
A Second Chance For All

Tragedy strikes, but Drey Edward and his classmates are given a second chance. What will they do in this new life, will they follow the will of others in this dangerous new world to save it from destruction, or make their own way through the uncharted.

MadOrbGaming · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Gamble

Write For Me

Stepping out of the enveloping light, I made my way towards Alex and Elara, each step feeling slightly heavier than the last. Their eyes were on me, curious, expectant.

"So, anything good, Drey?" Alex asked, his voice carrying a blend of curiosity and encouragement.

 "I'm afraid not. It seems I really was perceived as quite average," I replied.

"I'm afraid I won't be much help, Alex. Maybe good for support or recon."

Alex's expression shifted to one of surprise, clearly not the response he had anticipated.

"Oh, really?" he said, his tone reassuring.

"Don't worry, I'm sure with time you will be strong."

Before I could formulate a reply, Elara interjected, her voice sharp, "Did you really get such weak skills and class?"

Her words were laced with judgment, yet when I glanced at her, her eyes seemed to convey something else—worry, perhaps? Though I had to admit, I was never particularly adept at reading people.

As I positioned myself just behind Alex and Elara, a subtle acknowledgment of my perceived place in our hierarchy, there was a palpable sense of displacement. It didn't feel right to stand by their side. My admission regarding the quality of my skills and class wasn't an attempt at self-deprecation but a true reflection of my current standing.

The gamble I had taken in choosing my abilities was starkly evident; the immediate payoff of godlike skills was absent, a reality I had braced myself for the moment I made my selection.

Yet, despite the outward appearance of inadequacy, a quiet sense of contentment nestled within me.

The choices I had made, though seemingly lackluster at the outset, were mine. The path I had chosen was not paved with the immediate grandeur of formidable powers but with the potential for growth, for transformation that extended beyond the superficial metrics of power.

In this new world, where possibilities were as vast as the sky above, my gamble was on evolution, on the capacity to surpass expectations and limitations through effort, perseverance, and perhaps a touch of the "unknown".


A few moments earlier


No way is this legit," I murmured under my breath, still in disbelief.

I glanced once more at the goddess, hoping for some sign of acknowledgment or guidance. But she remained as before, her attention seemingly anchored to realms or concerns beyond my comprehension.

Her disinterest stung, a sharp contrast to the whirlwind of emotions I felt. Yet, it was this very detachment that granted me an unexpected sense of freedom. No scrutinizing eyes to judge my choices, no divine expectations to meet.

And no way for her to fix what was definitely a mistake.

I turned back to the panel, my resolve solidifying. If my fate was to be written in this strange new world, then I would wield the pen myself.

The Class and skills I had picked out but not yet chosen lay out before me, as if in a virtual shopping cart.

[Class: 6 Spiritual Root Cultivator]


In the vast and intricate world of spiritual cultivation, where adepts strive to ascend through mastery over the universe's fundamental energies, the 6 Spiritual Root Cultivator emerges as a figure of both immense potential and profound challenge. Unlike their peers, who may focus on honing their affinity with a single elemental root, these cultivators are born with the rare capacity to connect with six—Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Darkness. This extraordinary endowment bestows them with unparalleled versatility but also places upon them a burden of complexity that few can comprehend, much less overcome.

Initial stage:

Slow cultivation of all elements, using the harmony of them to become powerful


[Cost: 26]

[Skill: World Whisperer]


Initial stage:

The user possesses a subtle intuition that allows them to sense the natural flow of energy around them. Initially, this manifests as the ability to hear footsteps through the ground, or tell if the wind is playful or disturbed, only good for recon and farming.



[Skill: Purified body]


A body that is always purified from toxins. Physical training is required in initial stages.

Perfect for Mana, Aura or Spiritual energy.


[Cost: Half remaining points, the more points the more advanced it starts as]

And lastly the one that made me exclaim

[Skill: Infinite Potential]


Infinite Potential is a unique and dynamic skill that amplifies the user's growth rate in any discipline or ability they choose to focus on. Unlike typical skills that offer a linear progression or have predefined limits, Infinite Potential thrives on the user's dedication, effort, and resilience, rewarding hard work with exponential returns.

[Tier: UNKOWN]

[Cost: All remaining points]

"Someone messed up big time on this one," I thought, a mix of incredulity and opportunistic zeal sparking within me.

The anomaly in the system—a gap in the usual strictures that governed the allocation and growth of power—lay bare before me.

The skill that had caught my eye was an outlier, its description lacking the customary stipulations regarding the initial strength being proportional to the perception points invested. Furthermore, there was a glaring omission of any mention of an "initial stage" of development, which, by all accounts, should imply its availability at full power from the outset.

With a deep, steadying breath, I made my choice. The class and three skills that defied expectations, that promised a leap in power and potential from the very beginning, were now mine.

I allocated all my points to them, a decisive move that left no room for second guesses.

"Understood, processing now.... Completed. Class and Skills have been allocated. Once returned, think 'system' to open up your information panel," the voice of the system announced, a digital confirmation that sealed my fate in this new world.

Just as a semblance of relaxation began to weave its way into my tension-laced muscles, the goddess's icy words cut through the air, arresting any sense of comfort I had begun to feel.

"I see that's why you exclaimed earlier," she remarked, her voice carrying a mixture of intrigue and a hint of admonishment.

"The extra points earlier and now this, although average you really are lucky," she continued, her words striking a chord within me. It was a recognition, albeit grudgingly given.

I couldn't help but turn to face her, driven by a mix of defiance and the need to affirm my choice. "It's done now; you can't take it back," I stated, more out of hope than conviction.

"I know," she replied curtly, her tone leaving no room for further debate.

"I'll fix it for the next batch."

Her gaze then shifted from the screen that displayed my chosen class and skills back to me. The weight of her stare was palpable, laden with an authority that brooked no challenge.

"Although I will allow this, don't tell me what I can and can't do."

A shiver cascaded down my spine, the temperature in the room seemingly dropping several degrees in the wake of her words. The way she looked at me, the unyielding edge to her voice, conveyed a warning clear as the day.

It was a reminder of the power she wielded, of the delicate balance I had unwittingly disturbed by exploiting a loophole in her system. The implicit threat was clear: step out of line, challenge her authority again, and the consequences would be dire.

My gaze lowered "I understand"

"Good, grab my hand again then"


Standing just behind Alex and Elara, I observed the continuation of the selection process.

The method had shifted from the goddess's initial whimsical choices to a more systematic approach, calling individuals forward in alphabetical order. This process seemed significantly quicker than the time the three of us had spent under the spotlight.

It dawned on me that Alex and Elara, too, must have navigated the complexities and weight of their choices in a span that felt detached from the swift succession now playing out before us.

As each person was enveloped by the light, another emerged almost instantly, a stark contrast to our prolonged deliberations and encounters with the goddess.

Throughout this expedited process, the goddess remained apart, her involvement distinctly passive compared to her earlier engagements. It was evident she desired to expedite the proceedings, her earlier curiosity or amusement with our selections and reactions notably absent.

The enthusiasm that might have characterized her initial interactions with us had waned; now, her demeanor suggested a desire to conclude this phase without further delay or intrigue.

As I watched the procession of my classmates stepping into and emerging from the light, my attention sharpened when Lily, my childhood best friend and neighbor, made her way towards the goddess.

Her return was swift, mirroring the efficiency that had become the norm for the procedure. As she approached me, a mixture of anticipation and camaraderie welled up within me.

"So, anything good?" I asked, eager to hear about her experience and choices.

"Yeah, yeah, Drey, nothing special, but I'm definitely stronger than you," she responded, her confidence undimmed, a broad smile playing on her lips and her stance exuding self-assurance.

It was clear she was pleased with her selection, her demeanor radiating a confidence that only Lily could embody.

"Good, as long as you'll be able to protect yourself," I replied, a genuine note of concern underlying my words. Her smile slightly faltered as she caught the earnestness in my tone, her eyes searching mine for the familiar banter that didn't come.

Just as she was about to respond, the goddess's voice cut through the momentary silence. "All of you have received your power. It's time for you to go."

Her announcement was almost casual, a surprising shift from her usual aloofness. A white light began to form around us, growing in intensity, heralding our departure from this place of choice and destiny.

Through the burgeoning brightness, I caught a glimpse of the goddess, who seemed to embody disinterest itself, even yawning and reclining on a couch, as I fought with my disbelief at what I just saw her voice, distant yet clear, pierced through the luminance one last time.

"Oh yeah, uh, good luck or whatever." The nonchalance of her farewell felt off as if the whole thing was merely a game for her to alleviate her boredom. 

The goddess's indifferent farewell, her seemingly flippant "good luck or whatever," stoked a flicker of irritation within me. It was a stark reminder of the vast divide between her divine concerns and the very human fears and hopes of those she addressed.

Her attitude, dismissive and detached, clashed sharply with the gravity of the transition we were undergoing, leaving a bitter taste.

Yet, as the light enveloped us completely, swallowing the space and the figures within it, I realized that dwelling on this annoyance was futile. The immediate reality was our impending arrival in a new world, a realm filled with unknown challenges and opportunities.

My irritation with the goddess's demeanor had to be set aside; there were far more pressing concerns ahead.

As the intense light dissipated and my eyes gradually adjusted to the sudden shift, the scene that unfolded before us was both awe-inspiring and surreal. An amphitheater, reminiscent of the ancient Colosseum, stretched out around us, its grandeur and scale a breathtaking first glimpse into this new world.

Surrounding us were the inhabitants of this unfamiliar realm. Though not a large crowd, each individual was dressed in attire that spoke of status and significance. Bedazzled clothes shimmered in the light, crowns adorned heads with regal grace, and guards in varying uniforms stood with a vigilance that underscored the importance of this gathering.

As we, the newcomers, spun around, taking in the sight and trying to grasp the reality of our arrival, a collective gasp from those assembled echoed the shock of our own.

Then, in a gesture that was as unexpected as it was profound, these seemingly important figures, representatives of their world, dropped to the ground in a unified act of supplication.

Kowtowing before us, their actions bridged the gap between our worlds, a silent acknowledgment of the hopes and fears that had led to this moment.

And then, as if with one voice, they cried out, "PLEASE HELP US, HEROES, WE BEG OF YOU."

Those eight words, simple yet laden with desperation and hope, reverberated off the walls of the amphitheater, amplifying through the space and resonating deep within us.

The plea, while uniform in its delivery, was received differently by each of us; to some, it was a clarion call to action, a cry for help that could not be ignored. To others, it carried undertones of worship, a veneration born out of necessity and the belief in our power to effect change.

As the echoes of their plea faded, a profound silence fell over the amphitheater, a collective breath held in anticipation of our response.

Alex, ever the leader, stepped forward with a resolve that seemed to pierce through the palpable tension of the moment. "Of course we will help you, how could we not?" His voice, clear and confident, carried across the amphitheater, a beacon of the promise we all felt within us, however nascent it might be.

"Right, guys?" he turned slightly, seeking the silent consensus of our group.

A wave of silent affirmation swept through us, a forest of nodding heads signifying our collective agreement. Despite the shock of our sudden arrival and the overwhelming plea for aid, Alex's leadership galvanized us, transforming a group of individuals into a unified front.

"See, we were sent to help you, so of course, we shall fulfill that role,"

Alex continued, addressing the gathered inhabitants with a compassion that belied the brief time we had spent in this new world.

"Now, please stand. You are people of status; it would be unbecoming of you to dirty your robes."

the atmosphere shifted subtly, there seemed to be a wave of relief that fell on all of them as they stood up.

Alex, taking a moment to gauge the fatigue evident in both his posture and that of our group, stepped forward once more.

"I believe I speak for all of us when I say we are quite weary from our journey. Some rest would do us well," he articulated, his tone suggesting a mutual understanding of our collective state.

"I trust that accommodations, along with food and other necessities, have been prepared for our arrival?"

In response, a figure, more stooped than his counterparts and accompanied by only a single guard—a notable contrast to the dual escorts of others—advanced towards us.

"Indeed, all has been prepared for your arrival. We fully recognize your need for rest. However, there is an urgency that requires immediate discussion," he conveyed, his tone carrying both respect and a subtle insistence.

Alex approached the man with an air of understanding.

"Of course, we grasp the gravity of the situation. Perhaps, then, my fellow heroes might retire to their accommodations while I represent them in this discussion?"

His proposal, met with silent nods from our group, subtly affirmed Alex as our de facto leader.

Before the man could respond, Elara interjected, her voice firm. "I would like to be present for the discussion as well." 

"Very well, though you must be weary," he conceded, signaling to someone by his side. "Sir Brook, please escort the rest of our heroes to their lodgings."

Turning back to Alex and Elara, he inquired, "Might I have the names of our two esteemed heroes?"

"Admirable names," a hint of respect threading through his words.

"My name is Tenzen Primrose, though you may call me Tenzen."

"I am the leader of the Primrose kingdom"

"Well, then, I hope the rest of you find your accommodations to your liking. Heroes Alex and Elara will be briefed on the matters at hand. Please, let us excuse ourselves; we have pressing issues to address."

With that, the inhabitants of this world, demonstrating their reverence, bowed to us before trailing behind Terzen, Alex, and Elara.