
A Second Chance: I'll make ammends

Su Lihua gets into an accident with her husband, the man she supposedly hates, but during the ordeal realizes she cannot live without him and dies. Waking up again, she finds she has been reincarnated seven years before the accident and a year after her marriage. With this she is given a second chance to make amends, but with difficulties along the way and her having to do the chasing, can she succeed and manage to pull through?

The_dark_rose14 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Her Adonis

-Fu Corporation: Fu Hao's office

"Hey Hao", She walked in waving enthusiastically and greeted him,

"Let me guess, another day of pestering me?" He stared at her with a smirk,

She gasped overdramatically and sat on the white couch- her favourite spot in the office- and hugged a fluffy grey cushion, "I don't pester you",

"Oh really?"

"Fine, I won't pester you today, I promise, you can just carry on with your work"

Fu Hao sighed inwardly, that was somewhat impossible, especially when she was just sitting there casually dressed in a huge blue sweater and a pair of white shorts exposing her fair skin,

He looked away clearing his head and focused back on his work, while Lihua spent her time doing what she liked to call, being productive, that was just her sitting and staring at him.

She had a satisfied smile on and felt so content with life. Seriously, how could she not, she had the most good-looking man in the whole city A as her husband and she could just stare at him all day, She could honestly die without regrets right now.

He was tall and had jet black hair with messy side bangs. His bluish-green eyes that sat behind a pair of gold-rimmed glasses looked as though they could peer into the depths of one's soul. His smooth and light wheat-coloured skin were much to the envy of many women, plus, his thin, pale yet pink lips added to his jaw-dropping looks. He was her Adonis.

*Knock Knock*, They were disturbed after a while by a series of knocks at the door,

They both looked up at the same time and Fu Hao called them in,

A young woman in a black pencil skirt, white long-sleeved shirt and a black suit jacket walked in. Her black hair was tied into a neat bun, which made her look very formal. She walked in elegantly as she clutched a stack of papers to her chest,

"Good day Mr Fu"

"Miss Chen"

She smiled in response to his greeting, but her initial happiness soon faded upon seeing Su Lihua,

Noticing Chen Zhilan's stare she wiggled her fingers to say hi, but was ignored. She didn't take it to heart though, it would only be juvenile of her.

Chen Zhilan turned back to Fu Hao and cleared her throat, "Mr Fu, It's concerning my business proposal, and, it's quite, confidential", She said the last part glancing over in Lihua's direction with a hint of condescending air surrounding her,

"Just begin"

She started by reading out the executive summary, providing an overview of the company goals and stating her future plans. Her business plan was to temporarily solve her company's turnover issue. She had spent months working on it and her pride soared through the roof seeing Fu Hao's expression, it wasn't stoic as usual, so she took it as a good sign, and went on.

Right after she finished, Lihua got up, "Mind if I see that?",

Without awaiting an answer, she walked over to Fu Hao's desk then grabbing a copy of the proposal, she sat on Fu Hao's lap,

"Well, your proposal is.., okay, but could be much better. The Chen corporation is a big tech company with a large capital, not only does making use of the debt leverage to increase the investment returns make new stock favourable, but it also opens new markets as well. This is bold and imaginative, yet unrealistic. The asset turnover ratio reduces and even though it would temporarily solve the turnover issue, the northern lands would not have any new developments in the next few years. Sadly this proposal isn't a good solution."

Seeing Lihua like this, he was flabbergasted, not only because she was sitting on him, but because of how clear and perfect her understanding and revision of the proposal was. It was as if she had become a different person entirely; Bold, Confident and Intelligent

"Tch, and what would you know?", Hearing her hard work being assessed so accurately by Lihua, her blood boiled over, not only was she sitting on Fu Hao, but she was also acting like a total know-it-all.

"Miss Chen, right?, In my family, this", she pointed to the proposal on the table, "would be regarded as trash", Her tone was calm, but her eyes had a sharp glint in them,

Chen Zhilan was currently fuming and struggled to keep her emotions in check. She so badly wanted to wipe that mocking smile off her face, it made her feel less of who she was. "So what?," she scowled, all Lihua could do was criticise

"Ha, arrogance. it really does blind people, so much so, that they forget where they stand. I've been writing business proposals since I was fourteen and could easily run the Su corporation at twenty-one. I wasn't ridiculing your proposal if that's why you're so agitated, I was merely, stating, facts.

She said her last words and stood up straight, "But, if you think you're good enough and wish to not improve, it's your call. I'd just hate to see the state of Chen technologies if you took over, maybe, just maybe, you'd get it by then.