
A School Boy Fantasy

Are you looking for a thrilling high school story that explores the dangers of fulfilling wild fantasies? Follow the journey of a teenager who discovers mysterious superpowers and uses them to fulfill his desires, but soon realizes the heavy responsibilities that come with such abilities. This captivating read is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you pondering the consequences of taking power into your own hands.

LiL_A · Teen
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10 Chs


I chuckled at her response. "We could also play some classic board games like Tic-tac-toe or Connect Four," I said with a grin, trying to diffuse the tension. "But yeah, I won't lie, the idea did cross my mind."

She responded with an arrogant smirk, not buying my attempt at humor. "Let's be real, that's probably the only reason you did this," she said mockingly.

I stood up from the table and started to approach her. "And if it was?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She remained still, averting her gaze from me and puckering her lips in irritation. "Why do you assume I have any interest in doing that? Especially with you?" Her inquisitive expression indicated that she was eager to see how I would react.

"Well," I said playfully as I stood in front of her, "because I don't think you dislike me as much as you pretend to. I think you enjoy it when I tease you and touch your body."

My words seemed to offend her slightly. "Ugh," she scoffed, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "You're such a perverted jerk. It's much easier to hate you than you think."

I placed both hands on her hips and drew them up her sides, asking, "Do you hate it when I do this?" She swatted my hands away and spat, "Don't touch me."

Despite her reaction, I saw excitement in her bright eyes, which made me want to push further. I pressed my fingertips into her belly and tickled her, causing her to let out a tiny laugh, which she immediately covered with her hand. She pushed my hand away and backed off, telling me to stop and sucking her teeth before composing herself. It was clear to me how she felt about me in that moment.

With a big grin, I asked, "How exciting is this? In the middle of the day, in class, and we can get away with anything we want with no one to stop us?" She casually brushed her lip to hide another smirk and looked away from me.

She cast a slow glance back at me and let out a sigh. "I suppose it's a bit thrilling," she admitted with a fleeting smile that vanished as soon as it appeared, "but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly inclined to do anything with you. I loathe you and I bet you have a... minuscule penis that requires a magnifying glass to even see," she added with a quick glance towards my crotch.

I moved closer to her and spoke in a flirtatious tone, "You could always find out." She scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, taking a moment to contemplate the situation and my behavior towards her.

"You make me want to strangle you for doing this," she retorted.

I responded with a suggestive tone, "Well, you could start with a certain part of me," indicating towards my crotch. "You really know how to flatter a guy," I replied with a smirk, tightening my embrace around her waist. "But I don't believe you. I think you secretly enjoy my company."

She pushed me away with a scowl. "I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than spend another second with you," she retorted.

"Careful now," I teased, reaching up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You might start to sound like you're into me."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "You wish," she said, but there was a hint of amusement in her voice.

"God, you're insufferable," she spat, barely able to contain a smirk. "You're the most despicable person I've ever encountered." Despite her words, I could sense her guard starting to lower as I wrapped my arms around her lower back. "I wish you'd just disappear so I wouldn't have to look at you again."

As I held her tighter, she didn't seem to mind. "But then, if I dropped off the face of the earth... we couldn't do this," I whispered before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on her lips. She let out a quiet sigh and returned the kiss, her arms unfolding from her chest and wrapping around my shoulders.

I guided her back towards the wall, gently pushing her against it as we continued to kiss. When our lips eventually parted, we both stood there for a moment, breathing softly and gazing into each other's eyes.

She softly stroked my cheeks as she spoke, "You're the worst person I've ever met...I hate everything about you. I hate your clothes, your face, and your smile...You're a bastard and I hate your guts."

I responded with a husky voice, "I love it when you talk dirty to me," before our lips met once again. As we kissed, her hands moved to my shoulders and I heard her content sigh. Gradually, I deepened the kiss, pressing my lips more fervently against hers.