
A Scholar's Sword - Pokemon Researcher Isekai

A young man with fantasies of becoming a Pokemon professor finds himself transported to a world where his aspirations are challenged. Unable to rely solely on his knowledge, he must navigate the traditional path through academia or take a riskier route by winning the league championship.

MagicPerson1 · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Guess who got writer's block despite having the chapter fully planned and procrastinated writing (you get 3 guesses (very hard))




"I just don't see the purpose of having a tunnel if it's so short, with the time and energy it takes to carve through all that rock, wouldn't it be easier to just destroy the hill or make a highpass over it?," Maylene asked, confused.


Zane, walking up behind her, explained, "You misunderstand the point of it. When they first constructed the tunnel, it was seen as a culture statement, demonstrating their unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle in their way."


"I guess that makes sense, although I still don't get why they would put so much effort into making a point."


The pair, finally having arrived in Oreburgh city, made their way to the Pokemon Center to freshen up their teams. Although they didn't really do much battling on the route, the handfuls of wild encounters add up.


"Here's your team's back, I hope to see you again!"


Retrieving their Pokemon from the nurse, they decided that they should go ahead and go to the gym to book their match.


Deciding to let his Pokemon experience a new town, Zane let his team out of their balls to follow him.


"I'm shocked you want to challenge the gym so soon, i figured you would want to train a bit longer," Maylene stated.


"Wouldn't that imply you're rushing things as well?" Zane asked.


"I've been training for this since I was a kid, you started training for your journey three days ago."


Zane grumbled, knowing she was right.


He might be rushing things, but Zane felt like he didn't want to waste any more time here.


Arriving at the gym, the pair wait in a short line at the receptionist.


"Hi, welcome to Oreburgh Gym, would you like to register for a challenge?"


The pair is able to get a timeslot for tomorrow morning.


"Since this is your first challenge, would you like me to explain the rules?"


Zane agrees, since he has done very little research on the topic.


"In order to face the gym leader, you must first face a gauntlet of three trainers in a series of singles 2v2 matches. If you are able to defeat them, you then earn the right to face Roark after healing your team."


Zane quickly makes a mental note of this.




Separating from Maylene, Zane decides to head to a training field to do some final preparations for the match. 


Although he's confident with the tricks he has prepared, Maylene has a point that he's rushing into things.


"Alright guys, let me see how you're doing with your new moves!"


Following instructions, the Smeargle and Porygon demonstrate their latest acquisitions, Aura Sphere and Iron Tail. 


Arty's Aura Sphere has stabilized a lot since his first attempt. Where initially the sphere seemed chaotic and unstable, it now appears smooth and consistent, launching the sphere, the Smeargle hits one of the regenerating targets the training field provides on his first attempt.


"Nice job Arty!"


Moving on from this, Zane observes Pory's progress on Iron Tail. Despite the relatively low amount of training that has been put into the move, the Porygon has taken to it like a fish to water. 


Hardening its tail, Porygon slams the target with a surprising amount of agility for its clunky aesthetic.


Zane guides the pair through a handful of exercises before calling it for the night.




The following morning, Zane finds Maylene in the Pokemon Center's cafeteria.


"I don't understand how you are able to wake up so early." Zane states while yawning.


"When you grow up with a martial artist as a father, you learn to be a morning riser." Maylene replies.


The cafeteria is an interesting affair at Pokemon Centers. Scattered around the room are a variety of buffets with a mixture of Pokemon and human food. After paying to get entry, trainers and Pokemon can pick whatever food suits them best.


After a quick meal for the trainers and their teams, the pair heads over to the gym to attempt their challenges.


Maylene was signed up for the first slot of the morning and her matches were a quick affair with her type advantage.


In her first match, she showed off a member of her team Zane hadn't seen before, a Meditite. 


The match is a total sweep, with the Geodude unable to do anything after she sets up with a calm mind and keeps her distance with confusion.


In the following match, she uses her Riolu, with the battle going much the same way. Maylene is able to completely control the pace of the battle. One thing Zane notices across her team is the grace with which they move.


Both her Meditite and Riolu move in a way that is totally different from his team. While Smeargle and Porygon simply run towards (or float towards) their opponents like normal, Maylene's Pokemon move with a clearly practiced elegance that can only belong to a martial artist.


'If this is what a battle focused pokemon looks like do I really have any shot of winning the league tournament,' Zane ponders to himself.


Maylene's third match is unsurprisingly another sweep with Riolu.


There is a quick 30-minute break for her to heal up before she faces Roark


Maylene took a deep breath as she entered the arena to face Roark, the Oreburgh Gym Leader. She knew this would be her toughest challenge yet, but she was determined to prove herself.

Roark, a tall and muscular man with a serious expression, stood on the other side of the field, ready to battle. He released his first Pokemon, a sturdy-looking Geodude.

Maylene chose to start with her Riolu, confident in its abilities. The battle began, and Riolu wasted no time in launching a powerful Force Palm. The attack connected with Geodude, causing it to stagger back.

Roark, however, was not one to be easily defeated. He commanded Geodude to retaliate with a Rock Throw. The rocks flew towards Riolu, but it swiftly dodged the attack with its agile movements.

Maylene seized the opportunity and ordered Riolu to launch off a quick aura sphere. Riolu's training on the recently acquired move paid off, fainting the living rock.

Throwing out his next Pokeball, Roark unleashes a massive Onix that roars in an attempt at a threat display. Riolu however, is not discouraged thanks to its undoubtedly countless hours of training.


Trying to take initiative with her speed advantage, Maylene orders Riolu to approach it from behind with a quick attack.


Speeding behind the massive snake, Riolu begins to attempt to attack, however, this strategy quickly proves to be a mistake. Onix swings with an impressive iron tail, throwing Riolu across the arena.


Taking advantage of Riolu's stunned state, Roark orders, "Quick, Body Slam!"


The massive snake throws itself into the air above its opponent, however, Riolu is able to come to its senses in time.


With Riolu using a quick attack to throw itself out of the way of the beast, Maylene Yells out "Aura Sphere while it's occupied!"


Determination evident in the Pokemon's eyes, it begins to charge its strongest Aura Sphere yet.


The move speeds towards the beast, slamming into the snake and knocking it out.


"You may have been able to take out my team so far, but lets see how you preform against this!" Roark exclaims as he tosses out his next ball revealing his ace for 0 badge matches.


Maylene's heart raced as Roark sent out his powerful Cranidos. She knew this would be her toughest challenge yet, but she refused to back down. Riolu had put up a good fight, but he's too tired to be able to take out the Cranidos.

"Go, Meditite!" Maylene called out, releasing the small Fighting/Psychic-type Pokémon onto the battlefield. Meditite's eyes glow as it prepares to face off against the formidable Cranidos.

Roark wasted no time, quickly calling out his first move "Cranidos headbutt!"


The Fossil Pokemon wasted no time, running towards Meditite head first. Despite Medite attempting to dodge, Cranidos was able to hit it squarely, causing Meditite to stumble back.


Maylene, gritted her teeth, knowing she couldn't take pointless damage at this critical stage of the battle.


"We need to keep our distance, Stay away while using confusion!"


The stalwart Pokemon was quick in following the orders, launching off waves of pink energy while floating back.


Not one to let his opponent stick to their plans, Roark had his Cranidos follow it with a new attack "Take down!"


What followed was an almost comical scene, with Cranidos committing his all to running at the little fighter, only for it to nimbly dodge at the last second.


It almost resembled a matador and a bull, but if the matador was floating and the bull was on two legs.


Despite being Roark's best pokemon at this level, the Cranidos eventually succumb to the relentless attacks, granting Maylene the victory.



Not much MC action but I wanted to get back into the swing of things before I wrote the MC's gym battle.

Let me know your thoughts on maylene's challenge, I'm honestly really happy with how it turned out