because she has not been talked about life and death yet. I then continued my other announcements.

Silva: We have one other new resident.

I went to pull Noctem out of the kitchen, and Kyuu plus Morgana squealed with delight.

Kyuu/Morgana: KITTY!

They both ran up to the black lynx-sized cat excitedly and started to pet him and scratch behind his ears. Ilia asked me, looking concerned.

Ilia: Silva, just what in the heck is THAT!?

I told her with an oversimplified answer.

Silva: My cat Noctem.

Blake then added.

Blake: That is no house cat.

I shrugged and commented.

Silva: He was so small when I first picked him up.

Noctem had enough attention and moved away from the kids to plant himself beside me. I scratched the underside of his cheek, and he started to pur for me. I then moved on to my last announcement.

Silva: Now all of you know of Morgana's semblance.

They nodded in, knowing what I meant, and I told them the good news.

Silva: Well, this morning, Morgana's semblance evolved, and she is now able to turn it off.

They all congratulated Morgana, and lunch ended on a positive note. Afterward, all the girls decided to go shopping to celebrate Morgana's new lease on life; luckily, I learned from the last time I went shopping with multiply girls and gave them some robots to carry bags for them. I now have the castle to myself for the next couple of hours.

I went to the garden roof of the castle to relax, and I soon saw an all too familiar red and black portal open up in front of me. Raven appeared with a neutral expression and said to me.

Raven: We need to talk, Silva.

Well, the day has undoubtedly been eventful today.