
Extra I: Ymir Agency's Siesta Time

3 years ago – A few months after the opening of the Agency

Ymir Heroes Agency, also known as "Ymir Agency" is an agency focused on medium and large scale assault operations, as well as patrolling and support for all kinds of cases. Founded by the Acclaimed and Infamous Hero No. 3 of the National Ranking, as well as the youngest of all, Kurogane Yuuji IceRuler -Ymir-, the strongest Ice user of all history.

"Sempai...we're really going to interview Ymir..."

--Stop trembling Wakagashi-kun, the scoop is here Deika's hero~ Aren't you curious about what Japan's youngest professional hero is like?

"Not really senpai..."


Two reporters, one happy and the other fearful, entered the office building protected by their press badges.

Taking the private elevator up, within minutes they were at the infamous Ymir hero agency.

When the doors opened, they were greeted by a beautiful space in pastel colors and adorned with some strangely shaped ice sculptures and figures on the sides of a large cedar door, all of which were creations of the same hero he had come to interview.

--Look at these works of art Wakagashi-kun, a dragon, a phoenix, a black turtle, and a tiger, the four cardinal beasts, a beautiful and exquisite fengshui, also an exquisite and sensual venus, this boy really knows what he's doing ... What are you waiting for, take the photos?!


The trembling cameraman proceeded to follow orders and photographed all the sculptures, until all that remained was to cross the cedar door and enter the agency.

"Come on Wakagashi-kun~"

The fearless reporter flung open the door and strode in followed by the fearful photographer.

Inside the agency there were only three people, two secretaries and Ymir himself who was lying on a sofa made of ice, while the two secretaries seemed to be resting at their desks.

One of the secretaries left her break and addressed the journalists.

--Good afternoon and welcome to the Ymir Agency... as you can see Ymir-sama... he's on his nap time... and...

Before the secretary could continue, one of the other secretary's hairs reached out and grabbed a paper fan and smacked the infamous hero's face with it.


"Wake up Ymir-sama."

--Who the hell? Oh! Namika and... Press?... What's on offer?

The hero who had just gotten up greeted his assistant with a smile that turned into an annoyed grimace when he saw the journalists.

--We came for an interview Hero IceRuler Ymir.

--Is it on the list?

The hero asked the assistant.

--It was a last minute request, the order just arrived...

--Cheap tricks~ but hey... Ask your questions~

Said the young hero without flinching as the other girl handed him a cup of coffee. The reporter smiled and jumped out with recorder in hand followed by his photographer.

--How did you get this agency?

--Confidential information~ and ask the minister~

"Are the rumors of your battle in Deika true?"

--Which of all the rumors?

--You killed the villain known as Gigantomachia, along with various members of the so-called league of villains and the paranormal liberation army? All alone ?! Do you want the public to buy that story Ymir?! Even if you were AllMight, is it impossible to devastate a city without survivors?

The reporter threw three curveballs in one shot to which the black-haired young hero only smiled before releasing a horrible pressure from his body, soon the reporter turned pale and saw that both his cameraman and one of the secretaries had fallen to their knees.

--I'm not All Might, sir... nor do I expect to be... I just know that while I was training I came across an obscene amount of villains fighting each other, it was a fierce fight and when I realized that there were no civilians among them , simply attack with all my strength, as they teach us in the UA "PLUS ULTRA" freeze everything and everyone taking my Quirk beyond what I thought possible and defeat the giant after a great destruction... if you want to brand me Homicide, I'm sorry but I don't see the problem in eradicating cancer from our society, by the way...

The young black-haired man extended his hand and soon an ice coffin formed around the cameraman and another around the reporter.

--I never accepted this interview so please~ Get out of my agency, vultures, Namika~!

The long hair of the secretary, named Namika, reached out and took all the objects of the two men, pencils, quadroons, cameras, recorders, microphones, hidden devices, signal interceptors, everything, which were destroyed by the black-haired man after decomposing them into plain frost.

--Whoa~ look what we have here~ Who sent them?

"You don't think I'm really going to talk brat..."

--Oh~ a rude guy... Namika~ bring the tools from the fifth drawer~!

The secretary nodded and searched the fifth drawer of her boss's desk and soon returned with a jar full of some kind of insect.

--These little friends are bullet ants~ each sting hurts like a bullet and their venom is really strong, so tell me or this will go into your pants and your friend's pants~


--I see it's All For One... Namika... call the Old Minister and then Yamafusa... I want the dirty laundry of any channel or media outlet that has contacts with this pair... Now, last chance, speak nicely or bullets will rain down.

Said the young man opening the jar.

--I will never betray my teacher.

--We will never speak Hero.

--Couple of idiots .... well good luck my little friends.

Without further ado, the young man, true to his word, emptied the bottle of bullet ants into the pants of the two men and sealed the coffins so as not to hear their screams.

--Ymir-sama...I really will leave them there.

--No, later we will launch it into the bay.

The black-haired said to his second secretary while the main one was in charge of the calls ordered by the black-haired.

--I understand, I'll prepare the boat...

--Don't bother I'll drop it from the air~ remember we have air transportation.

The young man joked as he lay back on his sofa.

Nap time is sacred.


A few days later several minor media outlets and some newspapers and tabloids were canceled and their owners and members disappeared and others were arrested, all thanks to the cooperation between the police force and the new hero agency headed by the infamous Hero Ymir.