
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Urban
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558 Chs

My fault

"*Achoo*" said Natasha as she sneezed for what had to be the hundredth time in a space of less than thirty minutes.

Dom walked into the living room where Natasha was sneezing as Joy in a panic followed after him.

"Mommy, are you okay?" asked Joy in worry as Natasha smiled and she sneezed.

"I… *achoo* am fine my darling" replied Natasha with a smile as Dom handed her a pill and a glass of water as she swallowed the pill and drank the water as she instantly felt better.

"Now, what exactly happened?" asked Dom as he needed to get the story straight, he was so confused, he just saw Joy rush into his office saying something about Natasha sneezing uncontrollably and there were tears in her eyes as he rushed to find out what was going on.

"Mommy and I were in the park, and then I saw this cute puppy and I ran to pet it and mommy ran after him and started to sneeze" said Joy.

"Ahh I see" said Dom as now it made sense, Joy had just said a lot of things that made no sense to him before, but now everything was cleared up.

"I thought that you had grown out of your allergies" said Dom as he looked at Natasha who had stopped sneezing.

"Apparently not" said Natasha with a sniff.

"Mommy, I am so sorry, It is my fault" said Joy with a sad look on her face.

"Don't be my darling, it's not your fault at all, the thing is that I am allergic to cats, dogs, hamsters, their fur irritates me, and I start to sneeze and sniff and all sorts of things" said Natasha.

"I thought that I had grown out of it but apparently I did not" said Natasha with a smile.

"Mommy, am I allergic to them as well?" asked Joy,

"Well no my princess, you don't seem to be, luckily you aren't your daddy isn't allergic" said Natasha with a smile.

"I am sorry mommy" said Joy as she hugged Natasha and Natasha smiled.

"It's fine my princess, it's alright, I am better now, I could have been worse" said Natasha with a smile.

"At least you aren't itching, when you were little, you used to each a lot" said Dom as he laughed, remembering some funny memories.

"Oh ha, ha very funny, the itching was the worst" said Natasha as she looked at Dom and she suddenly started to feel itchy as she scratched her neck and her wrists as they started to turn red.

"You and your big mouth, why did you have to mention itching?" asked Natasha in annoyance as she started to itch.

"Sorry Natasha, I did not mean to cause you to start itching" said Dom with an apologetic smile as Natasha scoffed at him.

"We don't have any anti-inflammatory drugs here, I will go to the pharmacy and get some" said Dom as Natasha just sighed.

"Who owned the stray puppy anyway?" asked Natasha.

"Well I took the puppy over to Neil's house and they couldn't find a collar, it's probably a stray from outside the estate, Neil said he would take it to the vet" replied Dom as Natasha nodded.

"Well let me go and get you some drugs" replied Dom as she stood up and left.

"Mommy should I get you some water?" asked Joy.

"No my darling, I am okay" said Natasha with a smile as Joy nodded and Natasha hoped that her itching would stop soon, she could not take it at all.

The next day.

Natasha woke up feeling the worst she had ever felt in a long time, her eyes were sore, her nose was red and blocked, as well as runny at the same time.

"Mommy are you okay?" asked Joy as she walked into Natasha's room as Natasha was sitting in her bed as she blew her nose.

"I am fine my darling" said Natasha as her voice was muffled, and she just felt so horrible.

"Don't come any closer my darling, I don't want you catching what I have" said Natasha as she blew her nose and Lulu walked into the room.

"Oh Natasha, how are you feeling?" asked Lulu in worry.

"I could be better" said Natasha as Lulu checked her temperature with the back of her hand.

"You just need to rest, you will be better soon" said Lulu as Dom walked into the room.

"It would seem that your allergies triggered you to fall sick" said Dom as Natasha blew her nose, she had a horrible headache so she did not even bother replying as she rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes.

"Come on princess, let's leave your mommy to rest" said Dom as he carried Joy out of the room as Lulu walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Daddy is it my fault that mommy is sick?" asked Joy.

"No, not at all my princess, not at all, your mommy hasn't been sick in a while, her allergies just triggered this, but you don't have to worry, she will be fine, sometimes we need to get sick to our immune system works on fighting off the sickness" said Dom as Joy nodded.

"Daddy, what happened to the puppy?" asked Joy.

"Well it's over at Ethan's house, do you want to go see it?" asked Dom as Joy nodded.

"Alright, we can go together" said Dom as he smiled as his phone suddenly rang and it was an important call.

"That will have to wait princess, I have a very important call" said Dom.

"I can go on my own Daddy, Ethan's house is very close" said Joy.

"Are you sure princess?" asked Dom as Joy nodded, he didn't want her going alone, but then he remembered that when he was her age, he, Michael and the others used to adventure all around the estate, and they were allowed to do so.

"Alright Princess, you can go on your own, I will join you there" said Dom with a smile.

"Thank you Daddy" said Joy with a smile as Dom answered his phone call as Joy ran down the stairs and opened the front door as she walked down the driveway and turned to the right and walked in the direction of Ethan's house as she knocked on the door as Ethan opened the door.

"Let me guess you are here to see the dog dummy?" asked Ethan as Joy nodded.

"Come in" said Ethan.

"Thank you Ethan" said Joy with a smile.

"My dad said that I could keep the dog" said Ethan with a smile that made him feel happy.

"Yayyy" said Joy excitedly as she suddenly remembered something that made her stop walking.

"I can't go see the puppy, my mommy is allergic to the fur, and I don't want to get fur on me, I don't want my mommy sneezing again" said Joy as Ethan sighed.

"Wait here" said Ethan as he walked into the kitchen.

"Okay" said Joy as she stood still.

"What are you looking for Ethan?" asked Betty as she looked at him.

"Don't worry Betty, I found it already" said Ethan as he walked out of the kitchen after grabbing some oven mitts.

"Come on" said Ethan as Joy followed Ethan outside into the backyard as Ethan stopped her from moving forward and he brought out a big black garbage bad as he unrolled it and opened it and put it over Joy as he tore holes into it so Joy could see and he brought out a pair of scissors from his pocket as he cut holes for her hands and he wore the oven mitts on her hands.

"Why do you have scissors in your pocket Ethan?" asked Joy in confusion.

"Because I am older than you" replied Ethan.

"There, now you can meet my dog" said Ethan as Joy followed after him looking very strange In a black garbage bag with holes in it.

"Hello puppy!!" said Joy excitedly as the puppy barked and ran to Joy and Joy giggled as she pet the cute little puppy who seemed more energetic than yesterday as it barked.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" asked Joy as she looked at Ethan.

"She's a girl, an American Eskimo Dog, she's just 2 years old" said Ethan as he petted his new dog.

"Oooh hello girl, my name is Joy" said Joy with a smile as she introduced herself to the puppy.

"Do you have a name for her already Ethan?" asked Joy with a smile.

"Yes I do her name is Pluto, right girl?" asked Ethan with a smile as Pluto barked in respone.

"Oooh Pluto, like the planet?" asked Joy.

"No dummy of course not, Pluto stopped being a planet in 2007" said Ethan.

"I didn't know that… my mommy said that I was born in 2007" said Joy as Ethan scoffed.

"Don't you know that mickey mouse has a dog names Pluto" said Ethan.

"Oooh yes he does, that Pluto is very cute, and so is this Pluto as well, right Pluto?" asked Joy with a smile as she looked at Pluto who was running after her tail as Ethan laughed.

"My dad bought her some dog food, and she has some medicines to take from the Vet and she also has to get a rabies shot, and other shots as well" said Ethan.

"Oooh okay, are you going to teach her some tricks Ethan?" asked Joy with a smile.

"Well yes, but that will be later, but now, I have to teach her how to go to the bathroom on her own, and my dad and I are building her a doghouse" said Ethan with a smile.

"Oooh that sounds so cool, Ethan, where will the doghouse be?" asked Joy excitedly.

"Right over there, my dad already bought some wood and paints" said Ethan with a smile.

"What about your mommy, doesn't she like the dog?" asked Joy.

"She does, but she says that Pluto is my responsibility and if she poops in the house I will clean it" said Ethan as Joy giggled.

"Ethan can I come to your house to see Pluto?" asked Joy with a smile.

"You may, since you were the one that found her" said Ethan as he rubbed Pluto's belly.

"Thank you Ethan" said Joy with a giggle as Ethan smiled at his new dog, the cute fluffy Pluto.