
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Urban
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558 Chs


"Thank you for the ride Chloe" said Natasha as she smiled as she got out of the car.

"Don't mention it" said Chloe as she laughed.

"See you on Monday Boss" said Chloe as she laughed.

"See you" said Natasha as she laughed.

"And good luck with seeing the school tomorrow, I am sure that you will love it" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Thank you Chloe, I will take your word for it" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Bye Natasha" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Bye Chloe" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked to her house as Chloe drove down the street to her own house.

Natasha opened her front door and she walked into her house, she had lots of things on her mind, and Chloe had just reminded her of her appointment at the School tomorrow, which made Natasha sigh, as she was going to have to see Dom and they would have to go together.

She was sure that if not for the fact that this was for her daughter, and she was coming along with them, she would have never ever wanted to go anywhere with that man, who was a sorry excuse for a human being.

Natasha picked up her phone, she had a message from Lia, but she did not have time for that, she was going to reply to her later, because Lia was always so nice and cheerful, and Natasha was not in that kind of mood right now.

"Ahh, welcome back Madam" said Alfred as he was on his way to the kitchen when he saw Natasha.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled at him.

"Have you done what I asked you to do?" asked Natasha.

"Yes Madam, I have" said Alfred as he nodded his head and Natasha smiled.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled.

"There is no need to thank me Madam" said Alfred as he smiled, he was only doing his duty.

"Alfred do you by any chance know if Joy is awake??" asked Natasha.

"Well No Madam, the last time I checked, she was still sleeping" said Alfred.

"Oh well Alright, thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You are welcome Madam" said Alfred as he nodded his head and he walked into the kitchen as Natasha walked up the stairs.

The time was 10 o'clock in the morning and her baby was still not awake, that was very weird, but regardless that gave Natasha some time to settle something very important before her baby woke up, and she gave her, her full attention.

Natasha walked past Joy's room and her room to her office, she opened the door to her office and she walked in and sat down at her desk, she held her phone in her hand and she dialed a number, and after some while of ringing her call was finally picked.

"Hello" came the woman's voice from the other side of the line.

"Hello Mandy" said Natasha.

"Do you need anything Madam?" asked Mandy as she did not sound to happy.

"No Mandy I do not need anything" said Natasha.

"Alright then do you need me to pass a message??" asked Mandy as she got a pen and paper ready to write down whatever Natasha needed her to do.

"No, I do not need to do that either" said Natasha.

"I called to apologize to you" said Natasha.

"To me??" asked Mandy as she was in shock??? Natasha called, to apologize to her?? She just could not believe it.

"Yes Mandy" said Natasha.

"*Ahem*, Well are you apologizing for Madam??" asked Mandy as she went back to normal and she cleared her throat, as far as she knew the Madam never apologized to anyone, she was very cold and harsh.

"Well for what I did to you today" said Natasha.

"Well Madam, I do not know what you are talking about" said Mandy as she put away her pen and paper on her desk.

"I am referring to the way I spoke to you earlier, and overall the way I handled everything" said Natasha.

"I am sorry that was not professional of me at all, I should have notified you of my plans before I took action like that and humiliated you" said Natasha as she truly felt sorry.

Mandy was speechless, was the great Mrs. Natasha White, apologizing to her??? For what she did earlier, this was a shock to her, she never thought that this woman could apologize to anyone.

"Are you still there??" asked Natasha as she heard nothing by silence from the other line.

"Ahhh…. Yes Madam, I am still here" said Mandy as she replied quickly.

"Alright, so as I was saying, I was not supposed to do things like that, I was being unfair to you" said Natasha as she continued.

"And for that I truly am sorry, I did not mean to be mean, but I was, I just lost myself" said Natasha.

"So will you please forgive me??" asked Natasha.

Mandy thought for a while, what Natasha did to her was truly unfair, but then again, here she was apologizing for it, so she would have been an ingrate not to forgive her.

"I do forgive you Madam, I understand" said Mandy as even though she did not understand at all.

"Thank you Mandy" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Now I believe that I owe it to you, to explain why I hired a new manager" said Natasha as she Mandy was someone she could not afford to lose, she was the longest working staff member, she knew the company in and out, and she would be best to advise her based on the times.

"No, Madam, there is no need for that" said Mandy as she laughed.

"No… no Mandy, there is need, you deserve to be carried along to" said Natasha as she had concluded that she had been too harsh on Mandy for no reason.

"Alright Madam" said Mandy.

"Well Mandy, my reason for hiring a manger, is because we need fresh eyes, we need some new ideas in the industry that we are in" said Natasha.

"Sure this company has been here for a long time, which is both a good thing and a bad thing" said Natasha.

"A good thing because we have retained a customer base, we have a brand name that is well known, and bad because we are so used to doing things the old way that we ignore possible outlets for expansion" said Natasha.

"I hired Chloe because she is very skilled and I trust that she will bring in good and bright ideas along with her" said Natasha.

"I understand Madam" said Mandy.

"I am glad that you do" said Natasha as she smiled.

"And that is why I need you" said Natasha.

"Me??" asked Mandy.

"Yes you Mandy, you have been working in the company for long, you know the ins and the outs, you are very skilled as well" said Natasha.

"Which is why I need you to guide Chloe with everything that she is required to learn, she is new in this, and she of course needs some guidance" said Natasha.

"So please do not see this as a demotion, but rather see this as a promotion, because you will basically be the overseer of everything Chloe does, she will have to run things by you, before she does them" said Natasha as Chloe needed guidance, and who better and more experienced than Mandy herself.

Sure she could talk a lot and not mind her own business, but she truly was skilled in her work, and best of all she had lots of experience.

"I really hope that you will see it like that" said Natasha.

"Yes Madam, I understand now" said Mandy as she smiled.

"I am glad, and I also hope that you will be a good overseer to Chloe" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Do not worry Madam, I will make sure to do so" said Mandy as she smiled.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled, talking to people and explaining things to them was always a better option than to lie and keep things away from them.

"Well I will let you work now" said Natasha.

"So Goodbye and have a good day" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Thank you Madam, and the same to you" said Mandy as she smiled and Natasha ended the call.

Well that took care of that, she did not think that would be as hard as she thought it would have been, it was actually very easy.

Natasha sighed as she put her phone down on her desk, and she was about to switch on her laptop when a knock on her office door interrupted her.

"Come in" said Natasha.

"Madam… can I speak with you for a moment??" asked a familiar voice as she carefully walked into Natasha's office like a scared little cat.

"Sit" said Natasha as she sounded very cold.