
Chapter 40 Raid Part 2

After knocking out a couple more yakuza mobs we had a clear path to rescue Eri or so we hoped.


The entire structure of the underground complex began to convulse and squirm like a jelly, soon the straight path became something off the screen of a laparoscopic exam.

--I'll go ahead Sir!

Lemillon as a good intangible man discarded his helmet and ran through the walls, Sir. NightEye just nodded as we all struggled to keep our balance.

I ignored most of Rock Lock's complaints of ridicule as I further compressed the ice into my gauntlets and activated the Perception Haiki's Spam mode, limiting the range of perception to only a few meters in diameter I soon saw several flashes of the future.

--Prepare to fall!

-- What ?!

Before anyone could say more, the ground at our feet opened up letting us fall into the void but thanks to my warning everyone looked for a way to fall correctly and mitigate the damage, for my part, I had already jumped against a surprised trio of Yakuzas .

A muscular bald man, a skinny blond and one with a bag on his head, according to the little I remember and marked in my notes these three fought against our Emo-depressed Amajiki-senpai aka SunEater and almost killed him with a combo of Crystallization Quirks , Robbery and Hunger respectively, but the most annoying is the Blonde for it...


--Good night~!

I delivered a special knuckle sandwich right to his nose by breaking it and freezing the skin over his eyes knocking him out and blinding him for safety.


The bald man roared as soon as he saw his partner fall unconscious, too bad he's a bit slow... Or am I faster? I know I shouldn't get into a youthful Shounen battle that would make SunEater-senpai overcome his fears but who the fuck cares about the shitty Shounen plot, there are people in danger of fucking death here.

--Fuck you~!

I dodged his big crystal-covered telegraphed fist and charged at the guy with the bag over his head.


Planting a strong blow full of cold in the stomach of the hungry, the back wall, the term adorned by a cute human figure, hit him with enough force that he did not wake up for three days in addition to freezing him just enough to slow down his metabolism. and ensure a relatively safe "Coma" state. I'd like to just kill them but I'm a hero~

--Motherfucker! I'll kill you!

The bald man charged angrily as a large fist covered in crystal spikes approached my face, I just smiled as I could see the end.

A flash of red light shimmered in the Eraeser Head's pupils and the crystalline bald man lost his arms and strength, applying a simple Judo move to grab and throw his arm over my shoulder and spinning up the opponent into a perfect throw.


Destroying the floor, the muscles only managed to spit out a mouthful of blood along with the air from his lungs shortly before I kicked his head with my foot, sending him to dreamland.

--Thanks for the help Eraeser-sensei~!

--Looks like you've mastered the eye trick?

--Yep~ It only works at close range though~

Eraeser Head only tiredly closed his eyes before shaking his head in denial and yelling.

--Rent secure those villains the rest of us move on.


Leaving behind a group of policemen and some heroes, the rest of us continue following the path that is still changing.


--This reminds me of playgrounds~

--This is not the time to joke Ymir.

--Though you're not denying it sensei~

I teased Eraeser-sensei a bit while Kirishima and Deku were breaking the moving walls that were blocking the way or trying to crush us, I could help him but I'm too lazy to do it.

--Stay focused...Kurogane.

--Yep~ sensei~ by the way be careful with Rock Lock-Osan~

I ran to the front and joined the wrecking crew.




We broke the umpteenth wall and continued running.


Fatgun's shout alerted us as a horizontal stone pillar sought to crush Eraeser-sensei, Fatgun jumped in front of sensei knocking him out of the way of the pillar, the stocky hero ended up being thrown through a duct in the wall.


--Eraeser we have to continue.


--Oi, Midoriya-kun and Kirishima?


--I think I jump together with Fatgun…they should be fine~

I calmed down a bewildered Deku and soon we were on our way. The fucking canon keeps going... if this keeps up, the league of villains should make an appearance soon.

--I'm going to the front sensei~!


Covering my arms in shoulder-high ice and forming a pair of horns on my forehead, I released part of the Avalon's limiters.

--Winter of Avalon…

Loading a truck with no brakes I froze all the way in front of us, looking for the rat hiding in the walls, you get out or you die bastard.

--Thorne of Helheim!

The shaky path solidified in an instant and the slight breath she felt through the haiki grew smaller as she walked away.

--Come on!

Sir NightEye brought everyone back to reality and the race resumed, as he spread Ice Hell throughout the underground path.



--Relax, the serum is ready, as long as we have this everything will be fine.

--It seems that Irinaka became serious.

--It's normal... but it's time for the "Temporary Team" to come on stage.



Two voices nodded to Overhoul's words and left him alone with his subordinate and Eri.


--Ymir wait!!!

--What's wrong sensei~?

--Can you feel the guy on the walls?

--Yep~ I'm hunting that son of a bitch~

--Language, Ymir, Language...

--It is what it is sensei~ but the rat is very elusive There!

Throw an icicle against one of the walls.


--He escaped?


--Whatever, let's continue.


To our surprise, the seemingly endless corridor turned into a wide, clear dome with no way out.

-- Where ?!


--Find a way out!


I yelled and dragged a stunned Midoriya and Eraeser-sensei out of range of the rising walls.


A scream came from the other side of the wall in no less than a few seconds.


--Still side sensei.

Midoriya, true to his Impulsive Hero attribute, kicked the wall, breaking it into a thousand pieces, revealing a fallen and injured Rock Lock along with another Rock Lock.

--Eraeser attacked me with a double.

Rock Lock excused himself while having a look of fear on his face, I ignored the injured Rock Lock on the ground and kicked the face of the speaking Rock Lock.



--You're not fooling me Toga-chan~ Do you want another little kiss~?

I made fun of "Rock Lock" who melted into a gray sludge revealing a curvaceous young woman with feline golden eyes and a devilish smile, she is a very cute girl.

--Toga Himiko!

--So the league of villains is involved in this~

Midoriya and Eraeser gave their pleas I for one enjoyed the view for free, rush to save Eri-chan, let's leave that to Tintin, here I have my own waiffu to raise.

--Ymir-sama~* Deku-kun~*

Himiko Toga's giggly bloodthirsty laugh was both cute and scary, if we ignore the fact that she's crazy she has a knife and isn't afraid to use it, it would be a good show, too bad Eraeser is an old man married to work and Midoriya only has interest up Bakugo's butt or pipe…it seems I'm the only one enjoying the joyous sight.

--How did you find out about me Ymir-sama~?

Toga jumped immediately looking for a clean stab. I made a sign for Eraeser not to interfere, I remember that in canon Eraeser ended up eating a good stab in the shoulder.

--Simple love~ the power of love~

Laughing I took the stab head on, clenching my abdominal muscles, I proceeded to trap Toga-chan in a big bear hug.

--Sensei~ I'll take care of it~ Deku breaks the wall at your 10 o'clock.

--Come on, Midoriya.

--Yes, sensei.

Eraeser only sighed and stood up as he urged the stunned Midoriya forward.


The two guys left the room leaving the two of us alone.

--We're finally alone honey~

--You are bad Ymir-sama~

I laughed as a line of blood dripped from my lips, Toga-chan is a cute girl who is highly talented in Tanto-Jutsu or Art of Daggers and has been stabbing me non-stop ever since we hugged. Oh man, how I want to take her to a dark room and give this Yandere Sadomasochistic a good dose. I'm technically immortal sexy bicht~ your cute little fangs don't scare me.

--And your very cute Toga-chan~

Holding her to my body with my right arm, my left hand shamelessly proceeded to knead her pretty round rear.

Gentle! Elastic! delicious!

Those three words describe the matter that is between my fingers.

--Oh~ Ymir-sama is a bad boy~

One more stab.


I pinched Himiko Toga's tender buttocks with a wolfish grin on my face.

--Here's a cute marshmallow~

--Hmm~! You're not funny Ymir-sama!

Some will wonder why Himiko doesn't escape from my arms with her pseudo-ninja abilities, the answer is simple... She can't beat me in physical strength, normally I hold back but if I get serious I can imitate the dearest Momonga-sama and crack his back to this cute "Clementine".

--Oh~ Wait now the fun starts~

I put up four tall walls of ice separating ourselves from the outside and with one swipe I stole the dagger from her hand before disposing of her.

--Now we are alone~ Toga-chan~

Like a good big bad wolf I jumped on the cute little lamb, it's a pity I can't enjoy this calmly~ Mirio-senpai…You can hold on for a while longer, right? Yes~? I will take the silence of the universe as an affirmation! OK! I'll eat this little lamb without leaving even the bones~