
Chapter 33

  From there, Dawn headed over to Malachi; when she got close to him, she still felt the tension between them. When she got closer, she grabbed both of his hands, making Malachi's eyes turn back to normal. “Malachi, my dearest friend, I’m sorry I cannot be your mate; I know that you love me, but you have a mate that is out there

  waiting for you; you need to go find her. Again, I am sorry for hurting you this way, I hope that we can still be friends” When Dawn looked into his eyes, she saw the hurt in him, for a moment she thought he accepted her apology, but then he pulled his hands away from her.

  “I pour out my heart out to you, told you how I feel for you. You play me like a fool, you play with my emotions by breaking my heart, and now you dare to ask me can we still be friends?” Malachi replies with anger.

  Dawn begs “Malachi, please I did not mean—”