
A Second Chance [BL, Fanfic]

This is a fanfic for 2ha by Meatbun Does Not Eat Meat (Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun) I am the original author of the fanfic, by the way. It is also posted on AO3. Chu Wanning died at the last battle at Heavenly Lake. He could not kill TaXian-Jun at the end, and was instead transmigrated into his younger self along with Mo Ran after the latter killed himself. Chu Wanning was given a second chance to make things right. Could he or could he not change the course of events and save both his disciple and the world? This fanfic will be written mainly from Chu Wanning's perspective. -------- Image is obviously not mine, taken from official 2ha manhua :) Please support the original artist and canon author!!!

Lu_Shui · Book&Literature
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116 Chs


Rainbell Isle, the seat of the Guyue'ye Sect, was located on the back of a giant tortoise that traveled around and never stayed at the same place for a long time. Other than the first and fifteenth date of each month when the tortoise docked at the YangZhou port, it was sheer impossible for anyone to visit the Rainbell Isle.

Chu Wanning summoned his paper dragon to fly from Sisheng Peak to YangZhou Port. When he took out the Ascending Dragon Talisman and woke the dragon up with a drop of his blood, the paper dragon looked him up and down and snorted.

"Psh. That Chu Wanning is becoming more and more obnoxious. As sloppy as he is, how can he neglect This Venerable One in random places? Oi kid, what are you to Chu Wanning?"

Chu Wanning was not in the mood to explain.

"I need to go to YangZhou Port," he said curtly.

The dragon cackled.

"Then walk there, little one.

Oooh, maybe this is a blessing. This Venerable One is finally free from that wretched Chu Wanning.

So long, kid. I will take my leave. Mwahahahahahaha…!!!"

The laughter had not ended when Chu Wanning picked him up and held him close to the burning oil lamp.


Chu Wanning calmly said, "Did you not want to be free? I am freeing you now."

The dragon's paper eyes widened comically.

"C-C-C-C-Chu Wanning???"

The paper dragon did not say anything else. He was very silent and obedient during the trip, just like how Chu Wanning always wanted him to be. Being commanded around by a tiny person with a murderous aura gave him a lot of fear, but he also did not dare ask what magic Chu Wanning used to return to his younger years.

Guyue'ye Sect was the number one medical sect in the whole cultivation world. While many aspiring doctors begged to become disciples to the sect, only a pitiful number of people were accepted. The majority of these wannabe disciples refused to leave Rainbell Isle and resided there. These unappreciated talents eventually honed their skills well enough to be proficient doctors. They were more than happy to take in patients who could not afford the cost of treatment by Guyue'ye Sect. That being said, Rainbell Isle was practically a concentration of medical knowledge, full of knowledge-thirsty doctors who became better and better with coming years.

Chu Wanning, the little kid with a lot of money, had a secret to keep. It would be too much of a disgrace for him to reveal his true identity to another person, so he did not plan to go to Guyue'ye Sect at all. Instead, he planned to get access to Guyue'ye Sect's massive library.

Guyue'ye Sect earned themselves a reputation amongst the cultivators as the snobbiest sect in the Upper Cultivation Realm. Jiang Xi, the currently reigning Guyue'ye Sect Leader refused to attend every single Sect Leader Meeting ever since Rufeng Sect Leader, Nangong Liu became the Sect Leader Immortal. Rufeng Sect's bolder disciples as well as the disciples from other sects who wanted to get on Rufeng Sect's good side often said that Guyue'ye Sect did not bother to give face to other sects, including the Rufeng Sect. They directly badmouthed Guyue'ye Sect for their unwillingness to share the massive wisdom that was contained in their library, which was only exclusive to the Guyue'ye Sect disciples as opposed to the other sects' libraries.

When Jiang Xi heard about the complaints, he scoffed and said that Guyue'ye Sect's library was full of medicine books that had been passed from generation and generation of healers and doctors. The most proficient ones hailed from Guyue'ye sect itself, so what use did other sects have for the books in the library?

Nevertheless, Jiang Xi the magnanimous elder decided to give select people a fair chance to learn in the sect library for a week. These select people could be part of a sect or not. The most important thing was that these people, with no exception, must pass Guyue'ye Sect's written exam that would test their basic medical knowledge thoroughly before they were even allowed to take a peek at the library. And then, as if to mock them, the books in the library were all written using a secret language that only Guyue'ye Sect disciples understood. Some pages were even deliberately torn off the books to make things even more difficult.

The number of disciples who registered to take the exam was plenty at first. Each disciple was given a chance to take the exam every ten years to gain access. Only a few people passed. They entered the library with a high spirit only to leave before three days passed in broken spirit.

Jiang Xi was such a bully!

Nevertheless, no one dared to complain again, for fear of being ridiculed by the sharp-tongued sect leader of Guyue'ye Sect.

Chu Wanning had taken the exam twice in his previous life.

When he took it the first time, he was only fifteen years old and he failed by merely a few points. He took the exam again when he was twenty-five years old, and he passed with flying colors. At that time he was also one of the people who had to turn their backs to the library in disappointment for failing to decipher the secret language.

Later on, after Taxian-Jun attacked Guyue'ye Sect and killed Jiang Xi, he filled the library in Sisheng Peak with books from Guyue'ye Sect. A tormented Guyue'ye Sect disciple was forced to teach the Emperor of the Cultivation World how to decipher the books, and he did so with tears in his eyes after he was subjected to torture for weeks. Taxian-Jun did not only torture the body but also the heart. When tormenting the person itself did not yield the wanted result, then he started to torture his family members, his closest friends, his brothers- and sisters-in-arm. When the disciple had been broken completely and agreed to reveal the secret, Chu Wanning was also present. He silently watched as Taxian-Jun flipped over the table angrily, scattering the scrolls and splattering the ink all over the ground when he lost the patience to learn. In the end, the disciple died and Taxian-Jun still had not mastered the secret language.

Chu Wanning was always the more patient one, the better student. He memorized the secret language and started to read through the secret ancient books one by one when he did not have to entertain Taxian-Jun. After reading through a few select ancient texts and books, he managed to find some information about the Hatred Flower. This time too, Chu Wanning planned to find a way to cure himself of the ancient willow tree poison that was coursing in his blood. A week should be enough to find the right passage to point out the ways to cure him.

As soon as the access to Rainbell Isle was open, a lot of people quickly rushed over for various reasons. Some of them were common folks who were looking to find a doctor to cure their ailing sickness. Some of them were cultivators who wanted to buy some medicines or seek treatment from Guyue'ye Sect disciples. Chu Wanning, the little boy, was the only one who confidently marched toward the Guyue'ye Sect's Residence and declared that he wanted to take the exam.

The disciple who received Chu Wanning stuck his chin up and looked at this little boy with a sneer on his face. He asked the junior to leave and come back in a few years without even batting an eyelid.

Chu Wanning sneered back.

"I heard that Guyue'ye Sect allows everyone to enter the library as long as the person passes the exam. How come I am turned away before I even have the chance to take the exam?"

The disciple rolled with his eyes and clicked with his tongue. He was being kind to a little, foolish boy by telling him to just go away, but this little cheeky boy actually dared to challenge him. Whatever. If he wanted to jump into a pool of fire then the disciple would be nice enough to open the door for him and heat up the stove.

Chu Wanning passed after writing the exam for three hours.

The disciple was flabbergasted. He had seen so many capable individuals fail the exam but this little boy who just barely stopped nursing from his mother managed to pass??? The disciple was shaken to the core. Never mind, he thought. He showed Chu Wanning into a guest room and then led him to the library.

"Only a week," he reminded him in a stiff tone.

He expected Chu Wanning to come out bawling after ten minutes, but the little boy did not come out until late in the evening when he looked for food. The next day, he came back. And the next day. And the next day.

The disciple eventually went to cry to his shixiongs about this strange little boy who was cooped up in the library as if he could read the secret language! One of the elder disciples thought that it was weird, and notified the elders. The elders went to spy on Chu Wanning a few times and saw him go through books and shelves diligently day after day, but they also could not do anything. Eventually, Jiang Xi heard of it.

The Guyue'ye Sect Leader came by on Chu Wanning's fifth day to take a look at this wonder disciple. He had a strong suspicion that this disciple was not an ordinary disciple but a spy from another sect. Unfortunately, this little spy secured himself access fairly by passing their difficult exam so Jiang Xi could not just detain him. He must first find some evidence against him.

Chu Wanning was looking through an ancient book when he caught a glimpse of Jiang Xi's figure through the tail of his eye, but he did not look up. Jiang Xi was a very intelligent man with keen observation. Although Chu Wanning mentioned neither his name nor his sect, he was still worried about implicating Sisheng Peak. Everyone knew that Jiang Xi greatly disliked Xue Zhengyong in particular and Sisheng Peak in general.

Jiang Xi casually entered the corridor between two big shelves and pretended to look at the piling books and ancient scrolls on top of each rack. Chu Wanning was sitting on the floor with a candle and was reading about poisonous ancient plants. He ignored Jiang Xi completely.

"Little disciple, what's your name?" he asked directly, raising his eyebrow at this little boy who did not bother to acknowledge his presence.

"It is not necessary to give name and origin when requesting access to the library," Chu Wanning softly said without meeting Jiang Xi's gaze.

Jiang Xi smirked.

"Of course, but the sect leader has full right to investigate suspicious intruders."

Chu Wanning lifted his tender eyelashes and glances at Jiang Xi. The latter was of the same age as Xue Zhengyong, but he looked no older than twenty years old. In fact, Guyue'ye Sect prided itself in cultivating youthful appearance while getting on in years. Clothed in a green robe with a golden embroidery pattern and a Guyue'ye green jade crown on his head, he appeared both elegant and intimidating.

"You have been reading a lot about ancient poisons. Why don't you just ask me what you want to know? You only have two days left and I have a feeling that you are far from reaching your goal."

Jiang Xi was not wrong.

While Guyue'ye Sect library was full of information, most of them were very general. Chu Wanning suspected that there was a secret compartment or a smaller library with the precious books inside. Naturally, Jiang Xi would never allow anyone to get access to said books. It was futile to try to find the information that he wanted.

In that case, Chu Wanning did not bother to be polite.

"I am looking for information regarding ancient willow tree poison," he said.

Jiang Xi furrowed his brows.

"What kind of poison?"

"Any kind."

Jiang Xi narrowed his eyes at Chu Wanning.

"Is it the kind that turns an adult into a child?"

A flicker of light flashed in Chu Wanning's eyes, and it did not escape Jiang Xi's observation. He grabbed Chu Wanning's wrist with a quick movement. Chu Wanning widened his eyes in fright and immediately tried to free himself. Unfortunately, his little body worked against him. Jiang Xi ended up pinning Chu Wanning on the cold ground.

"Who are you?" he asked in a low voice. "Answer me, or die."

Chu Wanning gritted his teeth.

"Sect Leader Jiang, is this the way of treating a guest disciple?"

Jiang Xi laughed.

"Of course not. Why don't I personally give you a check-up then, free of cost?"

"No need!"

Chu Wanning struggled to break free like fish out of water, but Jiang Xi casually tapped on an acupuncture point on his back to disable his movement. Chu Wanning was so angry that he wanted to summon Tianwen on spot, but that one single move was enough to reveal his identity. Chu Wanning thus pressed his lips together and let Jiang Xi take his wrist again and feel his pulse.

It did not take long for him to come to a verdict.

"What strong spiritual energy. Only a few cultivators have managed to reach this level, and the ones who are still alive can be counted with fingers. If only Chu-zongshi had bothered to send a message that he would like to grace the Guyue'ye Sect Hall with his presence, we would have prepared a welcome party."

Jiang Xi's sneer was met with Chu Wanning's cold glare.

After persuading his father for days, Xue Meng finally got permission from Xue Zhengyong to visit the Rainbell Isle with Mo Ran and Shi Mei. Shi Mei had once gotten handwritten permission from Chu Wanning to learn from other sects, and the three disciples planned to make use of the permission scroll to look for Chu Wanning.

When they arrived at YangZhou port, it was the twelfth of the month. They had to wait three full days before they could finally visit the Rainbell Isle. Once the fifteenth came, the three disciples hurried over to the Rainbell Isle and were quickly overwhelmed by the many visitors who crowded the island. They casually went from inn to inn, teahouses to teahouses to find "a white-robed cultivator with a little boy who did not reach his waist". No one claimed to have seen the curious duo.

Mo Ran even threw in a "maybe they came with a lady in tow", but that also gained him no further clues.

"I think… well, why don't we uh, find a place to eat first?" Xue Meng asked when his stomach started to rumble.

"Good idea," Shi Mei agreed. "Mo Ran?"

Mo Ran merely grunted in displeasure. It had been two weeks since Chu Wanning the cheater went back to Rainbell Isle to spend time with his wife and child. Mo Ran would love to tear down every building in Rainbell Isle just to find Chu Wanning. Alas, he was no longer the Emperor of the Cultivation World. After being reborn, he was only Mo Ran, one of Sisheng Peak's many disciples. If he dared to cause a ruckus in an inn, he would get sent back to Sisheng Peak as a criminal waiting for punishment.

Honestly, Mo Ran did not mind that if he could find Chu Wanning.

Mo Ran's heart was burning hot as if Chu Wanning had personally dipped his heart into the spicy soup, stirred it inside, and cooked it over at the Gudong Pot stall at Wuchang City.

He could not find peace until he saw Chu Wanning again.

Until he caught him red-handed with his secret family.

Until he ripped that ascetic, holier-than-thou appearance and exposed Chu Wanning's true face in public.

The three disciples entered an inn that was just barely good enough for Xue Meng without burning a hole in his pocket. They sat around a table in a booth at the ground level. The booths at the upper level were reserved for more prominent guests, usually visitors from the other great sects of the Upper Cultivation Realm. It seemed that some especially prominent guests had come to grace the inn with their presence and caused the poor innkeeper to rush up and down to cater to the guests' every whim.

Xue Meng, Shi Mei, and Mo Ran just happened to sit in a booth where they could glance up to get a look at the VIP guests' window. A soft light green curtain covered the window to prevent onlookers from catching a glimpse.

Xue Meng and Shi Mei craned their necks curiously.

"Who do you think it is?" Xue Meng asked Shi Mei.

"Rainbell Isle received guests from all around the cultivation world. It is difficult to guess," Shi Mei answered wisely.

Just as fate wanted it, someone wreaked havoc in the adjacent booth. A man was shouting at an attendant while a set of porcelains crashed onto the ground and caused the other guests to peek from their booths full of curiosity.

"What do you mean it costs two thousand gold?? I only drank a little tea with my friends here!"

The attendant went pale and continuously bowed his head in reverence.

"Esteemed guests, you have also ordered a plate of the seasonal cookies that we put on the menu…"


The man who spoke was a tall one with a muscular build. He raised his hand to give the attendant a slap across the cheek but his arm was quickly restrained by a willow vine. Shimmering golden, the willow vine was adorned with tender, fluttering green leaves. It was Tianwen!!! And it extended from the window of the VIP booth that the three disciples had been eyeing for a while. Shi Mei, Xue Meng, and Mo Ran widened their eyes in shock.

Not long after, Chu Wanning himself pulled the green curtain aside with his free hand and stood at the second floor, looking a lot like an immortal who just descended from heaven. He directed his cold stare at the man who was astounded to the point of losing his speech.

"What is it? Cat got your tongue?" Chu Wanning asked mercilessly.

Mo Ran was about to shout at Chu Wanning, but then he saw another person appear behind Chu Wanning.

Mo Ran could barely believe his eyes. His jaw dropped to the ground in an instant.

It was Jiang Xi!!!

The color on Mo Ran's face changed from pale to red to green.

What the fuck was Jiang Xi doing with Chu Wanning???

Jiang Xi scoffed at the man and regarded him full of contempt.

"These cookies are made using Guyue'ye's newest cultivation medicine. Maybe your honored self would like to retract your statement."

"S-Sect Leader Jiang! I am sorry! I made a mistake! Hey, attendant, I want to pay now! The bill, please!"

The ruckus was settled within minutes. Jiang Xi grabbed Chu Wanning's arm. The latter flicked his sleeves to free himself from Jiang Xi's grip. At the same time, Tianwen left the other man's arm and returned to its owner. All of that happened in front of Mo Ran, whose eyes turned redder and redder. Xue Meng could not contain himself anymore and shouted loudly, "SHIZUN!!!!"

Chu Wanning was just about to return to the booth with Jiang Xi when he heard the familiar voice.

"Xue Meng?" he asked, frowning a little.


Chu Wanning's eyes moved from the ecstatic boy over to his two companions.

Shi Mei bowed and smiled, "Disciple Shi Mei greets Shizun."

Mo Ran was next to him. He said nothing and merely pinned Chu Wanning with a glare. Chu Wanning did not understand the meaning behind his glare. He merely gave Mo Ran his usual expressionless stare.

"Come up, all three of you," he said with a languid sigh.

After that, the two elders disappeared behind the green curtain.

Xue Meng ran toward the staircase, but Mo Ran was fast like a cheetah. He went up the stairs taking two steps at once. One would have thought that he was trying to catch a criminal instead of finding his Shizun.

When Mo Ran arrived in front of the booth, he heard something that almost caused him to explode from anger.

"Sect Leader Jiang, just because I grant you access to my body, it does not mean that you can touch me as you please. Please refrain from doing so in public."