
Chapter 39

  As promise, the training was extreme day by day Logan was giving all that he had, and there were days that he wanted to give up. But when he sees William, and thinks about everyone who believes in him that was dead, or alive. He knew that he could not let them down because he was determined to do good in their hearts.

  Now four years Logan has completed his training; the next step is the ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, it was at night on a full moon. Everyone in the pack was there, including Jonathan pack too. There on stage stood Logan, Josiah, and Jonathan, about to become alphas.

  There at the podium stood Alpha Remington, and Jonathan, father Alpha Douglass. There the alphas stare out to the crowd. Alpha Remington begins, “Good evening pack, tonight is a special night. It’s the night that Alpha Douglass and I will induct these three men who are standing before you all to become Alphas.” Alpha Remington stood back as Alpha Douglass walked to the front and stated,