
A sealed kunai

I'm just an avid reader spreading the name of "Kenchi618"

KEL_ZEN · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Genin?

Kurenai was gnashing her teeth after watching Naruto's fight with Hinata. He tore her down, goaded her into a fight and then dissected her and kept a straight face about it the whole time, "I'm going to kill that brat when this is over."

Tsunade glared back at her, "Be quiet Kurenai and be professional. It was a fight. Mind games are supposed to be just another tool that shinobi use. This isn't a primary school where everyone is everyone's friend and you can hold her hand the entire time. You were the ones that were so sure he wouldn't get this far. Not bad for a 'dead-last' huh?"

Asuma looked at Tsunade, "You sure must like that kid huh Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade smirked at him, "Why wouldn't I? That's one tough brat down there. Unlike the majority of your kids he has the right idea on what a shinobi is supposed to do. He's loyal, and he's actually pretty pleasant if you didn't piss him off at you. Oh wait, none of you know anyone that ever tried talking to him seriously before."

Tsunade laughed slightly, "I have half a mind to promote him to jounin after this. He's already got chunin."

Gai walked up, "Tsunade-sama, I admit, Naruto-kun's flames of youth burn brighter than previously advertised, but are you sure? Jounin is a whole other league, especially for a child."

Tsunade looked at Gai with a smirk, "Well, he's still got three fights left. He'll show you just what league he's in. I think I'll give him some time as a chunin first, he won't get anything less than that though. I don't think any of the remaining genin can even touch him."

Kakashi chimed in, "He still hasn't fought Sasuke yet Tsunade-sama. Things can change in the blink of an eye you know."

Tsunade got a predatory look in her eye, "So Kakashi, sounds like you still don't think much about our little blonde gaki out there. How about a little wager?"

Kakashi eye-smiled, "Name your terms."

Tsunade's grin got wider, "Oh this one might entertain you quite a bit… and I wouldn't really call it a wager, more of a request of sorts."


In the crowd the recently released sand siblings were in attendance, stopping off to watch the event going on in the stadium before returning to their home, their time as P.O.W.s now over. Taking their seats they were curious as to what was going on. Kankuro noticed Gaara watching down on the field intently. Looking down there himself he saw Naruto standing alone with Anko down in the center, "Isn't that the kid that caught us?"

Temari squinted before widening her eyes in surprise, "It is. What is he doing here? Is this all about him?"

A disgruntled fan snorted, "That demon brat is taking on a bunch of the prominent genin in this village. The poor kids… That demon is slaughtering them out there."

Gaara blinked and locked eyes with the man, "So Uzumaki is killing his genin opponents in the ring?"

The man flinched at Gaara's gaze and monotone speaking voice, "No, not really. But he's running right through them all. I knew he was hiding something for all these years."

Temari and Kankuro looked confused, Temari voiced their question, "Why does this place despise the kid so much?"

Gaara simply looked at her and back out into the arena, "He is like me."

Both Temari and Kankuro was shocked. Like Gaara? He has a demon in him too? Why hasn't he ended up the same way that Gaara did then. These people hate him, not fear him so he couldn't be killing them.


Naruto yawned loudly back in the stadium. He had been here for over four hours and had not been even close to pushed yet, this was more of a light spar to him than anything else all things considered, hell it wasn't even a spar; during a spar you actually get hit.

Naruto shut his mouth from his massive yawn and smacked his lips, "I'm bored Anko-san, this is boring. I'm tired of beating up on these kids already. Do you think I got my point across yet?"

Anko smirked at him, "Now, now gaki, you still have three fights left so make them entertaining okay? And what did I tell you to call me again?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and spoke in monotone, "Anko-chan."


Naruto sighed tiredly, "Anko-sama."

Anko smiled sweetly at him, "Good boy, I knew you could do it! Look alive kid, next victim up."

At Anko's behest Naruto found Neji making his way into the arena with his usual gait. Naruto and Neji faced each other down and stared at each other intensely. Neji smirked at the blonde, "One more time?"

Naruto chuckled, "One more time…"

Anko licked her lips in anticipation of the coming battle, "The eighth match! Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyuuga! Hajime!"

Neji activated his Byakugan and sprung at him suddenly, beginning striking at Naruto rapidly. Naruto didn't feel like risking his chakra by blocking this time so he opted to simply dodge and put some distance between himself and the Hyuuga prodigy. This was easier said than done however as Neji was dogged in his pursuit, and any attempts to move without properly breaking Neji's chain of combinations could result in some painful Hyuuga jabs in his near future.

Naruto shot out a punch at the same time Neji went for a finger jab. Neji diverted his strike over Naruto's fist and dipped it in time to hit him in the wrist. Naruto saw this as his opportunity to move and jumped back, shaking his wrist out to get the feeling back into it.

Neji kept his focus solely on Naruto, and easily realizing the threat that any time Naruto could have to think and plan was bad, rushed back in. Naruto formed a Kage Bunshin and Kawarimied with it in time for Neji to hit a palm strike to the bunshin's chest, destroying it and allowing Naruto ample breathing room to back away.

Neji set himself in his ready stance and let out a breath, "I will defeat you this time Naruto. I am not taking you lightly this time around, you have my full attention."

Naruto pulled the sword from his back, "That's nice, but you can pay me all the attention that you want. You still won't beat me. I'm not the same one-dimensional guy that I was at the chunin exams." He set himself down and ran at Neji.

Neji began ducking and dodging Naruto's slashes. Naruto sheathed his sword suddenly following one of his slashes and grabbed Neji by his ponytail that was flailing about in the melee. With a malicious smirk on his face he jerked around and tossed Neji over his shoulder, slamming him hard to the ground by his hair.

Neji held his scalp on the ground while Anko cackled in the background, "That ripped a few out by the roots didn't it?"

Neji rubbed his head as he stood up, "That wasn't very honorable Naruto."

Naruto shrugged, "We're ninja, honor is for samurai and dead men. I'd rather be an ignoble winner than an honorable loser."

Neji slipped back into his stance, "That may be, but you are in range of my field of divination."

A sigh came from Naruto's mouth, "Fuck…"

Neji dashed in and began his assault, "Hakke… Two palms!"

Naruto dodged the first two strikes. Neji kept going , "Four palms!"

Naruto kept dodging as Neji picked up the pace, "Eight palms! Sixteen palms! Thirty-two palms!"

Naruto kept narrowly keeping out of reach of the rapid-fire strikes, "Sixty-four palms!"

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw that Neji wasn't stopping his assault. The blistering speed of his hands had Naruto actually worrying about getting hit, finally Neji clipped him and began tagging him with shots, "Hakke Hyaku Nijuuhachi Sho (Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms)!"

Naruto was knocked to the ground as Neji stood straight up looking down on him


Asuma let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding, "Finally, someone beat the kid. It took long enough though, I kind of thought he was going to finish there for a minute."

Kurenai shook her head, "You forgot didn't you?"

Kakashi and Asuma looked at her curiously and she groaned, "People really don't pay attention to him do they? This already happened LAST TIME! And last time Neji hit him more than he did this time!"

Asuma dropped his cigarette while Kakashi still looked puzzled, "Neji did something like this the first time they fought? Well, how did he get up to win?"


Neji turned to speak to Anko. Neji stopped however upon hearing a bored sigh coming from Naruto, "Whoopee, more palms. Yay… Man you Hyuugas are seriously a bunch of one-trick ponies."

Neji turned to see a dry expression on Naruto's face, "What are you saying Naruto? You should be beaten after that."

Naruto smirked at him, "Déjà vu isn't it?"

Neji's eyes widened as the same malicious feeling from last time as Naruto kipped back up to his feet, just as quickly the feeling faded. And let out a vulpine smirk, "You barely hit me. I'd say out of 128 strikes you hit me maybe 20 or so times. Last time you hit all 64 of your other technique and I shook it off. I'm immune to your Jyuuken unless you strike for organs or something and even then it had better be a kill shot or I'll just keep coming."

Neji tensed up, "Well then why did you dodge my earlier strikes if you can just take them? When I hit I still had to have disrupted your tenketsu."

Naruto nodded, "Yes, but you forget, I can just open them back up. I already did… Hurts like hell though… That's why I dodged, those things hurt."

Neji was on immediate alert as Naruto charged back in. Luckily Neji performed his Kaiten prior to Naruto reaching him. Naruto was thrown back and scoffed, "You want to try that again?"

As he drew the sword from his back Neji prepared for another rotation. Naruto dashed in as Neji began to spin. Naruto channeled wind chakra into the blade of his sword and split right through Neji's shell of chakra, bursting out the other side. Neji stood still for a moment before dropping to the ground as blood shot from the wounds that appeared on his chest and back. Naruto ignored the outraged cries of the people, 'Ultimate defense my ass…'

Naruto walked over to Neji and placed the blade by his throat. Neji looked up at him with difficulty, "H-How?"

Naruto looked down at him, "Don't worry about it. Sleep."

Naruto cracked Neji with the blunt side of his ninjato, knocking him out to end the fight. Anko walked over and called for the medics while Naruto walked over to a grassy area to wipe off his sword, "Shousa, Naruto Uzumaki!"


Asuma was clutching the guard rail tightly, "That was wind chakra! How could a genin possibly know elemental manipulation to that kind of extent? That's an elite level skill!"


Naruto turned to see Choji making his way out onto the field. Choji unwarily stood across from him and got his first eye-full of Naruto's combat stare. He felt like he was drowning in the ocean as he looked into Naruto's eyes that resembled the coldness of an iceberg.

Choji bit his lip and steeled himself, he was no fool, he had seen what had gone on in all of the other matches. He knew he had no chance against Naruto, if he was strong enough to fight off Shikamaru's Kagemane no Jutsu he knew he couldn't match up against him because his strength was really all that he had over most genin. Naruto was faster, stronger, and had too many ways to beat him.

But he wasn't going to walk away from the fight just because he knew he would lose. Worst-case scenario, Naruto knocks him out and he spends a few hours looking up at a hospital ceiling until his parents come and get him. He knew Naruto wouldn't hurt him unnecessarily, so he could more or less place this in a category similar to sparring with his father, he knew he wouldn't win, but that was no reason not to try his best.

Choji gulped and motioned to Anko that he was ready. Anko took her spot between them, "The ninth match, Naruto Uzumaki vs. Choji Akimichi! Hajime!"

"Baika no Jutsu (Multi-Size Jutsu)!" Anko had to jump out of the way as Choji immediately went straight into his clan jutsu list. As quickly as he could he tucked his head, arms, and legs into his body

"Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank)!" His massive form began its rollout towards Naruto who was swiftly on the defensive to avoid being squashed by the chubby ninja. Despite being in the shape of a massive ball Choji was quite mobile in that form, and was far faster than he was outside of it. Naruto found that the longer Choji rolled the more momentum he picked up.

Naruto pumped chakra into his legs to gain the necessary distance to warrant turning around to face Choji. Naruto channeled wind chakra to his fists and thrusted them out linked together, "Fuuton: Fuujin Seiken (Wind Release: Divine Fist of the Wind God)!"

The force of the wind jutsu hitting the meat tank sent the rotund ninja flying backwards until he bounced off of one of the stone walls lining the arena.

Choji came rolling right back at Naruto who simply stood right in his path and waited for him. When he got close enough Naruto cocked his leg back and gave Choji a chakra-enhanced kick that sent him flying once more, only into the stands this time. Choji released the jutsu to avoid crushing the spectators and ended up crashing into the stairs and rolling down them until he finally came to a stop at the bottom.

After a few minutes of him trying to regain his senses, Choji shakily stood up and faced Naruto, wincing with some blood coming from his lips, "You're… strong Naruto. I know I can't win here."

Naruto nodded, "But the important thing is that you tried. Do you want to continue?"

Choji looked up in the stands to his father. Choza knew what Choji was asking him and sat in contemplation before silently shaking his head. Choji turned back to Naruto and sighed, "I wish I could. But there's only one way that I can even hope to hang with you and my dad really doesn't want me trying it, it's really dangerous. I surrender."

Anko nodded and pointed to Naruto, "Shousa, Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto sighed, "I kind of wanted to see what you could do Choji. You have some serious potential, I can only imagine what you had up your sleeve, but I understand. Maybe I'll get to see it one day."

Choji held his ribs and smiled at Naruto before heading back to the waiting area.

Naruto grinned and looked up at the waiting area where the others were watching from. Looking at all of the jounin he held up all ten of his fingers and slowly ticked them all down until one thumb was left up before he slowly dragged it across his throat.


Gai was marveling at the sheer raw power that Naruto had just shown against Choji, "He stopped him with a kick. Just a kick, nothing more. That's incredible, I wouldn't even attempt something like that."

Tsunade smiled at Naruto and looked back at her subordinates, "Last chance. Sasuke has to win or you all know what will happen."

Asuma shrugged, "Yeah we do, but I still don't see how that could be a punishment for losing a bet."

Tsunade chuckled, "Okay, just keep with that line of thought."


Anko noticed the crowd beginning to buzz, mostly over how the "Last Uchiha" would wipe the floor with the demon. Naruto simply stood calmly and waited for the fight to come. Anko really had taken a liking to the kid over the course of the day. He was entertaining to her, whether intentional or not, and he didn't act much like his age. She also realized that he fought like a professional, she definitely had to seek him out for a spar or two after this was all over.

Anko nudged him to get his attention, "Last one gaki. How are you going to handle this one?"

Naruto shifted his eyes to her, "The same way I handled the rest of them; I'm going to kick his ass."

Anko smirked, "What? You don't think the Uchiha will pose a challenge to you?" She spoke in a sarcastic tone, "You think the 'almighty' Sharingan isn't enough for him to win?"

Naruto chuckled, "Nope. Hell I don't think it'll even help at all here. He can't copy anything I can do. I don't need hand-seals to make Kage Bunshin, even if he had the hand-seals for my Raiton: Denkai branch moves he still doesn't have the ones for Raiton: Denkai in the first place so they're useless, and my fuuton jutsu don't need hand-seals either. He can't copy anything I'm actually willing to show here."

"Finally dobe." Naruto noticed Sasuke walking up to him. This Sasuke didn't just have his air of superiority over him, he had a tinge of excitement rolling off of him. He was spoiling for this fight, "I can finally prove once and for all that I'm better than you. Get ready to lose."

Naruto had his arms crossed, "If you were really strong then you wouldn't have to prove anything to anyone. I'm just doing this for my career. If I don't show all of these idiots that I'm talented I'll never get a promotion."

Naruto looked to Anko who moved between them. She turned towards the crowd, "The tenth and final match! Naruto Uzumaki vs. Sasuke Uchiha!" The crowd roared for Sasuke as a smug smirk came onto his face. Looking at Naruto he flashed the famous eyes of the Sharingan making the crowd roar even louder.

Anko rolled her eyes, "…Showoff… Hajime!"

Sasuke dashed in, remembering how poor Naruto had been at taijutsu all the times that Kakashi had them spar in the past. Apparently he hadn't been paying much attention to the happenings of the day too much. Naruto slapped his initial punch aside and grabbed on to his ankle to pull him forward roughly before hitting him with a vicious clothesline to the throat.

Sasuke hit the ground hard holding his throat and coughing. Naruto walked around him slowly and let him get his breath, "You know Uchiha… part of me is telling me to just knock you flat on your ass, get my promotion, go home, and sleep until later disturbed."

A feral grin spread over his face however, "But it's a whisper compared to the part of me that's screaming to flat out humiliate your ass in front of all these people. So get up, because this is a long ass trail you're taking Uchiha, and this is just the first turn bitch."


The sand siblings were getting pretty fed up with how the crowd was treating Naruto.

"The demon just hit the Uchiha!"

"There's no way Uchiha-sama can lose to something like that!"

"It was luck! This entire thing has all been luck!"

Temari asked a man nearby, "How many fights have there been so far?"

The man kept his eyes on the current battle, "There have been nine so far. The brat beat everyone that was put in front of him. None of them have even been able to touch him."

Temari watched Sasuke shakily pick himself up off of the ground, "That isn't the same kid screaming all the time from the exams."

Kankuro nodded, "What happened? I wouldn't have even considered him a threat until he ended up beating us in the woods."


Sasuke, just now getting his breathing back to normal, stood and glared at Naruto, "How did you hit me so easily? You were never this good before!"

Naruto set back into a ready stance, "Well this isn't before is it? You can't hit me fighting the way you do. Trying to beat me with taijutsu would be like you trying to fight Kakashi with taijutsu, except I won't be so nice about it. No gimme shots for you to boost your ego, if you try that again I will be breaking something."

Sasuke growled at Naruto, "What do you mean 'gimme shots'?" Sasuke rushed right back in as Naruto sighed in response and began defending, "Face it dobe! Those other losers couldn't match up to me!"

Naruto narrowed his eyes and caught Sasuke's fist in his grip before slamming a fist deep into his body. Sasuke dropped to his knees, spitting out blood and coughing once more. Naruto punted him in the ribs and sent him rolling for a few feet, "I meant what I said. When Kakashi trained you during the month before the finals he said he worked on your taijutsu and speed, how hard did he hit you? What was the hardest that Kakashi hit you?"

Naruto picked up Sasuke by his collar and smashed him in the face once more, "Did he ever hit you so hard that he hurt himself? Did he ever hit you so hard you actually lost consciousness for more than a day? If your answer is no then you're way more under me than I thought."

Naruto held him by his collar as Sasuke struggled to get out. Sasuke managed to reel off a shot that hit Naruto in the face, but all it did was force Naruto to turn his head, Naruto quirked his mouth before head-butting Sasuke in the face, sending him falling to the ground holding his now broken nose. Sasuke looked up to Naruto, blood coming through his finger and tears forming in his eyes.

Naruto shot a cold gaze downward, "You think you're strong but you're not as good as you think. You've been lead to believe that you're Kami's gift to Konoha, but you're not, you're just another genin with a bloodline, and that doesn't make you special at all. All you had over everyone else was a leg up and an entire village at your back."

Sasuke stood back up glaring with death in his eyes at Naruto who scoffed at his attempt at killing intent, "I'm done talking to you. Let me show you what I mean the hard way."

As Naruto finished speaking Sasuke jumped away, not really wanting to get in close with Naruto again. Sasuke flipped through hand-signs and put his fingers to his mouth, "Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu)!"

The fireball launched at Naruto who didn't move. The fireball collided with Naruto much to the approval of the crowd who up until that point were sitting on their hands. Sasuke smirked at the ruin he had created until the fire cleared and a charred log was left behind, remnants of a kawarimi.

Sasuke scanned the immediate area swiftly, preparing his body for any response that it could take. He turned his head as he saw Naruto emerge from the tree in the arena, rushing at him. As he turned to react he took a sharp blow in one of his blind spots, revealing another Naruto that was currently pummeling him. The first Naruto who had gotten his notice had dispelled while the other Naruto attacked.

Sasuke was reeling from the pummeling that was taking place. The Sharingan was once again proven useless against an opponent that was far faster than he was. It actually made it worse, seeing a punch coming and not being able to defend it chipped away at Sasuke's confidence, but in this case he was seeing entire combinations coming and still ended up taking them.

The dull thump of Sasuke hitting the ground again rang out as Naruto burst into smoke. Another Naruto revealed itself standing on top of the walls shaking his right hand out with amusement on his face, "Good job Sasuke-teme. You technically beat my Kage Bunshin, though he dispelled because he broke his hand on your face, but hey! Who's keeping score here?"


The jounin were at the end of their rope. This was just too much. Gai was hunched over the rail, his head arched out towards the battle, "A Kage Bunshin… He was doing that kind of damage with just one Kage Bunshin…"

Tsunade had a stone face on as she watched her genin fight, "Now do you see? Did him running through all of your teams get the point across or do you need more evidence to support his promotion." She faced the jounin seriously, "The next time I personally endorse the promotion of one particular ninja you'd damn sure better believe without question that there is a damn good reason for it."

Kakashi was frozen in place before something ticked in his brain, "I need to stop this before this goes too far."

Kurenai shook her head at Kakashi, "It's a little late for that isn't it?"

Kakashi made a move to leave but was blocked by Asuma and Gai, "What are you two doing? This can't go on any longer!"

Asuma sighed in a disinterested fashion, "We all watched our own kids get their asses kicked, so you're staying to watch one of yours beat the crap out of the other one."

Gai nodded, "We all knew the stakes coming into this test my eternal rival. Take solace in the fact that this isn't a deathmatch."

Tsunade raised her voice, "Kakashi, stand down. Do not interfere with this fight."

Kakashi turned to her, "Tsunade-sama, if this doesn't end soon it will escalate. They'll try to kill each other."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "If Naruto tries to kill Sasuke then Sasuke is dead. If Sasuke tries to kill Naruto then Sasuke will end up in the hospital. Naruto won't kill him and Sasuke isn't capable of killing him in return."

Kakashi made to speak again but Tsunade held up her hand stalling him, "Just watch."

"What did I miss?"

They all turned to see Jiraiya standing in the corner. Tsunade frowned at him, "How about the whole thing? This is the last fight. Naruto's been tearing through all of these kids."

Jiraiya looked out to see Naruto walking slowly down the wall back into the arena, "Alright, well at least I got here in time to catch one."


Sasuke stood once more as Naruto strode towards him purposefully. Sasuke glared as blood dripped down his face, "You aren't better than me!" Sasuke launched a set of kunai at Naruto who just shifted his body out of the way and kept walking.

Sasuke smirked as he placed ninja wire into his mouth and pulled back on it. The wire surrounded and bound Naruto. Sasuke grinned maniacally, "Katon: Ryuuka no Jut-."

Before he could finish Naruto let out an audible sigh and coated his body in wind chakra to sever the wire before continuing his walk towards Sasuke. The Uchiha in question was utterly shocked as his wire dropped limply from his mouth, his opponent still striding over casually. A faint burning on the back of his shoulder was the least of his concerns right now, he had a juggernaut that he couldn't stop coming right for him.

Naruto was whistling a jaunty tune with no expression on his face, further unnerving his dark-haired adversary. He was utterly ignoring the look of fear on Sasuke's face on the outside, but on the inside he and the Kyuubi were freaking out in laughter, "Keep going kit! Just a little bit more, I swear he's about to piss his pants!"

Naruto kept his poker face on, 'I know, but what else can I do to fuck with him? I already made two of his best jutsu look worthless and beat the piss out of him. Unless he's stupid enough to try Chidori I don't think there's any more to do to him. Oh well, time to knock him out.'

Naruto's footsteps might as well have been thudding off of the ground for all the good it was doing Sasuke to see him coming. His fight-or-flight mechanism kicked in with a vengeance, 'What is he? This can't be the same Naruto…'

'Fight him Sasuke…'

'What? He's been overwhelming me from the start. He's stronger.'

'You have more power than him… Let it out, show them all your strength…'

'…I will… Give me more power.'

'Let your rage take over… He is an obstacle to you, remove him…'

'Who does he think he is? I'm Sasuke Uchiha! He's a nobody! He's still the same dobe he's always been!'

Naruto stopped his walk as he saw black marks spread across the right half of Sasuke's body. Naruto snorted, "That damned seal again… I'm really starting to hate seals." Naruto saw Tsunade signal her Anbu out of the corner of his eye, "Baa-chan no! Let me finish this! It's still my fight…"


Tsunade nodded and gave the signal to her Anbu to back off. Kakashi ran up to her, "Tsunade-sama! Stop the fight! Sasuke is giving in to the seal, we have to stop him!"

Jiraiya put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder and shook his head, "Kakashi, that kid has more experience with that seal than anyone else in Konoha except Anko. He knows what he's doing. Just watch and wait."

Kakashi looked out nervously at the battle down below, 'Sensei, what would you have done in this situation?'


"Anko-chan stop!"

Naruto noticed Anko moving to restrain Sasuke until he spoke up, "Let him get up and fight."

Anko looked at Naruto as if he had two heads, "Kid that's Orochimaru's seal. That tainted thing feeds off of his darkness and amplifies his powers. This isn't a regular fight anymore."

Naruto nodded, "I know, but just stay out of this for me. I can still run circles around this guy, trust me."

Anko frowned and looked at Sasuke who was rising with a sick grin on his face, "Alright gaki… But if it gets out of hand I'm stopping this."

Naruto nodded as Anko got out of the way once more. Sasuke laughed in a crazed manner, "I'm feeling pretty good right now dobe… Let's see you match me now, with my new power."

Naruto scratched his head, "Well for me to match you 'new power' I'd have to hold back even more than I already am." Naruto let a vicious smirk come onto his face, "You know I really hate that seal teme… I have ever since I first saw it."

Sasuke cackled, "So you were jealous of my power in the forest when you first saw it. I should have figured so."

Naruto chuckled, "No I saw it before that. You see I was jumped by these four assholes from Otogakure a long time ago. I was beating them pretty easily at first and then this other guy showed up, and they all had your little demon tattoo too. Anyway, they use it and then they all start taking it to my ass, it was 5-on-1 mind you, and I barely end up getting away. The last guy to show up, I'll never forget his face, he gave me this scar." Naruto pointed to his right eye.

Naruto's eyes turned cold, "I can't seem to get my chance to get square with those guys, but you're here, and you have it too, so you'll be a decent substitute for me to vent on."

Sasuke snarled and ran at Naruto, speed jacked up to the next level. Naruto had been holding back a bunch, because the second Sasuke turned that seal on and came at him it was like the start of the fight, only cranked up to level 11.

Every time Sasuke missed a punch, Naruto made him pay with shots to the body, shots to the face, and thrusts to the throat. Every time Sasuke threw a kick Naruto battered his legs with elbow blocks or would parry with his fists to Sasuke's shins. Sasuke simply couldn't move fast enough to hit him, and Naruto's counters were so sharp that the Sharingan couldn't even help him.

Every single one of Naruto's counters came with the intent to end the fight and if Sasuke wasn't fighting like something reminiscent of a berserker he probably would have dropped ten times over by then.

Sasuke pulled out a kunai and began swinging at Naruto with intent to kill, the mostly civilian crowd knew nothing about the seal, or about Sasuke's lunacy and were screaming for Naruto's blood. Naruto simply kept out of reach and stung him repeatedly with counter hooks and blazing kicks to back him off.

Naruto finally grabbed him by the wrist holding the kunai and began wearing his ass out. With one hand occupied he still had one hand free to wail on Sasuke bare handed and ruthlessly. Naruto's fist bounced off of Sasuke face with every word he spoke, grunting in effort, "You… want… my… life…?" Naruto, content with turning Sasuke's face into hamburger, pulled him forward and punched him in the face as hard as he could, sending him rolling backwards awkwardly, "You aren't enough of a shinobi to lick my boots you spoiled, power borrowing, jutsu thieving piece of shit!"

Naruto roared at him, "Get up! Get up so I can make you suffer! I hope Orochimaru can feel every second of this ass-whupping I'm giving you because we aren't done yet!" Naruto fingered his sword in a manic fashion, "You want to use that seal! You want to make your bed with the traitor? I'm extracting my pound of flesh for it you stupid bastard!"

Sasuke stood with an insane gleam in his eye, "Who do you think you are! I'm an Uchiha you pissant! You will succumb to my power!" Sasuke had electricity surging around his hand with the famous chirping noise in full-effect. Sasuke began a full-on rush straight at Naruto, "Die damn you! Chidori (One Thousand Birds)!"

Naruto gave a grin that chilled the heart of even the most hardened shinobi in attendance as he set his sword in a waiting stance, "Come on down Uchiha… I've got a little friend that wants to meet you, no jutsu necessary my friend…"

Sasuke rushed Naruto down and thrusted his arm, a bursting flash of sparks indicating that he made contact, before coming to a stop on the other side of the whiskered blonde, a smirk on his lips. A short wind rolled through the arena as everyone was standing at attention.

Naruto stood straight up and swung his sword to the side as he walked away. Sasuke stood still until blood bursted from his right arm like a sprinkler. He fell to the ground clutching the arm that had been turned into cold cuts, seemingly by Naruto's sword.

Anko blocked out his wails of anguish and agony as he writhed on the ground. Anko pointed to Naruto for the final time, "Shousa, Naruto Uzumaki!"

The crowd remained silent as the only sounds going through the stadium were the billowing wind and Sasuke's cries. The medics hustled out double-time to stanch the bleeding from what was remaining of Sasuke's arm and carry him to get emergency treatment.

Anko caught up to him and saw an uncaring look on his face as he went to sit under the tree, "Hey Anko-chan."

Anko jerked her thumb in Sasuke's direction, "A little much wouldn't you say gaki?"