
A second chance in Boku No Hero Academia

Our MC is accidentally killed by God and he is reincarnated in Boku no Hero Academia, let's see how things turn out for our MC.... English is not my native language...criticism is appreciated

Luixto_Miroku · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 74 Tartaro Party Part 6


I cursed as I hit the uncontrolled Midoriya for the millionth time, I don't know what the hell Cannon-chan is thinking by hitting all the buttons with his face but it's really working, these infinity of crazy combos that Midoriya is launching are ten times more annoying than the old man's All For One, even with my future vision it is very difficult to avoid them.


I kicked the green bastard right in the balls sending him flying and he just yelled incoherently and spat out a reddish black sphere of energy.

--Great~ Now he thinks he's a Bijuu~

I received the imitation of Bijuudama with a giant ice wall, upon contact a horrible explosion ripped through the island, destroying and flattening everything.


A small mushroom cloud was visible in the distance bringing panic to nearby towns.


A few minutes before.

Outskirts of Tartaro – Frozen Sea Zone – Press Helicopter Wreckage.

-- We continue the transmission!

The reporter who was among the rubble and remains of the helicopter, spoke to the camera ignoring the wound on his forehead or the twisted piece of metal stuck in his shoulder, he decided to continue reporting the news even if he died in it, this battle is the battle of the century, the battle that would close and open a new era.

--I will summarize the Events! ALL FOR ONE HAS DEAD!

The reporter shouted with a serious face and broke the first big news. In their homes many people celebrated and a few others frowned, the reporter continued.

--However, I have learned of a terrible event... the hero No. 2 Hawks has died in the fight, the heroes No. 3 and No. 5 did as the No. 1 Endeavor and the previous Symbol of Peace All Might have wounded to varying degrees and have withdrawn from the battle...

Again the reporter stopped and took a deep breath as sweat broke out on his forehead as blood trickled from his mouth.

--Unfortunately the bad news still continues, on his deathbed All For One has possessed and converted one of the unidentified volunteers into some kind of monster, currently the battle continues... his only opponent being the Great Ruler of the Ice, the Hero ICERULER YMIR!!!

The reporter moved the camera weakly and focused on the distant but still close battle.

A human figure covered in purplish-black ice and another green with rainbow luminescence clashed endlessly, bringing endless explosions and impacts with them.

--Dear viewers, from the outskirts of Tartarus says goodbye to you... Yamato Yamada.

The reporter dropped the camera after those words and the transmission cut off again.

A few seconds later, a huge explosion shook all areas near Tartarus and a mushroom cloud brought fear to the entire population.


--Gaha...okay~ this is going to hurt tomorrow~

I looked with a crooked smile at the retracted piece of steel nailed to my chest a little more to the left and they would have pierced my heart, but hey, we have to continue~



I took out the piece of metal along with a piece of my lungs, enduring the slight hypoxia and hemorrhage, I threw the metal towards the bestialized Midoriya, and I say bestialized since although they continue to combust, he is now on all fours while the strands of rainbow-colored energy and black sprout from his body like a fucking Jinchuriki...

--When the hell did Horikoshi crossover with Kishimoto?

I cursed and dodged a tail swipe.

--*Unintelligible grunts* SAVE! *more grunts* HERO! *roars* ME!

--Yes, yes, whatever you say~ champion~

I dodge, his energy claws and tail strikes seem like his mind went on vacation and now he is less than an animal, luckily this makes him much more predictable to my eyes.



I raised another wall of ice and stopped another bijuudama, this time without flying away, but the island formerly known as Tartarus began to collapse, several heroes who failed to escape the first explosion ended up signing their death certificates with the second, All Might managed to escape but is now floating attached to a piece of ice in the sea as he bleeds out. If I possibly die like a dog, it's not my problem~ but, I'm tired of all this.

The enemy is not being friendly to the environment, well...


I screamed into the air as I pointed my middle finger at the sky, raising my power beyond the limit, manifesting the very corny definition of PLUS ULTRA.


I placed everything and even more in my fist and transporting myself to Midoriya's back I hit the back of his skull burying it in the ground before mercilessly releasing the energy.


--Die along with everything on this island!


A new nuclear mushroom rose on the island, only this time it was accompanied by a great wave of glacial cold as well as snowfall dispersing throughout the country and surrounding countries.


--This is really going to hurt tomorrow~

I laughed as I saw my partially shattered arm, I had hit Midoriya with everything I had in a literal metaphorical sense, the price, well my right arm is frozen and falling apart right now, it will take months to get it back, other than that, too Is there the possible environmental damage for the next 100 to 200 years due to the super family sized glacier that resulted from my attack? It's practically a disgustingly big mountain, I don't know and I don't care but I'm sure it should be visible from space, possibly matte to a large amount of marine fauna and damage the ecosystem beyond salvation, goodbye to my Green Peace medal and my Ecology nobleman, I really wanted one of those medals born from Old TNT blood money.


--Or for the love of Yu Ilhan~ YOU CAN'T JUST DIE MIDORIYA!

I cursed as I watched as the giant glacier broke in half and a human beast emerged from the rubble. I just damaged the world ecosystem for the next two centuries and your green bitch parodied from naruto won't die, I demand a Lawyer, No, I have something better...


I shouted to the sky and I only found a cloud with the shape of "XD" and a middle finger, actually… only a light snow started to fall on us… I expected it.

--Okay~ I'll have to do it the old fashioned way~

I clenched my semi-shattered fist and gritted my teeth.


--Well~ say goodbye to spring and summer~ JOTHUM!

I kicked Midoriya hard, freezing and shattering his lower body, on a molecular level freezing all of existence in that direction for several kilometers.


I plunged both my arms into Midoriya's chest ignoring the tails of rainbow energy stabbing into my body and ripped his body open in half, separating his head from the broken remains of his torso and my right arm, as well as tearing apart the surrounding area.

Combing my left hand into an iron claw, I stuck my fingers into his eyes piercing them, even though he was only a head the golden light kept attacking me and trying to heal him, but not anymore.


I tightened my grip and pulled out Midoriya's frozen skull together with my left hand, after a few seconds, the snow continued to fall and there was no more trace of the rainbow light, either I had won...or Cannon-chan had knocked herself out after hitting my head against the keyboard for more than thirty minutes.

--This is really going to hurt tomorrow~

I impregnated one arm and one hand with ice before plunging into the harder falling snow.

--Possibly most of the world hates me now~ I just shit on the global ecosystem for the next three hundred years~ Will the Ethiopians be happy though? They will have snow now~

I laughed while circulating the energy of the Avalon, my body felt incredibly heavy, it didn't hurt, my sense of pain as well as many other terminals are out of order since the 39th round with All For One, hell it was really difficult.


While resting, an angry female voice was heard near here. Rising slowly I could see a pretty girl with blonde brown hair, smooth white skin, golden eyes, dressed in what I can only call orange hamster pajamas running towards me with a murderous fury.

Every fiber of my being was paralyzed, my body turned to lead as soon as our eyes met. One word is on my mind "Shit"

--Hello~ Cannon-chan~

--No "Hello~"! Homicidal bastard!

--Hahahahaha~ I never thought you would have these images~ I was expecting something more~ cheap fanservice type~

-- Did you just call me Cheap ?! Hedonistic Dog! If you want cheap fanservice, go with DxD that chick can't do anything without showing her boobs~ Hmm~

Cannon-chan growled while pouting, she kicked me but I didn't feel the slightest pain and couldn't really move.

--Argt! Damn Restrictions!

--Oh~ I see~ You can't attack mortals but I can't attack you either~

--How did you know?

--I've been trying to impale you alive ever since I saw you~

I smiled and received a painless parry to the face. By the way, Cannon-chan's face turned blue as soon as she heard my impalement plans.

-- Do you even know what you did?!

He growled without stopping kicking me, I returned to rest in the snow.

--Aside from killing your world history and damaging the ecosystem to biblical levels, I don't know what else I did~ at least today~?

I responded with a smirk, which earned me another foot in my face.

--You killed Izuku, Bakugo, Hakws, the League of Villains, the Paranormal Liberation Army, an entire city, you created the wretched 4.5 floor of Impel Down, I did NOT want to have an Ivankock Emporium in my world! you created! Not only that, you discovered the spy ahead of time, you seduced Hagakure, Kyoka, Asui and Uraraka, you prevented that pretentious dead-eyed Sir. NightEye died You destroyed the Entire My Story!

The painless kicks and punches continued to fall all over my body.

--Moment! When, where and how the hell did I seduce Tsuyu and Officer Jiro?

--They secretly love you! Damn Gigolo! You not only ruined my main plan, but you ruined my backup plans, Uraraka Ochako's Reverse Harem, the Yuri ending, the Yaoi, the trio, the happy four, you even ruined the Star Wars ending where the real villain is "The Izuku Father".

Cannon-chan continued beating and cursing me for the next six hours, to my surprise no souls appeared in all that time, well the aftermath of the fight must have been quite large, at least one or two buildings must have collapsed from the shock waves, good for That's where the heroes and the firefighters are.