
Chapter 19 The Sports Festival Part 2

--Are you ready for the next stage !!!

Mic-sensei yelled his usual nonsense but no one paid attention to him since there was another person with a greater ability to attract the looks and attention of everyone present.

--Now~ Ladies and Gentlemen~ it's time for the next stage~

The Heroine "+18" Midnight-sensei was seductively modeling on the stage while giving instructions as the host and referee of this Sports Festival.


The second event was the Human Cavalry, with the good Deku taking the reward of 1,000,000 points for his unfortunate existence, in my case I ended up teaming up with some extra support and general, as I am always walking from one place to another I am somewhat known for their areas.

In the end I ended up going through to the finals thanks to everyone being too caught up in chasing down Midoriya, Bakugo and Shoto in the top three to care about me and my little squad of extras.



Before I could react a joyous Uraraka Ochako jumped onto my back.


I could only let out a stupid voice before lowering the energetic brown-eyed girl from my back.

--Looks like you passed?


--Congratulations Ochako-chan.

--Not yet, I still have to win this tournament!

--Good luck with that~

--Even if I have to fight you, I won't give up Yuuji-kun~

--Hahahaha~ that's the spirit.

I left Ochako as the rest of the class came over, I'll be honest I'm still frustrated by the friendzoned insta so let's use this anger to beat up the poor innocent victims~.


--Okay~ I didn't expect this~

--What did you not expect Kurogane?

--Having to fight someone of my own kind first.

In front of me is one of my classmates, it seems that the butterfly effect has finally arrived, Kirishima Eijiro is standing in front of me even though his metal copy is still on the stands.

--Let's leave that for later and see who is a real Man!

--Okay~ Midnight-sensei please!

I greeted our sexy judge and referee who nodded and yelled in her unnecessarily suggestive voice.


With the lowering of the whip of the dubious teacher in a dominatrix outfit.

--Here I go Kuroganeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

The redhead charged at me like I was a bull, well technically it has horns, right?

--I'm sorry Kirishima but I'm not in a very good mood~

I received the redhead's charge with my fist wrapped in ice and hit him with all my might.


Poor Kirishima ended up pinned to the back wall of the arena, having knocked the opponent out of the arena I was declared the winner, while Kirishima was sent to the infirmary.


--This has to be a joke?

--What are you saying…


After about five minutes of rest I was called for my second fight and it ended up being against Tetsuo Tetsu aka Kirishima Metálico.

Like the previous Tetsuo charged like a bull, although he would be a Rhinoceros? In either case the result was the same.


Another cute, slightly human-shaped hole was marked in the wall.


Somewhere in the stands.

--Wasn't that boy with the ice claws?

--Yeah... it looks like it's not anthropomorphic but the emission type?

--But he has pretty absurd control of his quirk not counting that strength, he sent two guys with "Hardening" quirks flying in one hit.

--"Harden" doesn't mean more strength or weight, just that they won't break, it's like wearing slash armor but this guy went with blunt damage.

--I see, there seems to be a lot of interesting seedlings this year.

--Of course, if All Might is teaching now, these youngsters will be the pillars for the future.


--Me~ Shoto~

--Yuuji... are you taking it easy?

--Saving strength~ I want to beat some people up~

--You can't kill them...

--I said "grind" them not kill them.

--It is not the same?

We both laughed and proceeded to sit slightly apart from the rest.


--He's here...isn't he?

--If you ask about the flaming megalomaniac, should he be in the boxes?

I responded calmly to my good friend's abrupt question.

--…I see.

--Calm down and don't give that guy the satisfaction, I know you can beat most of the other students and personally I'd rather face you in the final~

I patted a frustrated and contemplative Todoroki Shoto on the shoulder.

--Don't think too much about what old flamebeard wants~ but I'll be honest with you Shoto.

I spoke with a more serious tone attracting Shoto's attention. He nodded urging me to continue.

--You have 3 options right now.

Hold up a finger.

--You can lose in the most pathetic way possible and seek to tarnish Endeavor's name but hurt yourself in the process.

Hold up my other finger.

--You can also fight and win with just your ice to give the bearded old man a message but that would still bring prestige to his name and yours.

Pick up one more.

--And finally the third option, ignore everything else, defeat them all and when they give you the microphone to say a few words to the public as the Champion, you can take advantage and publicly curse Endeavor, you would not only look good with the public but also you would embarrass the old man in front of millions of people~ that should hurt his inflated ego more than a kick in the balls~

Todoroki Shoto looked at me as if I were both a madman and his messiah.

--Yuuji remind me never to be your enemy~ and I think I'll go for the third option, win and tell the world who Endeavor is.

Shoto's heterochromatic eyes burned with a will unexpected for someone normally cold.

--Calm down soldier~ calm down, if you don't make it, I'll promulgate my love for Fuyumi and call Endeavor "Father-in-law" on national TV and pay-per-view~ Maybe I'll give the old man a heart attack?

I smiled widely as I imagined Fuyumi's flushed face and the possible heart attack that could give the old megalomaniac.

--Hahahahaha~ heart attack, he'll have a stroke and stroke if you do that~

Shoto gave a small laugh as he imagined Endeabour's face convulsed as he vomited blood and clutched his chest as he was reduced to a cheap "Father-in-law" joke.

--Okay~ we have a plan Shoto~ For victory and heart attack~

--For victory and heart attack~

We both bumped our fists and smiled at hero number 2's possible heart failure.


The following fights were like saying it, monotonous, boring, lacking in emotion, perhaps because I already knew the results of the main matches, my attitude towards the event was somewhat cold, Seaweed Hair alias Mirodiya Izuku had his canon match with whom I Apparently he is the most dangerous person in the world "Shinso", this guy literally hypnotizes you if you speak to him, the simple fact of saying good morning to this possible illegitimate son of Eraeser Head already lost the fight, unfortunately the armor of the plot it is an omnipotent object.

--This is a fiasco~

--What are you talking about?

--What do I mean? Listen Shoto, that purple haired guy can steal your mind with one word, say good morning and you'll be a brainless zombie for half an hour or more~ just no~ and to top it all off you're his puppet …


The expressionless face shot Shoto had a small nervous tic, giving a frown as he looked at the young man with dark circles and purple hair.

--Yep~ if you fight him don't talk just hit.

--But how did Midoriya get out?

--While it's a cheat Quirk, it has its flaws... it's not very useful against mentally unstable people like a patient with Bipolar disorder or multiple personalities, it also doesn't work on people with a Titanium Alloy Tungsten willpower... and in the In the case of Pelo de Alga, that guy was only lucky to break a finger before it was all over and the pain brought him out of his trance.

--I see... so it was just luck?

--100% luck, this fight was fixed, pure story.

Shoto and I continued to watch the fights, including that of Uraraka Ochako and Natsuki Bakugo, I remembered part of the fight from the anime but seeing it in person is totally different, Bakugo can be a coal, wretch and son of his Zukulenta mother but he is not someone dishonest, this Ochako is a couple of times stronger than her original thanks to my martial arts, although the fight was much more closed the end was the same.

Bakugo repelled the debris with an explosion while Ochako collapsed from exhaustion and dizziness, yet everyone in the stadium watched in amazement, admiration, and fear at the young girl's fierceness and almost lunatic determination.

--Good job Ochako-chan~

I muttered as I left the stands and headed towards the infirmary, although Recovery Girl-sensei can heal her at the expense of her own metabolism and in the long run shortens people's lifespans but the Avalon doesn't have that problem.

--Where are you going, Yuuji?

--I'm going to heal Ochako~ I'm sorry but I think I won't be able to see your fight~ win and let's see each other in the final~


We both bumped our fists and parted ways, Midnight-sensei apologizing for the short break as the platform was smashed from the fight.