
Chapter 54

  Noelle and Jacob stood at the entrance; they stood there looking around, taking it all in. “This place is so big; where do we start?” Noelle asks. Before Jacob can reply, “I know where she at” the voice said. Noelle, and Jacob turned around and saw a lady who looked about the same age as them. “Who are you?” Jacob question.

  “My name is Cynthia; I know Catalina, she in the dungeon, come on I’ll take you to her,” she said, running out of the room, Jacob and Noelle follow right behind her. Down in the dungeon Jacob, Noelle, and Cynthia was right at the stairs. When Cynthia gets to the first step, she signals Jacob, and Noelle to stop where they were . Cynthia noticed that a guard was standing at the door. Cynthia took a deep breath and approached the guard. “Hey Jax, I need to go in, and get the Luna ready” Cynthia.

  “Sorry Cynthia, I cannot let no one near the Luna, Alpha orders,” Jax responded.