
Chapter 49 It's possible~

Shoto and I requested an exit permit to visit his mother in the psychiatric hospital over the weekend, curiously everything went very well, his mother and now technically my mother-in-law was quite open and understanding with my pseudo-relationship with Fuyumi although she made me promise several times that he would make her happy and that he would help Shoto with his problems, the tired and kind Mother of the Todoroki Family is really a saint, which is logical if we see the Angel that she has as a daughter, damn now I want to hit the Old Man for having spoiled to such a beauty of a Milf, fuck that guy must be blind or secretly "Love" All Might.

For the love of Yu Ilhan-Kami-sama, if it weren't for the fact that the lady still loves Endeavor's bastard I would have run out of the hospital to kill him myself, forget about Higt End Nomu, I will wipe out Hokaido with him.

Unfortunately it won't be able to, I still have a tracker attached to my ankle, the director's darling rodent-bear-dog is monitoring and watching me slightly. Apparently those from "Above" are pulling some strings to get me out of school and graduate early, in short they want a new weapon, it seems that the Feathered Troll (Hawks) is no longer enough for them to be their errand boy.

Anyway, the cultural festival just ended and the classes are getting quite tiring for me, after having that philosophical talk with Nezu-sensei, in short, I'm bored or I'm going crazy, in any case… First~

--I want to stop time~!

--What do you mean Yuuujii-kun~

The cute Mei looked at me from behind her welding mask, I am currently skipping classes to accompany this cute and careless girl at the request of Power Loader-sensei, apparently while she is here or at least visit her once a day through explosions. daily falls substantially, which is good for the school budget...it's not free to rebuild this fucking workshop every other day.

Being able to touch all of Mei's soft and elastic anatomy is just an added benefit, my intentions are completely pure and harmless.

Who the hell am I trying to fool? I enjoy being with Mei and taking liberties with her smooth skin, the smell of motor oil linked to her sweat is addictive and her satisfied smile when she finishes an experiment is a true work of art, which brings me happiness and peace of mind.

--Nothing, I just wonder if it's possible to "Freeze" the concept of Space-Time~

--...sounds complicated Yuuji-kun~

--Complicated but I think it's possible~

--Freeze space-time? Sounds interesting! Let me know when you achieve it I should be able to collect very interesting data for our Babys~

Mei grinned before re-welding the chest plate of a twelve-foot mecha.


I left the Workshop while looking at Mei's cheerful back, to go to the office of the dear and adorable director.


--Nezu-sensei, I request an extended leave of absence.

--What do you need it for Kurogane-kun?

--I want to train and I'm almost sure I could end up destroying the school if I'm not careful.

I wish I could give you that permission but...

--The old men upstairs are getting annoying, aren't they?

--Yes... they are a little anxious.

Nezu-sensei took a sip of his tea with his little paws, before looking at me with his black eyes and speaking in a dark tone.

"What are you actually planning to do Kurogane-kun?"

--Train to the maximum, I know that something very bad is going to happen soon and I have a slight idea of where the spark that will unleash all hell will be... I'll just train and if by chance I find that "Spark"~

I raised my thumb and made a common sign by running it around my neck with a cruel smile.

--I'll put out the fire before it starts, the old men upstairs must be pissing their pants while they think of super elaborate schemes to put out that fire when simple answers are the best...

I spoke openly in front of the director since he already knew my other identity.

--Yeah, that Night Skull Watchman video is playing lately... Kurogane-kun... How much did you see from the future?

Asked the good director seriously holding his cup tightly.

--If All Might dies in the next six to nine months it's over, say goodbye to the peaceful society, the All For One and his heir are going to unleash true hell, just as I said in the video, the paranormal liberation army They are just an association of clowns with ideas of a "Communist Social Revolution " the worst thing is that they think they are right when they are just an idealistic sect...

Nezu-sensei took another drink of his tea, wrinkling his forehead and nose.

--Sounds like I'll open a big battle before the end of the year...

--I don't know... I'm not sure where the battle will be, I just know that if we don't kill All For One or his Heir, they will be a real headache, All Might's successor is too green, he lacks the necessary toughness for work, he may be a good model for the masses and for propaganda but I doubt he could get his hands dirty for the government or society... he has too many ideals.

--Ideals are necessary Kurogane-kun...

The principal said as he looked out the window, the view of the campus in the distance.

--Unfortunately ideals do not pay the bills.

I answered and let out a tired sigh.

--I'll see what I can do... but you should move up the classes a bit... you don't want to be left behind, right?

"Understood, Nezu-sensei.

Nodding and leaving everything in the hands of the wonderful and psychotic animal, I left the office and walked towards the woods.


Somewhere in the forest inside the campus.

A young black-haired man lay sitting in the lotus position with his eyes closed, on a stone covered in frost, not only the stone but everything ten meters around him was being frozen by the horrific sub-zero temperatures.

A dark blue aura shone over the body of the young man, whose face was fixed in a serious and annoyed countenance, giving him an intimidating and fierce air like a king of a winter nation, the trees around him had been turned into ice sculptures from their roots. to the tips of its leaves, nothing could live in that little frozen kingdom.

--Damn it... I can't do it...

The young man opened his eyes that shone with a silver-blue light, getting up from his meditation with annoyance, freeing the surrounding area from the cold as a result some trees simply broke into pieces and fell to the ground with a creaking and dry sound.

--This is why I have to leave this place... maybe I should go to Mt. Fuji-san~ volcanic lava should be hard to freeze I think~?

The young man stretched out his body and walked across the frozen grass breaking it under his feet.


Bedroom 1-A. Common room.

--Kurogane-kun, you skipped all classes today.

--Stop fucking around, Mr.Square, I'm not in the mood for your lectures.

Lying on my beloved sofa, I received my classmates with a half smile.

--Kurogane-kun, as a class representative I cannot overlook your faults.

--Go talk to Princess Boom and Shoto still have to finish their classes for the license. I'm going to sleep~

I ignored the annoying Mr.Square and took out a mask and lay back on the sofa.

--Yuuji-kun it's not good to miss school.

--Kuro-kyon you shouldn't miss.

--I'll be skipping school and no one can help it~ Muhahahahahaha~

I laughed like a third-rate super villain at Ochako and Tsuyu's words, these two girls are the only ones who will approach me fearlessly even though I have to be careful with my temperature control when the cute frog girl is around, I don't want to send her off. to Hibernate accidentally.

--Don't laugh like that, Yuuji-kun.

Ochako hit my head with a soft karate chop. I just smiled and ignored the girl.

--Don't sleep Yuuji-kun~*

Toru's cheerful voice reached my ears and I couldn't help but get up and prepare to escape.


Not being able to see his expression is a real headache, I can see the outline of his body and some of his features but hell I can't see his expression.

--You shouldn't miss school, Yuuji-kun~*…

Toru walked over to me and gave me a light hug before whispering in my ear.

--I won't give up Yuuji-kun~*


I could only let out a giggle while our other classmates looked at us with doubt, curiosity, jealousy and some of the girls were blushing.

To my surprise and annoyance, the two points of female jealousy that I found were the "Official" Jiiro Kyoka and Ochako-chan, as for male jealousy and envy, there is a block of ice with a modicum of 200 kilos crushing a certain Talking Grape, while Electric Blond and Tape Dispenser are busy saving the Grape, but seriously… What the hell does Ochako-chan want from me? The "Seaweed Hair" and the strange relationship you have with the "Princess Boom" are not enough for you. Do you want a Reverse Harem? I'm sorry but I don't like to share.

Using my utter lack of shame or shame, I left the common room and returned to my room but not before winking at Kyoka and patting Toru on the head.



am i cheeky Of course! A son of a bitch? Of course~! Will I get Fuyumi and/or Mei pregnant? Maybe, maybe, maybe? It's possible!

If our lovely principal lets me off campus I'm going to unleash hell myself, to hell with the Cannon, to hell with the "Counter Force" and their EMIYAS, I'm going to hunt down those bastards and give them a free trip to the bay from Tokyo.