
Chapter ten: The Old Man and his Reward

I take the medicine in my hands as if it were a fragile treasure. I opened the bag and I saw the container with great shock. It is exactly as I remembered. I don't need to read the instructions since I know the best method on how to consume it due to my previous job as a laboratory rat in the prototypes. In my previous lie I had already burned my potential due to the experiments I had passed through but now I could get the best results from the beginning. I tried to remember the results we had in the laboratory.

- "Dissolve a small doses in milk and honey and take it every day for a whole week before sleeping… Take the first dose after a vigorous session of exercise and a hot bath."

During the End all of these was of course a dream. Milk and honey were luxury items that not everyone could get especially when the change in climate practically razed all bee colonies in the planet. Only some very rare beekeeping masters had managed to create artificial environments that allowed the hives to survive. Cows were also very rare so it was simply a joke to follow the best method. People has to just take it with water, sometimes badly sanitized and get the results very slowly and only seeing results after years.

- "I wonder who put it here"- I wonder as I see the window of my room which it is on the second floor- "I mean, if its someone who had access to this type of technology, then it should not be difficult to just jump from the first floor, but how did he close the window from outside. Other possibility would be to entered via the yard but there are dogs from neighbors there…"

I decided to stop thinking about it since it would just create a problem. It of course made him nervous since it meant anyone could infiltrate his house whenever they wanted and get rid of him at any moment or his family, but for now it was just useless to think about it. They were in good terms for now.

- "I have to hurry up and become stronger"- I said sighing- "I hope CK also gives gear and weapons."

For now, the most important was to make preparations to absorb the medicine. First thing was finding a good place to store it since it would be a waste if someone found it and use it not knowing what it was or worse… that it threw it away thinking it was a dangerous drug.

Finding the best place. My house used metallic roofing and it had a gutter which allowed the water to go down during rainy season. There was a gutter which was blocked and did not work that had a very interesting form and could be used to hide things. Nobody touched it since it had a lot of spider webs and one of my cousins had been bitten there. The exterminator fumigated the place and cleared from all kinds of spiders, but nobody fixed it and they all were scared. So I decided it was the perfect place to hide my loot. After all, it wouldn't be fixed in years. I placed the medicine in special packaging and went to there. I put a glove and immediately started to scratch the place. I felt many creatures lurking through my hand but in comparison with the things I had to do during the end this was easy. Once I cleaned it I burned some newspaper and then I placed the package on the side in a hole which was perfect to the package.

- "Mom, is there milk and honey? I heard its good for your throat."

- "Sure we have some you can use as much as you want."- said my mother smiling at me as she caressed my face lovingly.

- "Thank you"- I said and then I immediately mentioned the thing I knew she would not like at all- "and also I will have night baths since now since I will be doing the exercise later."

- "Son, are you sure it is a good idea?"- I heard my mother complaining since it that time we used a thermal electricity shower and it was very expensive during the night- "also you could get sick due to the yard."

The shower was public and you had to pass through the yard in order to get it there. So there was always the danger of get sick due to the cold climate outside the bathroom.

- "It will be temporary"- I said, but she showed that face which clearly stated she did not like the idea.

- "I don't want to hear you got sick"- she said as she returned to do her paperwork for her job

At this time, mom had really gone up her Rank in her present job being now a branch manager due to her talent in management and economy. This would last some more years until certain garbage accountant had convinced my mother's boss it was in his best interest to get rid of my mother. Her big mistake was to never save and spend in stupid religious festivities which cost thousands of dollars to make due to family "duties" which had started with my grandmother.

I mean there was a reason of course. It was a great way to expand your connections and gained popularity within the community. However, the problem was that it was mostly my mother who did this since my grandmother had decided to live in another city due to her health and the other siblings put many excuses to not participate which made my mother and my uncle the ones who participated in order not to bring shame to the family in the eyes of the community. It was not a problem during the fat cow's period, but once the skinny cow period started. My mother only drowned herself more and more in debt.

- "By the way mom"- I said trying to change the topic since I know the initial side effects of the genetic booster will give the impression that I am sick so my mother will have a big I told you moment then- "I have also thought about my future and I wish you could open a university account for me please."

- "Huh?"- she looked at me with confused eyes- "why the sudden worry? I think we have time."

- "My uncle Bernard told me that it was always a good idea to invest as soon as possible"- I said saying the name of the favorite brother of my mother- "we don't know what it could happen so it's better if we start saving from now… isn't it possible?"

I tried to use my cutest expression and I internally cringe at it since my 50-year-old uncle self cringed in disgust. However, it seemed to be effective on my mother since she started hugging me

- "My cute little baby is becoming a man… Of course I will open an account for you!"- she said as she started to squish me cutting my oxygen intake in the process – "also since Bernard said that it seemed logical."

When she had married a lesser man in the eyes of the family and she had to been kicked out from home, uncle Bernard had been her guardian angel and secretly had helped my mom and he was the link when mother tried to return to the family. It was because of him my grandmother gave an audience to my mother and she was able to make up with her. So normally my mother would listen to anything my uncle Bernard would say.

- "Thank you, mom! I promise I will a great professional which will make you proud!"

- "I am already"- she said while having some tears in her eyes.

I am not bluffing by the way. In that moment I see my uncle passing the yard and I started to walk to him.

- "Hey son, what are you doing?"- he greeted looking at me with curious eyes.

- "I want to thank you once gain for protecting me from that Firendis."

- "It's only natural"- said my uncle who still had that warm spark towards me which would be lost in a few months after the losses- "nobody should forget the consequences of touching our family."

- "Right…"- I said and immediately changed my voice as I got ear to make the impression I am going to say something important- "I heard something the day I beat Firendis's son… it's about The restaurants and the mining factory…"

My uncle changed her attitude. Before, he seemed uninterested but now he had a piercing glare which was not aimed at me.

- "What did you hear?"- he asked showing his total attention to me.

- "While I was hitting him, Firendis son said that his family was planning to take down our businesses by starting a smearing campaign in our restaurants"- I explained while remembering the past life situation- "they will introduce workers and purposely infect the food and make the clients go to the hospital while also paying the TV and newspaper to make it blow in disproportion. He said that they were already changing people for weeks and were ready to act whenever they want… I don't know if this is true but I think we should check it uncle."

Uncle Patrick looked at me with dubious eyes but then he started to walk while moving his head indicating me to follow. We went to his law studio which was in the outside of the house and he used the phone he had there and which was one of the only two phones our family had.

- "It's me"- he said after dialing- "pass me Roberts… Hi Armando, I have a favor to ask. Do you have the list of employees that have renounced in the last three months? Ok… I need you to find out why they left and also check the people who entered in the restaurants backgrounds… I hope not but check them… there is a possibility of infiltration… I will wait…"

My uncle hanged out and then looked at me. As if trying to analyze me, I returned the look with utmost confidence.

- "What did he say about the mining factory?"

- "He said that he had people in high positions and that his father had been taunting about using our money to fund his campaign… I don't know how, though…"

My uncle looked extremely angry at this. I could understand. If they were literally being robbed by Firendis and used that money to fund his enemy campaign, it would be the worst insult.

- "Thank you for telling me this Cristian…"- said my uncle who seemed to look at me in a different light.

- "Do you think it's true?"- I asked with an innocent tone.

- "Even if there is the tiniest possibility, we must never let it pass without check. We must make sure that all things are clear as crystal, understood?"

- "Yes, sir"

- "I thought you had just a fight but it seems you get a very nice information and get the best from it."- he mentioned with a smile.

- "We must never hit the air, isn't that right uncle?"- I said one of the mottos of the family- "every action should be done to obtain an advantage."

My uncle nodded and he smiled with a satisfied expression. It seemed he was impressed by my acting and praised me for it. However, it was in that moment that he received a call and it was the reply he was waiting.

- "It's me… I see… they did what?"- my uncle said and I could see his expression change to a dangerous one- "so you are telling me that we are hiring people without proper screening, is that it? Then whose job is it… mine?"

I really felt sorry for the poor sod on the other side of the line. My uncle voice commanded absolute obedience and power and I knew the other party could only lower his attitude and try to please him back to normal.

- "Well… in that case isn't it obvious that supervisor is also part of this mess?"- he said raising his voice even more- "I personally hired you to deal with these things because I thought you were competent enough to solve them, Roberts! So do you job or I'll find someone who can do it! I want the names of those bastards on my table by today before dinner or I'll make sure you don't find a job for the rest of your life, am I clear?"

He hanged out and took a moment to control his emotions. He then looked at me with impressed eyes.

- "You were correct, Cristian"- he said a warm voice- "we had rats all over the place. Firendis was playing under our noses and we were not even aware of it."

- "So the mining thing…"

- "It's probably true also"- uncle said writing a note and calling his assistant who came and took it and went away running- "however, I need to talk to your grandmother and your other uncles for that… however, I must say you have really saved us a lot of trouble and money by doing this. Is there anything you want as a reward?"

- "I did it for the family"- I said with pride

- "Never reject something which can make you advance"-said my uncle with a little irony in his tone- "humility is good but an excess of it could be taken as an insult…"

- "In that case you could give me some money"

- "Money?"- he said with surprised eyes.

- "Yes"- I said and started to explain- "My mother will open a university fund and I think it's a good idea to start saving so could you give me what an information broker would have been paid for information in that account? It will also make my mother do it since sometimes she forgets things."

- "I thought you would ask for favors"

- "I need money to invest"- I explained with a calm attitude- "I want to contribute to the family and I'm sure this will not be the last time I do something useful."

- "I like your confidence"- said my uncle and he showed a smile which was very rare on him- "if you hear anything else, bring me the information. This deal with the Firendis could be ugly."

- "As the one responsible I will definitely take part on it."

I went away after make a light bow. This actions will definitely dampen Firendis family damage to my family. In the last time, the scandal due to food poisoning was so great many of our restaurants had to close and even after reopening, public were extremely cautious about them and took years to regain the favor of the public. The mining crisis was worse since the enemy literally used our money to fund their activities, even illegal ones. It went under radar for years and then when it was discovered. They called the police and the taxes office who raided us and put all the blame on us for years for laundering and using money for illegal activities. The government lost confidence on us. It had been a masterful play. However, this time I managed to put my uncle on alert and they would make sure to deal with the rats infesting our business. Having done my part, I put all my attention to the matter of the genetic booster.

- "Everything is ready"- I said as I warmed up and started with my intense session of exercises.

Since I do the basic foundation in the mornings, I start to do my combat training with punches kicks and different move sets for an hour. After twenty minutes I'm already out of breath, but then I pushed myself and found that I can continue. It is amazing to have a child body in the case of potential. After an hour, I'm completely drenched. I dragged my body to the bathroom and take a shower and entered to the warm water. It was relaxing and I felt how ll my pores opened. I put my robe and a towel on my head to avoid the cold. After that I went to the hiding place and drink the doses. The taste is really bad just as I remembered. I needed to put the medicine in the place and returned to my place where milk with honey was waiting for me. I drank two cups and then I immediately changed to my old pajamas. I had better ones but there was a reason why I used this one. I also placed the plastic bag on my mattress. I immediately laid down and my mother came to say good night. I went to sleep and prepared myself for the next hours of pain I would suffer.

- "Be valiant, Cristian… think in the reward!"

The next hours were torture and I had to bite a rubber something in order not to scream in pain. I felt that my bones were being broken, my blood felt like boilig water and my muscles spasms all the times before being torn apart. Then it all seemed to put in place, give you some minutes to recover and start again. This horrible process of destruction and regeneration went once after another time in a seemingly endless repetition.

- "Ahhh… this is too much! … damn it!!!- I shouted internally cursing all the monsters who created this medicine being so damn painful- do it for your mother…. For Anggie! For your family!"

Many times I felt my head being cracked opened and I have to fight the desire to just faint. I know it would be a liberation from the pain, I know perfectly that the effects would be much superior if I managed to stay awake and focus during the process. I don't know the reason, it's simply like that and even though I cursed the sadist bastards who created the medicine, there is nothing else I can do except to grit my teeth and bear the pain. I think in my mother and Anggie.

- "Nothing new! The failure prototypes were much much worse…"- I said to myself remembering the times I was a drug and medicine lab rat- "I was being honest here. The prototypes tasted and felt 1000 times worse so I knew I was able to resist this in comparison."

I did not know how much time had passed, but with the time the pain started to decrease and I felt my body relaxing. I also felt my body and nerves are at its limits and I would not be able to resist much more. I knew the most important part of the process has passed and so I let it go and I let myself sleep. The moment I let go I simple fainted.

- "Ewwww"- I said when a stinky smell entered my nose. It was still dark outside but I forced myself to get up.

I felt myself with fever and my body is sticky and smelling really bad. I knew this would happen which is why I used my oldest pajamas and the plastic on my mattress. The medicine forced all the impurities accumulated in your body through the pores of your body. I was shocked to see how much impurities this young body had but it is still small in comparison with what an adult would produce. In my first time, the first time I expelled the impurities I think I fainted again once I smelled when I saw and smelled the scum I had after so many years of unhealthy life.

- "I must get rid of this before mom notices"- I said forcing myself to get up, opened the window and collect the plastic bag. I felt like I had run a marathon and I just want to return to sleep. However, if mom saw this I wouldn't be able to explain.

I dragged my body and then I flush the plastic bag contents in the bathroom, then I put it under the water and finally threw it into the garbage. My immediately enter the shower and wash my body as I also wash my pajamas. As I felt the water cleaning my body I felt a great feeling of peace and comfort. After that I started laughing as a mad man.

- "It's a success"- I said while I controlled myself

I got out the bath and quickly go to my room. I changed and entered my bed. I still need to face the post effects which will include fever, nausea and weakness. However, I did not complain since it would be a walk in the park after the first shock of the previous night. I am simply passing a metamorphosis which will allow me to gain a lot of power.

- "What is a few days of suffering in comparison with years of gain?"- I said repeating what the scientist used to tell us lab rats- "you will be gods among men with all the privileges that that brings…"

Of course we knew that was just empty words, but we were suffering so much that we needed to grab any kind solace in order to bear the pain. It was not like in the comics and series where the hero gained power after a day… reality did not allow such a thing. I would suffer every single day for the next week and every time I got a new medicine, If I got my hands in others. There even more intrusive and bloody ways to obtain a perfect body, but I already explained my position in that. I was not a stupid Mary Sue like certain ridiculous character that ruined a previously legendary saga that I will not mention who just needed the power of magic and love to get access to all the power of the universe.

- "I'm just rambling now…"- I said feeling the fever taking me.

This type of medicine was much better than the prototypes though. At the beginning, the medicine created a lot of problems like mutations, acromegaly or diseases like heart diseases and diabetes, and even gigantism. The process I am suffering now was much more horrible and many just died of shock or cardiac failure since the heart and other internal organs could not keep up with the changes happening at the same time. I was extremely lucky not to have died in these experiments as many of my colleagues did.

- "Ok, Cristian is time to wake up…"- my mother entered and after a while she approached me to see me- Oh my God! You are boiling in fever!

She immediately touched my forehead and noticed I was trembling and sweating a lot. She immediately went for a towel while looking at me with furious eyes.

- I knew this would happen! Did you listen to me? Of course not!"- she shouted at me more due to the worry than for the anger- "I will ask you aunt to give you a vaccination!"

- "No! No! It will kill me!"- I shouted knowing that any kind of extra medicine could provoke a dangerous situation.

- "I will kill you myself for being disobedient!"- she said as she went out to call my aunt Zulema.

- "It's just fever"- she said in the end and I relaxed a little when she said that it was not necessary to have anything else- "Have him rest and drink lots of water… we'll see how he develops and we will see from there. However, I really need to think in a punishment for doing such a stupid thing and you too for allow it!"

My mother evaded her look and then looked at me like saying it was my fault. I apologized internally and hope that the rebound effect vanished quickly.

- "You'd better obey me from now on!"- said my mother as she made me enter the bed once again.

- "I promise…"- I said knowing very well that it would not be possible, since I had many things to do that would definitely go against her will. However, it was necessary and I was ready to do my best to secure a future for us.

And like that I stayed in bed suffering I silence as my body absorbed and changed to give me the best results.