
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Urban
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I'm sorry

Lia looked up at Natasha carefully as she peeked and saw Natasha was completely still and silent, and that scared the life out of her, Natasha looked so cold, but she could tell from the deathly look in her eye that she had better continue talking or else she would have something else coming for her.

"And then we came back home for you to get started on dinner... I... I pretended to get a phone call and I told you that I had to leave and I wished you luck..." said Lia very slowly.

"And then I actually slipped back to the garden to dress up like you and use the mask that looks like you... and then I rang the doorbell and I knew you would leave the kitchen and that was when I entered the kitchen through the unlocked back door and I switched the wine you bought for one that I already tampered with..." said Lia as she closed her eyes, feeling terrible, saying out all her terrible criminal deeds out loud made her feel sick to her stomach, she was a horrible person.

"At the time I knew that there was a security camera in the kitchen, positioned right above the countertop, so in the footage recorded I looked exactly like you, I also bought a wig that... that looked like your hair" said Lia as Natasha could no longer look like she was cold, her eyes went wide as she continued to listen, she wanted to hear this.

"I quickly got out of the kitchen before you came back wondering who rang the doorbell, and before I left I went to the shed where the security footage is stored and I tampered with the security footage because I knew Dom would go and check it immediately, I cut away the original footage of you in the kitchen and I replaced it with mine..." said Lia as she could not bring herself to look at Natasha.

"Once I did that, I left your house, discarded of everything I used and then I waited...for the news..." said Lia as Natasha remained silent, making Lia think that she wasn't even here, or wasn't even listening to her at all.

Natasha on the other hand was trying to make sense of everything she had just heard... she could not believe it... the words came straight out of the horse's mouth, straight out of the true culprits mouth.

Natasha didn't know how to feel... no, actually she did, but right now, in the moment, she was plagued with feelings of disbelief and betrayal, she was trying to wrap her head around everything she had heard.

Lia who didn't hear Natasha say anything at all, decided to continue with her confession, she wanted a free conscience.

"I... I didn't count on you getting pregnant, I thought that you and Dom would separate, but you didn't you stayed with him... even though he hated you... I thought that if he continued to hate you, that you would have enough and just leave him... so I kept on telling him not to trust you... that you could do anything" said Lia as Natasha looked at her in disbelief, still silent from all the words that Lia was telling her.

"But you stayed with him regardless of his growing hate for you... and then you became obsessed with him, and I was sure that would be the last straw and he would leave you, but he didn't..." said Lia.

"And then suddenly, one day, you stopped paying attention to him... you stopped caring about him, you stopped talking to him, and I knew right then and there that Dom would start to like you again, because to be honest, he's always liked you, always..." said Lia as she felt as if she was melting, she was sweating so much right now, and she knew that it was because her heart was racing terribly in this moment.

"So I was tired... fed up, I realized that with you in the picture, Dom would never return my love..." said Lia.

"So I decided that I needed to... I needed to get rid of you" said Lia as her voice was barely a whisper and Natasha's eyes filled with horror as she looked at Lia.

"Natasha I... I was the one who sent Donny Fredo and his thugs after you, I was the one who put Aunt Cornelia's brooch in your handbag, I did those things just because I wanted to get rid of you" said Lia as Natasha had heard enough she stood up in disbelief.


"Lia!!?" called Natasha in despair as Lia quickly got up and looked at her with regret filled in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Natasha, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I was young, stupid, I know what I did was wrong" said Lia as she pleaded with Natasha and she tried to hold her hand as Natasha hit her hand away.

"Forgive you?? Forgive you??!" asked Natasha in rage as she could not believe this, this was simply too much for her to bear, the reality was hitting her too hard in the moment.

"Yes Natasha please forgive me, I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry" said Lia as tears started to drop from her eyes.

"You're sorry??!" asked Natasha in anger.

"Are you insane Lia??? Are you insane??!" asked Natasha in sheer rage.

"What am I even saying??! Of course you are insane, all your actions don't prove otherwise!" said Natasha as she was shouting right now.

"You ruined my life Lia, you ruined my entire life!!!" screamed Natasha as the emotions of all her pain and sufferings came back to her, causing her emotions to spiral out of control.

"I know Natasha, I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for all this to go this far" said Lia as she cried.

"You didn't mean for it to go to far, you are mad Lia, very mad!! Insane, sick in the head!!!" said Natasha as she screamed and Lia just stood there crying, she deserved this, she deserved all the insults, she truly did, she knew that she did.

"You ruined my life Lia!!! Did you think that I wanted to get pregnant at twenty years old??! No for crying out loud, my life had only just began and you came with your nonsense with your hate, with your madness to ruin my entire life in one night!!!" said Natasha, the realization hitting her, she had been friendly with her worst enemy this entire time.

"Natasha, I'm sorry, please try to understand me, I'm sorry, I was in love with Dom, I would do anything, anything just to make him acknowledge him" said Lia as she cried.

"That isn't love Lia!!! That isn't love!!!" screamed Natasha.

"Love won't turn you into a criminal... you drugged me and him... and you made me take the blame for it... you framed me... you watched as everyone condemned me as the culprit while you went scot free" said Natasha as the tone of her voice softened as her rage disappeared and was now replaced with sadness and despair.

"You watched as everyone turned to hate me... to want to get rid of me... you watched as I suffered, and you pretended to be my friend all through it all" said Natasha.

"You are a horrible person Lia, a horrible person!" said Natasha as Lia cried.

"I'm sorry Natasha, I didn't mean to hurt you like this" said Lia as she cried.

"Oh you did Lia, you did, all you've done is caused me pain and suffering" said Natasha as she looked away and tears came to her eyes.

"And worst of all you killed me Lia, you killed me, and all for what? For a guy? You killed me??" said Natasha as she started to cry the understanding of her death coming to her... if Lia did all these things, then in her past life, she finally succeeded, she was the one who killed her, it was Lia... her childhood friend that she loved a lot, she was the one who killed her.

"No Natasha, I never killed you I promise you" said Lia as she tried to hug Natasha but Natasha pushed her away.

"You did, you did, you tried to, you did it once and you wanted to do it again" said Natasha as she cried and Lia cried.

"I thought you were my friend? I thought that you loved me, I thought that you cared about me the same way I cared for you" said Natasha as she cried.

"I do Natasha, I do" said Lia as she sniffed and cried.

"No you don't you don't at all, you don't love me at all... you always wanted to get rid of me, I thought that you actually loved me, but it turns out that I was only an idiot in a one sided relationship" said Natasha as she cried, the feeling of betrayal seeping into her soul.

Lia was like her sister, they had both grown up together, they shared dreams and aspirations with each other, she thought that she could count on her, but she ended up stabbing her in the back, shooting her in the face, killing her and ending her life, all for what? For Dom.

"No Natasha, I never meant to hurt you" said Lia as she cried.

"Just shut up!! Stop saying that, you hurt me..." said Natasha as she cried.

"You stabbed me in the back, you pretended to be a friend while you were an enemy, the one against me this whole time and I was naive enough to think that you were a good person, a very admirable person" said Natasha as she cried and wiped her eyes, there was no point crying for a wretched person like her.

"Natasha please try to understand, I didn't want to do it but... but you've always been better than me, everyone has always like you better than me, and Dom choosing you over me was the last straw, I couldn't take it anymore, I regret every single thing I did Natasha, that's why I came to tell you, please forgive me I beg you" said Lia as she cried.

"So what? It's not my fault you are so shallow and insecure!" said Natasha as she sniffed.

"Natasha don't say that please" said Lia as she cried and pleaded with her.

"What??! I'm only saying the truth, the shallow pampered princess Lia... you know... I regret ever being your friend, I regret ever meeting you, I regret ever thinking for a second that you were the sister I never had..." said Natasha as Lia felt bullets being shot into her heart.

"Natasha please, I'm sorry I beg you forgive me" said Lia as she cried and Natasha shook her head.

"There's nothing to forgive, there's nothing else to say" said Natasha as she quickly wiped away the tears that were starting to drop from her eyes, she would not let Lia trick her with this false display of sorrow.

"I don't want to ever... and I mean ever see you again Lia, you are dead to me from this moment on, I don't want to ever see you, hear from you, or hear of you again, from now on, you are no longer welcomed in my home or anywhere else around me" said Natasha in a firm stern tone laced with icy coldness that Lia could feel heavily.

"No Natasha please" said Lia as she looked up into Natasha's eyes as she cried, only to see the gaze of disgust and betrayal in her eyes, the gaze that looked like she was beneath her forgiveness.

"Don't ever call my name again, I don't know you, and you don't know me, now get out of my house, get out now before I drag you out myself!!" said Natasha in seriousness as Lia took her handbag, knowing that Natasha was not joking, she would indeed drag her out herself.

"Get out and I don't ever want to see you again, remember that!!" said Natasha as Lia cried.

"Natasha I'm sorry, please believe me, I regret every single thing that I did, I really do... and I hope that someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me" said Lia as she cried and rubbed her eyes.

"Out!" said Natasha in coldness as Lia turned around and left the room as Natasha heard the front door close as she fell down to the ground and began to sob heavily.

She was in a lot of pain right now, so much pain... indescribable pain, she would have never believed that Lia would do such a thing to her, it hurt her so much.


Lia got into her car as she cried heavily, she couldn't take this, she had hurt someone that she truly cared about so much, so deeply, and she knew she deserved to be hated, but this was just too much for her to bear.

Lia continued crying as she searched for her phone in her handbag and she dialed Pete's number once again as he finally answered.

"Peter, Peter, I told Natasha the truth, I told her the truth and now she hates me, she said that she wants nothing to do with me, that I'm dead to her Peter" said Lia as she sobbed heavily as her breath hitched.