
Chapter 28. The Wildland's locals

Anima's wildlands are just weird because that settlement that I thought was normal was actually a nudist colony comprised of both humans and fanus. Their leader was a male middle-age overweight panda fanus, he had both tan and pale-colored skin that made him look more panda-like plus he had solid white hair with black panda ears on his head. His name was Baise Heise ( White, Black) he was an alright guy if you ignore him being naked, he explained to me why the wildlands were filled with weird settlements this is due to the fact that the kingdom of Mistral that while diverse they don't welcome some practices in both upper society and underworlds like cannibalism or nudism and they either exile them or try to erase them plus this was more extreme during the great war leading to a lot of people to come to the wildlands to which the majority died from the unfamiliar wildlife. The wildlands are considered both dangerous and unrestricted due to the more exotic flora and fauna. With this in mind, most huntsman stays in the borders of the kingdom and stay clear, for the most part, of the wildlands, once the settlement found out that I wiped out the cannibalistic settlements and the children of the brothers cult in the mountains they sent some scouts out once I gave them some proof by showing some of the stuff I looted from the cult.

After a couple of days the scouts came back with some of the fanus I freed and the settlement broke out in celebration which was a bit much for me being the only one in clothes. The celebration lasted a couple of days and despite me trying to sneak away because I just felt awkward with them being naked, they always found and dragged me back to be the guest of honor. When the celebration finally died down Baise gave me some advice on some places that I want to checkout or avoid in the wildlands. Only 2 got my interest one was a pure lion fanus tribe in the savanna that every member unlocked their aura at an early age and the other was a clan of blacksmiths that left Mistral during the great war due to the kingdom nearly working them to death but what really got my interest in them is that their semblance is hereditary like the Schnee family. After talking to Baise about the ins and outs of Anima's wildlands I made plans to check out the lion fanus tribe in the savanna then head to the blacksmith clan in the southeast wastes plus avoid the other weird settlements if I can help it.

(A week later)

After a week of walking, I finally made it to the savanna and the wildlife was similar to Africa's savanna but the lions here, the animal not the fanus, were definitely bigger than the ones back on Earth by almost as twice as much. Then there's a lion-like Grimm that wonders around the savanna called a Sun-Eater because it takes in sunlight through its mane then fires it in a beam that hit hard from experiencing it myself, well got a new summon in the end. It took me a couple of days to find the tribe and they were wary of me at first but once I help them out hunting a couple of times plus dealt with some Grimm they warmed up to me. There were 2 things that interested me about this tribe the first was the hand-to-hand combat skills that they taught their kids that gave me no small amount of trouble when I sparred with them, I picked up a couple of things from them in that regard. The other thing was the sticks they used while primitive they were more than enough to deal with Grimm and the local wildlife.

I asked them about their sticks and they told me that their sticks come from a special kind of tree that no animal or Grimm can damage easily. Once I got the location of the trees and said my goodbyes I head toward the tree and it was massive because you can see it from a day's distance. When I got there I tried cutting off some branches with my halberd only to find that I can only scratch it without using Echo Tremor to make it vibrate. After getting a couple of branches I used my sonar to examine the tree itself and I found that this tree is growing on top of a deposit of dust making the wood not only harder but making it more reactive to aura making it a good material to make weapons out of. After taking some soil samples to study because I want to grow my own tree similar to this one but stronger, I decide to head towards the blacksmith clan next.

While heading the blacksmiths I worked on enchanting my travel bag to have a greenhouse to grow the trees after making a couple of different mix of dust and soil to experiment, even back on Earth I did some similar things to satisfy my curiosity when I learned some interesting as a hobby. It took me 2 weeks to reach the blacksmithing clan but once I reached there they were a little standoffish but they didn't try to drive me away. They called themself the Fotia (A/N: greek for fire ) clan and their semblance was called Mystic Fire and it wasn't just producing flames but finely controlling them in a way that shouldn't be possible for regular semblances, not only that when they use it to forge items, usually weapons, they sometimes gain a kind of soul and aura. When I saw the weapons they forged I tried to see if I can get them to forge me a new sword to finally replace this halberd I've been using as a substitute but they don't accept lein as I found out when I talked to them about it. It took me a week to work out a deal with them to get them to forge for me and it took me introducing a couple of dust and metal deposits for them to mine to get them started I also handed them a couple of the ingots I got from the auction to forge with.

After telling them what kind of weapon I want they told me it would take a couple of months to forge so in the meantime I decide to help them mine out the dust and ore. They were surprised at how efficient I was at mining out the ore and dust plus sorting them as well with my summons. Thankfully, the months passed by quickly and I turned 14 this year when they brought the sword it was similar to One Piece's Dracule Mihawk's sword Yoru but without the large guard on it, the blade itself was a solid black color that was 5 and a half feet long with a 2-foot long handle. The best thing about this sword is that it had an aura to it to match its soul which made it sharper, more durable, and have a positive synergy with my aura and semblance. I decided to call it Unsung because it was made by a forgotten blacksmithing clan plus when I infused it with my aura the blade gave off of rumbling sound that made me think it was roaring like it had a will of its own. Before I left the Fotia clan they also gave me a solid white katana called Kodoku ( Solitude) for me helping them mine so much and dealing with Grimm that harassed their clan.

I made my way to the coast and followed west till I reached the mountains again, along the way I saw something strange in the mountains and went to check it out.

I felt that I was getting a little into writing my own lore in Remnant so I decide to speed things along so that I get to the start of the canon a bit quicker.

ShadowlessBladecreators' thoughts