
a little scary girl playing in the noon with her friends in her pathway

it was a very hot day loria mother was sleeping in her bed room but loria wanted to play with her friends so she opened the door silently and ran away from her mother's room .loria was very cute girl so when she was running she saw the jengo who was the son of his father's friend he asked him where are u going she told i want to play so jengo offered she could play with him she agreed so jengo hold her hand strongly jengo was going very fast loria asked him where we are going but he did not answered loria scared from his behaviour so she started to cry then slapped her face with his all power loria fell down on earth then jengo told her he wanted her love now but loria did not understand what he was saying she asked why you slapped me then jengo told he don't want anyone came here

after that jengo started kissing but loria pull him down and slapped his face jengo cry with anger and tried to rape but loria was strong girl then she started to call he mother she ran away after this incident loria was mum all the time she was not speaking her friends came to meet her but she don't want to meet them her father called the dr but dr cloud not understand what the hell with loria in the evening her father friend came in her house with his son jengo her father told jengo Loria was not in stable condition please talk to her jengo went to loria room nd locked the room jengo started kissing nd pulling her but in this time loria ran put a knife 🔪 to jengo belle jengo fell down with severe pain all family members came they saw jengo was shivering nd his blood was on floor he was near to death but at that time loria was smiled nd said how was the teast of my love saying that she left the room nd ran away