
Dance With Me

Sadiki stood at the edge of the crowd, and watched Prince Eirik and Kaelix dance once more.

The music filled the air, a lively tune that matched the mood of the celebration, but Sadiki's mind was elsewhere.

His eyes tracked the graceful movements of the royal couple as they spun around in sync, the crowd erupting in cheers and laughter.

Eirik's white hair shimmered in the setting sun, his laughter carrying through the air like a sweet melody that seemed to haunt Sadiki's heart.

It was a beautiful scene, and yet it filled Sadiki with a conflicting sense of melancholy and acceptance.

He had known Eirik longer than most here.

He had been the one by his side when the world was smaller, quieter. Back then, their moments had been filled with shared whispers and unspoken feelings. But those days were behind them now.

Sadiki had noticed the recent change between Kaelix and Eirik.