
Let him go

"Mhmmm that chocolate cake was very delicious" said Lia as she smiled, Dom was driving her home since she had left her car at the office.

"Yes, I am sure that if I did not stop you, you would have eaten the whole thing" said Dom as he laughed and he turned to look at Lia in the passenger seat.

"Oh hush" said Lia as she laughed.

"I needed that after my mom decided the great idea to arrange a date for me" said Lia as she scoffed.

"I really don't know why she is bent on finding someone for me" said Lia as she sighed.

"Oh give your Mom a break, Aunt is very particular with the kind of guys she wants for you" said Dom as he laughed.

"Ughh I know, and I also know that finding me a boyfriend will not end there, she will expect us to get married as soon as possible" said Lia.

"I am only twenty five and yet she wants me to get married" said Lia as she groaned.

"But she is right you know, you do need a boyfriend" said Dom as he laughed.

"No, I don't want one, it will only be a waste of time, I only have eyes for one man" said Lia as she turned to look at Dom.

"And that one man cannot give you what you want" said Dom as he turned to look at Lia for a brief second as the traffic light went green and he drove again.

"But I told him that I am more than willing to wait for him, no matter how long it takes" said Lia.

"And he told you that he cannot make you suffer like that" said Dom as Lia looked at him intently.

"Besides Lia, how many times do I have to tell you" said Dom.

"I do not love you in that way, I only love you as a sister, you are like my sister, and not a woman that I would like to get involved with" said Dom as he could not count the many times he had told Lia this evident fact.

"Oh and for some odd reason Natasha is different??" asked Lia as she raised her voice and she sounded very angry.

"You know what happened to Natasha too" said Dom.

"If I had a choice I would not have married her, I would have only wanted to remain friends, that and nothing more, then maybe we would not have become enemies" said Dom as Lia went very quiet.

"Look Lia, I don't think you love me like that" said Dom.

"We have been friends for a long time, and I can only see you as a sister" said Dom.

"A sister and nothing more hmm??" asked Lia as she looked at Dom.

"Yes Lia, nothing more" said Dom.

"So don't say anything anymore okay" said Dom.

"I don't want the love I have for you to die" said Dom and Lia went quiet.

"Fine..." said Lia.

"I won't say anything anymore... even though it kills me" said Lia as she said that other part to herself and she quickly wiped away a sole tear from her eye so that Dom would not see it.

"Thank you" said Dom as he smiled, he did not want to ruin their friendship at all, he did not want to loose Lia, he had known her for basically his whole life.

"My birthday is coming up, you better have my present" said Lia as she smiled.

"You do know that you are talking about three months time" said Dom as he laughed.

"Of course, which is even less time for you to prepare" said Lia as she smiled.

"Oh you are not serious Lia" said Dom as he laughed and Lia smiled, she was never going to let him go, never.


Dom pulled into the driveway of his house, he switched off his car and he walked into the house.

He was about to climb the stairs to go to his room when her heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Mr. White" called Natasha as she was coming out of the kitchen and she just happened to see Dom.

She had decided that this was the best time to talk to him since he was very busy and she never saw him.

"Mr. White??" called Dom to himself, Natasha was still going on with her nonsense of calling him that.

"What is it Natasha??" asked Dom as he turned back and he walked back down the stairs to meet her, this was the first time her had faced her after what he had heard her say to Joy.

"I need to talk to you, it will be very brief" said Natasha as she did not want to see Dom any longer before she lost control of her emotions.

"Alright then" said Dom.

"Okay so I believe it would be best for Joy to start going to school, she is old enough to do so, and it would be good for her" said Natasha as she went straight to the point.

"So I have a brochure of a suitable school that I like, you can also go through it and tell me what you think when you are done, so I will know if I should set an appointment for us to go and visit the school with Joy" said Natasha as she pulled out a brochure from her back pocket and she handed it to DOm.

"That is all I wanted to say" said Natasha.

"Please tell me you final decision soon Mr. White" said Natasha as she did not even wait for Dom to reply to her, and she just walked away up the stairs to her room.

"Wow that really was brief" said Dom to himself, she did not even make eye contact with him, and she was calling him Mr. White as if he was a stranger to her???

It was not like he cared at all, he actually preferred her like this, rather than her always throwing herself at him, and always wanting to touch and hug him, he hated it when she did that, and yet her distance and coldness towards him made him feel somehow.

"Well alright then" said Dom as he looked at the brochure in his hand.

He was not supposed to feel this way, he would just do what was best for his daughter, and that was what was very important right now.

"Ahhh Young master you are back, should I serve your dinner??" asked Alfred as he walked out of the kitchen and he caught sight of Dom.

"No Alfred. I ate out with Lia, so I am not hungry, I will just go to my office now" said Dom.

"Ahhhh how is Miss Cecilia?" asked Alfred as he smiled.

"She is doing well Alfred" said Dom as he smiled.

"Alright then Young Master, I will be going to my room now" said Alfred.

"Goodnight" he said.

"Goodnight Alfred" said Dom as he smiled and Alfred walked away, leaving him standing there looking like he had nowhere to go at all.


Dom sighed as he sat down at the desk in his office, he had changed from his suit to a plain white t-shirt and red shorts.

He sighed as he looked at the brochure in his hand and he dried his wet hair with a towel.

So far so good the school seemed nice and interesting, it was close to the estate, and most of all, he was sure that Joy would like it there, he had spoken to his princess earlier, and she told him all about her day, and how Ethan had been mean to her, and how she had cried, to be honest Dom found the whole thing funny, but he could not laugh because Joy would ask him what was so funny.

It seemed ike Ethan wanted to have a little fun, and his princes was caught at the end of it, but not to worry, because he had assured her that School was very good, and nice for her, and fun, in all honesty he had enjoyed school, maybe because he was always a scholar, but he was someone who liked to study.

In the end he was going to have to speak to Natasha on when they would go and take a tour of the school, and he knew that she would probably be very cold with him and end up treating him like a stranger, which he did not oppose, he just wanted to be sure that she was alright.

Dom sighed, he picked up his phone from the desk, and he threw the towel he was using to dry his hair on the couch nearby.

He knew that he would regret doing this, but her had no other choice.

He dialed a number on his phone, and it rang, under seconds the call was picked up.

"Good Evening, Grandfather" said Dom as he sighed.