
A Sage in Marvel

naruto6667 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


{NORWAY 1930}

"Noah wake up it is getting very late and come down or the food will get cold" yelled a woman.

"Yes, I am coming mom" yelled a child as he got out of the bed. the black hired boy opens his door and starts going downstairs, the boy appeared to be around a 14-year-old. "Good morning mom" said the boy as he sat at the dinner table next to the women. "Good morning to you to Noah how was your sleep" replied the woman and asked Noah. "IT was fine. "Said the boy. "So how do feel of going to America to meet your grandparents. " Asked the women sweetly to her son. "I am very excited to finally meet them," said Noah. "Ok so hurry up and finish your breakfast and get ready our ship will leave in the evening." "Ok mom" replied Noah as he started to eat his food. 


Norway, Port of Oslo

Noah's POV

  Noah was in deep in deep thought as he stared at the sea from the deck of the ship on his journey to America 'it's already been 10 years since I have reincarnated into this world, to think i would travel back to the world war era.' a sigh escaped his mouth as he thought about his new life and the new family, his mother, grandparent and his deceased father. His mother was from America, and she had come to all the way to Norway on her journey to travel the world and met my father and decided to settle here after giving birth to me. My grandparents from my mother's side lived in America and had a publishing house their and were some types of aristocrats from England who arrived there to start some new business there. They also had a shipping business, so they were quite rich. If it was all their it was, I would have been very happy that I got a rich background and some future knowledge to live a very successful and enjoyable life. From childhood I was a very healthy kid I never even got sick even in the cold storms of Norway or the winter I was also very strong for people my age always looked bigger than kids my age. I was very happy with all of this but all of it went out of the window when my father told me about who he was and about and the reason for my growing strength. the revelation about my heritage was shocking but i still couldn't believe that I was a freaking half Asgardian and in marvel universe. now how I knew that I was in marvel universe, it came from the stories of the Asgardian wars, and I was sure that I was not in MCU but some kind of alternate universe because in this universe Thor was already married to Sif and they were real gods here not like some long-lived race of aliens but actual freaking gods.

After getting over the fact that I was some kind of demigod albeit a weaker one very weak one but who cares I am a half Asgardian in marvel and by the time avengers formed i will become strong enough to hold my own against some threat that will come looking for troubles. This good news also came with a very bad news that my father was going to die very soon he said that he was very injured from a fight against some kind of demon and was to his injuries. he started teaching me about all he can about my Asgardian heritage and stated teaching me in sword and hand to hand combat he also had some energy manipulation. After a year of training my father succumbed to his injuries. my mother was very devastated after his death and took very long time to get out of the grief i was also very sad that he had died but was able to handle it very well because I had prepared myself for this when he told me about his condition. he left me some books and some land in his will and some weapons looked in the library looked with some rune magic. Only I could enter the library and my mother and other people just ignored it, I think it is hidden with some kind of illusion magic. A year after his death my mother decided to move back to America with me and left the house in care of someone to manage the property and house. I decided to come back here after some year or during the start of World War 2 to learn about rest of the magic and was in no hurry to learn about magic because as Asgardian I had a very long-life span and I think even as a half Asgardian, I will live more than some millennia. For now, I want to focus on my usage of sword and build up some strength for future, even if i will only get stronger as I age, I do not want to be complacent in mele combat and want to build a solid foundation before starting to master magic.

My training with swords and hand to hand fighting was getting complacent so i started to build a fighting style for myself and I am proud to say that I have recreated sun breathing style for myself it took me 2 whole years to create the breathing pattern and I can already use the sun breathing style consciously as long I concentrate but am trying to get it down until I can subconsciously do it. the breathing style also helps in meditating and for that I am very grateful because I am trying to build a mind shield for any telepath I might meet in future. I still do not know if there are mutants in this world or not, but it is better to be ready than be sorry in future. Sun breathing also helps in fighting as it increases the strength of the body and i am trying to recreate the sword dance which will complement the breathing style and complete the style to help me in fight, right now it is just an imitation of Yoriichi's fighting style like Tanjiro's ancestor have been performing. Well, it's a long journey ahead I should go mom must be worrying about me.