
Extra II: Natsuki's Big Day

Pov Natsuki.

My name is Kurogane Natsuki, I am the daughter of the Heroine +18? Midnight-Oka-san and the No. 3 Hero in the Ranking Ymir-otou-san and I am 5 years old, I have wavy black hair like my mom and snake eyes like my dad, I live in a "Very" big house with my mom, my dad and my other two moms, Fuyumi-Oka-san and Nagant-Oka-chan and my little brothers Arashi-kun the son of Fuyumi-Oka-san and Tsume-chan the daughter of Nagant-Oka-chan.

I didn't understand very well when my little brothers were born I felt sad since they didn't pay as much attention to me as before but then dad took me to the patio and talked to me with a wry smile.

--Natsuki, now you will be the older sister~ Do you know what it means?

I shook my head since I didn't know, so dad patted my head and gave me some quality pats.

--Being the eldest means that now you have responsibility...you must be an example for the little ones...when your moms or I are not there, you will be in charge of protecting them...you understood~

--Yes Otou-san! I will protect Arashi-kun and Tsume-chan~!

--That's my little girl~ but first you have to get ready since you're going to school tomorrow.


I nodded to my father's words and ran to the house to see the two babies sleeping in their pen, Arashi-kun has white hair like Fuyumi-Oka-san except for two strands of hair like antennas on his black head. on the right and red on the left, sometimes they move as if they had a life of their own, it's very funny, he has two small moles under his green eyes which makes him very cute, next to him is my little sister Tsume-chan, just like Nagant -Oka-san has blue and pink hair, except that Tsume-chan, like me, has slanted eyes like potato, only that hers are golden like Mei-nee's.

Now that I remember the red beard grandfather became stupid when Arashi said "Heehee~ ugly" in his face call me, I swear grandfather is stupid with that smile on his face, Urght... I don't know how Oba-sama bears it, Grandpa is just a rude and ugly guy, he yells at Fuyumi-Oka-san a lot, I don't like Grandpa, but my uncles, Natsu-nii and Shoto-nii, make me bigger, I also like Auntie Momo, she always gives me gifts she takes out of her cleavage, she's so funny~

No, I shouldn't get distracted, I have to get ready to go to school, pack my backpack and do my homework, Fuyumi-oka-san will be very angry if she finds out that I didn't do my homework because I was playing with Nagant-oka-san and Tsume- chan.

I ran to my room and started to do my homework, my room is pink, not because I like it but because my moms painted it that color, I have many stuffed animals and dolls thanks to Momo-nee, I also have my faithful Hammer courtesy of Mei-nee... if I had to say something that worries me it would be... my Quirk.

He still hasn't woken up...

Dad whenever he sees me trying to wake up my Quirk he just hugs me and tells me not to worry, whether I have a Quirk or not he will love me, whether I'm a hero, a civilian, or a villain he will always love me, I know dad He's serious, actually it scares me a bit... I'm sure if I turn into a bad girl daddy will support me and give me a continent or two just for fun.

I have to be a good girl or else the world is going to end. Oka-san said it dad is "SUPER" strong but he is missing some screws? So it's our job to keep Papi on the leashes? Tight... that's what Oka-san said... although I don't quite understand it.

Anyway, tomorrow I have to go to school.


--Take care my little princess~

--Otou-shan~ is shameful~

I tried if I succeeded to escape the clutches of my dad who loves to rub his scratchy beard against my face, it's fun once but daily annoying.

My classmates are always surprised by my dad, I study in a private elementary school for the children of very important people and big shots or so Nagant-Oka-san said. Although I don't see big shots in the pond?

I left dad and ran to school, there I met my friends Fumi and Tama, two girls with heteromorphic quirks, Fumi has pink feathers for hair and Tama has a tail. His parents work for a big bank or something, I just understood that they have a lot, a lot of money but their Quirks are weak...

--Natsuki-chan...your dad is great~

--Yes my Otou-san is great

--It's a bit scary though, Natsuki-chan...

--Otou-san says that without fear there is no respect!

I stood up straight and crossed my arms with a frown imitating Otou-san when she's on her throne.

--Hmmm... I don't quite understand but it makes sense...

--My dad says that respect is power...

--That explains why Natsuki's dad is so Strong, everyone respects him.

--Or fear, Otou-san is scary when she gets angry.

--Yeah, yeah x2

The three girls walked to their classroom.


Break Time

--I'm All Might~

--Weeeeeeeeeeee !!!

Several boys played heroes while three girls rested in the shade of one of the trees.

--They are fools?

--A little~

--...All Might...Curco-jiji?

The two girls with animal traits looked at their friend doubtfully.


--All Might came home once...Otou-san says Curco-jiji to All Might...before kicking him out of the house...Otou-san doesn't like All Might...

The black-haired girl commented as she counted the leaves of the tree under which she lay.

--Ymir doesn't like All Might?

--But does everyone love All Might?

--My Otou-san doesn't~ say that Curco is pathetic...

The girls kept silent when an overweight boy with an idiot face approached them.

--You are the Daughter of Ymir, right?


--I am Yamasuki Irohito, from the Yamasuki Tou-Tie family, starting today you will be my fiancée and girlfriend, feel flattered and serve me.


The black-haired girl looked at the fat boy with doubt and annoyance, who after introducing himself began to speak with an air of grandeur and decree things about her, which annoyed him, but the fat boy crossed the line.

"I am of the highest line of royalty and you a commoner, daughter of that icy monster, our houses will unite and we will have greater fame than your savage father or your mongrel mothers could command."

When the fat man insulted her father and her family, something clicked inside the girl's mind and a flaming pink aura formed in her hands.

Kurogane Natsuki at the age of 5 years and 7 months awakened his Quirk "Violence Sleep Aura" or as it would be called by his father "The Fist of Love".

The girl with black hair and silver and red snake eyes clenched her small fist covered in the pink aura and punched the chubby boy in the face with all her might, sending him flying a few inches before jumping on top of him and giving him a buffet of knuckles.

Only after the intervention of the teachers was the girl separated from the round boy who had a swollen face from the blows but even after the beating he was sleeping soundly and even snoring.

--What a face**?

--Natsuki-chan your hands?

--My hands?

The girl looked at her hands on fire and a huge smile formed on her face, raising her flaming fists to the sky, she screamed.


--Congratulations Natsuki-chan~


The Bird and Cat girls hugged their friend and congratulated her before being dragged to the address.


After the altercation, both families were summoned and the discussion was quick and simple after the "Voluntary" confession of the father of the fat boy who was only a simple majority shareholder of a factory, had incited the pedantic boy to get closer to the hero's daughter. To the annoyance of the hero No. 3 of the Ranking, who simply and after the confession gave the man and his family two options.

--You and the bait ball you call son apologize to my daughter and disappear from my sight Or I send you and your whole family I turn them into ice cubes Capishi?

--Yeah! Mister!

The Yamasuki family left Japan that same day and moved to Australia.


Several years later.

--Dad~ I can patrol by myself~

--Nope~ It's your first patrol~ And I want to be there when you catch your first baddie~

--I've caught bad guys before~

--But now you have License~ These are the numbers that count~!

--Okay dad~

A man dressed in a white military outfit was sitting on an ice throne while next to him a girl with a beautiful and toned body with black hair and silver serpentine eyes with a strange red pupil, was next to him wearing a military uniform similar to his . only instead of white the girl's was red with gold details.

They were the No. 1 Hero IceRuler Ymir and his daughter The Heroine of Love LoveFist.

--Oh~ here comes one~ go get it~

--On order~

The girl jumped off the building with the grace of a butterfly and landed right in front of the villain.

--Where do you think you're going~ Bad Boy~ No one escapes~ TO THE FIST OF LOVE!

The young woman's fist caught fire and with a perfect UpperCut she sent the villain flying, making him do a couple of turns in the air, neatly catching the bag he had stolen and handing it over to the woman who was running after the side.

--Here you go~

--Thank you~ LoveFist-chan~

--No one escapes the Fist of Love~

The girl laughed as she dragged the fast asleep villain to the patrol car that had just arrived.

--Uncle Yamafusa~ here is my first capture~

--Good job little one~

--I'm not small anymore~ I have a license~

--You'll always be the same violent brat to me~ but I admit, your Quirk is perfect for this job~ One Hit and you send them to dreamland for an hour no matter what.

--I know my little girl is great~

--Oh~ Ymir~ you were here?

--And miss the first official capture of the future heroine number 1?

--That explains the camera~

-- Exactly ~ bring the boys to Buta-dancho later I invite ~

--Sounds like a plan~ Guys there's work and Ramen waiting for us! move!

The police roared and began to prepare, they knew the hero Ymir and his modus operandi, when he said Ramen after the patrol it was synonymous with the fact that he would make a festival of captures and arrests so they would be running all night.

--Come on my dear, let's teach these idiots the power of the Love Fist!

Father and daughter rode an ice dragon and cleaned up the area before going to eat next to half a police station.