
A royal curse

A Werewolf kingdom, A royal family, A curse As the saying goes ' never judge a book by its cover.' This was the case with Anderson's royal family. They had been the rulers of the great kingdom of Katula for centuries now. In the eye of the Werewolves, they were perfect, followed around by paparazzi but then they had a secret... A curse. Prince Percy is a part of the royal family and the next Inline on the throne. He refused to get married after his marriage was announced publicly but when he founds out that he was getting married to his enemy, he decided to use it to his advantage. A means of revenge on her. Cara is a rankless wolf who had been abused and rejected by society all her life. She had always wished to get revenge on the Alpha king for the death of her family. She got her chance when she was bought into the palace as The Royal bride but she never knew that she was a sacrificial bride for the Royal family. This is a story of power, love, lies, and secrets. Books in the Royal series The Royal Baby- Book 1 A Royal curse- Book 2 A Royal Desire- Book 3 A Royal Secret- Book 4

Temi_24 · Fantasy
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The Beginning

Five thousand Years Ago,

The loud howling of Alpha king Julius echoed in the Royal Anderson's castle followed by a deep rumbling sound and a flash of lightning in the sky. Rain poured heavily outside the castle and that night was a night of blood and rain. Alpha King Julius rushed out of his room after seeing his new bride getting murdered. The servant in the castle ran helter-skelter as Alpha King Julius continued to scream out in agony. It wasn't the loud howling that shook the mighty castle, it was the unfortunate death of the new queen.

It was supposed to be a joyful night for the newly wedded. The Alpha king and the Luna Queen had retired into their new room in the castle hours after getting married when the unfortunate incident happened.

Luna Queen Qetiyah was murdered in cold blood in the king's chamber. Her eyes were wide open when the king walked into his chamber. Her throat was slit opened and Her royal wedding dress was ripped leaving her stark naked with multiple cuts on her stomach. They had promised themselves forever but it seems death had something in the plan for them. Luna Queen Qetiyah's death came as a shock to her mate, the Alpha king.

They couldn't go on with the forever they had promised each other. Alpha King Julius assembled all the servants in the throne room. He sat on the throne with blood on his hand and face. It was blood from Qetiyah's body. "Who was in charge of Luna queen Qetiyah?" He looked from one server to another. There were at least fifty of them in the throne room and none of them answered him. "I asked you all a question!" His voice echoed through the castle and the servants all trembled in fear.

When none of them gave him a reply, Julius bought out a sword from the right side of his throne. He stood up and walked to the first servant. He raised the sword and slit the servant's throat.

The servant fell to the ground with a copious amount of blood gushing out of his neck. The rest of the servants all let out a deafening scream. "Tell me who killed luna queen Qetiyah?" He shouted at the next servant.

The servant shook in fear but manage to speak up. "Your highness, I...." The servant stuttered and fell to the ground as the king stabbed him in the stomach repeatedly. Blood flow out of the servant's stomach like a river and the throne room became a puddle of blood.

when the remaining servant saw what had happened, they all stood up and rushed out of the throne room. Some were fortunate as they made it out of the castle into the pouring rain while the rest were either stabbed by the king or had their throat slit open. After killing all the servants around him. He ordered that the rest be chased and killed by the Royal guards.

King Julius laid in the pool of his servant's blood and wept bitterly for his mate's death. Those who escaped out of the castle met their death as the guards found them and killed them all. The castle ground became a blood puddle that night.

The next morning, The Luna queen Dowager ordered for the bodies Of the servant that had littered the castle to be put together and set on fire including Luna Queen Qetiyah's body but the king refused and begged that Qetiyah get a befitting burial.

"Mother, you can't do this to Qetiyah. Let's us bury her please." He begged but it was in vain as the Queen dowager talked him out of it.

"If words get out about the bride dying in the Royal castle, it will become a bad omen for the royal family and evil rumors will spread amongst the villagers. No one needs to know about Qetiyah."

That day, Luna Queen Qetiyah's body was sent on fire together with the servants and as if that wasn't enough, the Queen dowager ordered for the family of Qetiyah and everyone who knew about the wedding to be put to death.

They were all beheaded.

A week after the incident, the queen dowager bought in another bride in replacement of Qetiyah, and the death of Luna Queen Qetiyah was forgotten but it didn't end there. Years after, vengeance came back. The secret that was buried for so long resurfaced. Alpha King Julius's son's first bride died on their wedding night. The death was the same as Qetiyah's The bride was stabbed repeatedly and her wedding dress was ripped off her body. As if that wasn't enough, it happened to king Julius's first grandson. After fifty years of repeated death of the first bride, they all concluded that it was a curse. A curse made by Qetiyah. They tried all they could to stop the curse but it was all futile.

When the royal family found out that they couldn't stop the curse, they made the first bride a sacrificial price to appease Qetiyah but that wasn't all. The royal family harbors a great secret that's could cause changes to the kingdom of Katula. The royal family was more than what the pack members thought about them. They were cruel, powerful, and full of authority.

A thousand years passed and the curse continued with no way to stop it but fate had a lot for the new generation of the Anderson royal family.

The royal Anderson family tree

King Julius- Queen Qetiyah👑


Prince George, Princess Amelia.


King George- Queen Maria


Prince Martins, prince Harold.


King Martins Queen Lydia


Prince Lucas, princess Julianna.


King Lucas -Queen Venus (1940-2021)- This is where the story starts from.


Prince Percy, princess mia, prince harry.