
A Second Chance: I'll make ammends

Su Lihua gets into an accident with her husband, the man she supposedly hates, but during the ordeal realizes she cannot live without him and dies. Waking up again, she finds she has been reincarnated seven years before the accident and a year after her marriage. With this she is given a second chance to make amends, but with difficulties along the way and her having to do the chasing, can she succeed and manage to pull through?

The_dark_rose14 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: One Abhorring The Other

-Imperial hotel; History's launch party

Lihua calmly searched through the crowd, it wasn't long till she spotted him standing gracefully at a corner with a champagne flute in hand. He exuded an intimidating aura that drove people away and yet drew their attention,

"I can't believe you actually came", She walked over to him with a genuine smile plastered on her face,

"I am one of the investors after all"

"Well", She rolled her eyes, "I'm just glad you're here"

In his Navy blue custom-made Armani suit, immaculately arranged hair, and natural poise and added grace, he was undoubtedly very eye-catching, so noticing all the unwanted gazes from other women, she became slightly irked,

'Could they not look? he was supposed to be for her eyes only' her whiney little pout could only be matched by her childish jealousy and the thoughts of marching out of the event crossed her mind, 'no, it wouldn't be fair', she still had more things to do,

While Lihua stood with Fu Hao shamelessly harbouring thoughts of running away with him, Su Jiao stood in a corner brooding over the fact that her sister was the centre of attention yet again,

"Jiao, have you seen Lihua, we need to start the second presentation of dresses", the director approached Jiao and brought her out of her grim mood, "Um, I don't think I have, but I'll help you look", Her usual sweet and pleasing smile now on her face,

The director left, and so did her smile mutating into a small scowl, it disappeared soon after, and she walked away, her original confidence and countenance returned,

"Lihua, there you are, the director was looking for you" She walked over to Lihua concern written on her face, "-Oh, Brother Fu, I didn't expect to see you here"

With a pleased look, she feigned surprise, she had already known their location, but she had no reason to come in between them, it would seem too suspicious, but now, it was completely plausible

"Oh right, thanks for the reminder-", turning to Fu Hao, she handed him her glass apologising "-Sorry Hao, got to go, meet you at the entrance after", She grabbed her sister's hand to go, but Jiao pulled back gently, confusion evident on her face, "Uh, Lihua where are you taking me?"

She was planning to stay here and subtly approach Fu Hao using Lihua's absence to her advantage. No matter how she thought about it, she just couldn't understand why Lihua and Fu Hao were suddenly on good terms, wasn't her sister supposed to loathe him to the core?, why had her feelings changed so abruptly?

Seeing her uncertainty Su Lihua giggled, "Jiao, wait, did the director not tell you, you're modelling as well. I thought you might feel a bit left out, so I asked for you to be included", Her words exuded compassion and it showed she really cared, but inwardly she scoffed, 'did you really expect me to leave you here, tch, you must be joking'

"Oh, I didn't realize, let's go then, we don't want to keep the director waiting", her usual demure smile had graced her lips once again and she held her sister's hand in an excited manner,

They both walked backstage with smiles, but contrary to their facial expressions, there was an unspeakable feeling brooding between them, no one would be able to tell, after all, it only looked like two friends walking together on amicable terms, when in fact, it was the opposite, one abhorring the other, and the other, smirking slyly.