
A Ruler's Pledge

"They say a word from a ruler holds great power and responsibilities. Do they know to what extent a ruler was willing to shed blood to gain this said power." A 19 year youngster, bored from his monotonous life, found himself in a peculiar situation. A portal suddenly appeared right inside his room, right in front of him. Not only that, several social media posts of portal appearing in front of people flooded the internet Finding himself taking a step into the portal out of sheer curiosity, he ventured into a world unknown and saw its magical nature with his own two eyes. Follow David Taylor as he pursues the path to power and explores the never ending mystical world. NOTE: Initial chapters will be filled with overview of world and character introductions, so bear for a while before action, adventuring and world building starts. Chapter release rate: 1 Words length of each chapter: 1000-1100 words Bonus chapter will be given for power stones- 200 PS = 1 Bonus chapter 300 PS = 2 Bonus chapters 400 PS = 3 Bonus chapters And be sure to write a review and comment on each chapter.

busy_buddy_7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Moon was shining brightly in the starless light as David sat beside the open window, feeling cool midnight air against his face.

'Today was hectic.'

He thought as he gazed at the city, outside. Sirens were going all around the city while some smoke could be seen rising at various parts of the city.

Sighing, he closed the window and lay on his bed. With drowsy eyes, his mind drifted to sleep.

'Till has some time before the shield goes down.'

Despite having a handful of days, his mind didn't forget about the important task awaiting his concern.



A shrill woman's voice filled a room accompanied by pained moans.

Applying antiseptic to an ugly wound behind her back, her shoulder trembled at the immense scorching pain that traveled throughout her whole body originating from the wound.

Somehow wrapping bandages around her waist by herself, a sigh escaped from her lips and she laid down on her bed after wearing a loose shirt.

Her hazel green eyes peeled at the fan through dark brown hair covering her face.

Her name is Lucy Martell and she was the same woman that seized the magical knife weapon from David.

"Fuck it hurts like hell."

Still in pain, she took out a pale red-colored stone that was emitting dim light, the pavement of her pain.

"Fucking hell."

Clutching her waist tightly, she continued to examine the stone.

She still clearly remembered the words of her first summon despite being nearly half dead at that moment.

'When someone is killed inside Cosmic Confluence, there is a slight probability of their mana condensing inside their body and taking the form of mana stone that you held in your hand right now.

This phenomenon is exclusive to happening inside Cosmic Confluence and you will not see outside. Also, mana stone formation can take place inside any living organism that has been killed, whether an intellectual species or a mindless monster.

Its uses are various as well but you shouldn't be concerned with it and just rest for now.'

These were the exact words of her summon that she repeated in her mind.

After arriving in the Cosmic Confluence and gaining a 3-star ability [Bioelectricity], Lucy was overflowing with confidence and in awe of her power.

Riding the horse of the mysterious world and the power it gave, she explored the Cosmic Confluence ignoring the warning given by her summon.

Crossing the barrier and venturing nearly 100 meters, she got attacked by a Tier 1 salamander-like monster.

The only saving grace was that it was injured and her electric attacks were a boon in slowly downing the monster even further, lastly killing it as well.

But the price that Lucy had to pay was severe. A deep gash ran down from her right shoulder to her lower left waist.

Her clothes were soaked in her blood, and the piercing pain that came from it made all the adrenaline rush and adventure spirit disappear in an instant.

Her vision blurred and her leg felt like lead but even then she rushed back to the summon gate. She instinctively knew that she couldn't fall unconscious outside the barrier.

And luck was on her side as well as her first fortune summon was a douche that would've left her to die. No more like the nicest person she had ever met in her whole life.

Summon's name was Aurora, a human and on top of that, an alchemist in her past life.

All these combining factors saved her from the brink of death along with receiving a mana stone that was fetched by her alchemist while she was out cold.

"Was that Lucy, some weird-ass expensive jewelry."

"Holy fuck! Don't scare me like that, jackass."

Lucy caught the mana stone that nearly slipped from her hand.

After gripping it harder, she looked at her big brother who had entered her room silently like a Batman.

"You should clean that mouth more thoroughly, it spits more garbage than regular nowadays."

Her brother commented as he tried to snatch the mana stone from her hand.

"Like you are one to talk."

Counter-attacking his comment, Lucy pulled and hid the stone behind her back.

"Can't I even see it?"

"Nope, given by a friend. Can't let you dirty it."

"Friend or boyfriend?"

"Nothing like that. Why do you always jump to that?"

"Your college is coming to an end and you haven't found a proper boyfriend at this point."

Dark lines filled her face as her brother attacked one of her insecurities.

"I'm not like you who changes relationships like changing underwear. You got a stable job and your promotion is coming as well, why don't you settle down on one girl."

"Rejected. I like my carefree life."

Lucy was going to say more to her brother blabbering but she noticed dark circles under his eyes.

Sighing, she stretched her arms and got up from the bed.

'With all that going on, I completely forgot about his job.'

"Hey dummy, did you eat dinner?"

"I… got a rough day, so I'm thinking about ordering something tonight."

Sighing again, Lucy moved towards the kitchen while saying, "I'm also kinda hungry. How about I make something from the leftovers."

"Fine by me."

Igniting the stove, she started searching inside the fridge.

And right at that time, she felt something heavy had been placed on her shoulders, mind felt like someone was hammering inside.

She momentarily lost her footing before grabbing the handle of the fridge to stabilize.

Before she could make any sense of the unexpected headache, a blue panel suddenly popped before her eyes.


[One of the functions of ability [Bioelectricity] found. Knowledge about it is updated in the status.]

[Bioelectricity]: Modifies the Nervous system and associated muscles to generate electric discharges.

<Electromagnetic sensitivity>: The user can sense the change in the electromagnetic field around while the user can also emit electromagnetic waves and use them like sonar.


"Electromagnetic sense… what?"

Then as if listening to her question, she felt a pushing pressure from the side.

Tracing the direction, her eyes fell off the stove.


As if finding an answer she exclaimed.

'It works on electromagnetic induction.'