
A Second Chance in Another World

The death of a love one is heart-rending. Joy and love are taken for granted. One music, one piece, the world shall know pain! Read and follow a man’s journey to overcome depression, despair and distress.

RealityProvider · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Outcast of Agrave

"Could you please tell me what your Style is Roan?" Flores was a Styles Fanatic, she will always be intrigued and be curious about the people's Styles.

"But first, how do you get rid of this blue holographic panel moving wherever my eyes look at?" He couldn't really see much around him especially the centre of his vision. His peripheral vision can still see the reality normally though.

"Just before, you said the word status and that was the keyword to opening and closing the screen blocking your vision"

"Oh… I see… okay then, status" The blue neon coloured hologram disappeared in an instant.

"It said my Styles were Music and Poison which I don't know if it is a good thing" Roan looked at Flores' expression to see anything changing. But who would of thought that her expression would be so, enthusiastic.

"Wow! You are a Dual Stylist! That's so rare…" She then looked at Roan with sparkling eyes.


Both Flores and Roan were now looking at his abdomen area.

"Pft…" Flores was looking at Roan pitifully as she held up her left hand to cover her lips from laughing.

"I guess it's time to head back sweetie~" She then grabbed his hand with her left hand and started happily jogging back towards the shabby hut.

As they make their way through the front entrance. Flores gestured her hands to Roan towards a seat.

"Would you care to have a seat please while I cook?" She then went to grab a pink apron next to the kitchen at the back that's been carried by a nail hammered to a wall. She begins tying the apron then tying her long hair back with a black hair band from her back pocket.


In the middle of the cooking process…

"I would like to know where we are at right now Flores if you don't mind me asking?"

Roan was sitting in his wooden chair, cross legged, head down, holding up a random newspaper he found laying around the floor in search for information about this foreign place.

"We are currently at Agrave's Forest of the Outcasts…. Tu~tu~tu" She was whistling and dancing during the entire cooking process of her favourite Red Rabbit Chops.

"Agrave's Forest of the Outcasts… so does that mean you are an outcast? But why is such a nice lady like you here in the first place? And judging that you made the strenuous water system and hut altogether by yourself shows that lived here for quite a while… It seems that you are quite lonely this whole time…"

Suddenly Flores' legs were shaking and it couldn't help but make her fall onto the floor.

Flores head was down, tears trickling down like a great outburst of a waterfall, her trembling hands trying to cover her face, she uses her fingers to slowly wipe her tears which seemed so unnatural of her. It's been a long time since she had cried.

"I- was alone for several years… huppp.. I never seen… anyone… besides myself… around this place up until now…"

A man walks up to a damsel in distress. Roan's right hand was caressing her head while his left hand embracing her to comfort a sad soul. It was fortunate that he appeared in her life. He couldn't imagine what type of lifestyle she had been through for several years in comparison to his measly one year of pain.

He recalled his first encounter with her, he thought she was a little off when she started stroking his shoulders down to his waist and said that he would be hers and no one could steal him from her. It all made sense now.

But then a shadowy figure shocked his mind out of nowhere and there was an image of that person being taken away by a group of 5 other big shadowy figures.

'What was that all about?' He thought.

But he couldn't worry about that right now.

Suddenly, a woman was being lifted with a princess carry towards the back right of the hut, the bed. The man gently places her down and told her quietly.

"I will do the rest of the cooking" He started to roll up his sleeves readying himself.

"But do you know how to cook?"

"What makes you think I can't cook? I- have cooked for someone before"

Suddenly, sharp dagger like eyes staring at the back of a man who was walking towards the kitchen felt his back being a little cold.


It was night and the two enjoyed their meal talking about interesting topics. The not so happy and sad lady became a lot more joyful as she begins to note down information about what the man liked or disliked in her head. On the other hand, the man was noting down in his head about the information of this world. He slowly understood concepts of this world and why she became an outcast due to one wrong mistake within her academy.

"I guess it's time to head to bed don't you think" The man then sipped a jug of tea.

The woman felt the words coming of his mouth was a little bit, rushed, she blushed like a peach.

She held up her right hand to shift her head to the left and covered her face saying.

"Where~would you be sleeping" She smiled.

"Im planning on sleeping on the ground leaning against these walls…" Then suddenly his face was covered in tea and a bit touched his clothes.

The man couldn't understand why the lady suddenly spewed out tea on his face after he said he was going to sleep against the walls. It seems strange to him.

Never in the lady's dream would she hear him say such a thing right in front of her.

I guess a dream can become a reality but she didn't want this dream.

The lady was giving eye contact to the man gesturing her head back and forth towards her bed.

The man finally understood what she meant with the look in her eyes. He bit his lips, squinting his eyes just for a split second, in his mind currently was a wave of conflicting emotions. He didn't know what to do.

But then the lady tugged his hands towards the bed, the candles were lit off.

Somewhere within close proximity, a black hooded figure standing on a thick tree branch observing the insides within a hut with their eagle like eyes, grinning their face so badly it made a distortion of the whole facial construction especially the eyes, the eyes squinting diagonally.

"I- found~you…"