
A Royal's Lurgy:In Love With The Young Doctor[BL].

In his prime years as the Crown Prince,Feng Yuan rose to popularity as an invincible martial artist and as the most beautiful man in Longyuan Empire capturing hearts of men and women. Suddenly all this became long forgotten history after he suddenly became a crippled bedridden useless young man. ___________________________________________ At the age of sixteen,Feng Yuan had already entered in the list of top ten martial artists in Longyuan Empire. Shouldered with the responsibility of Crown Prince he fulfilled his filial duty in defending his empire by fighting many national wars against the Xianfeng Empire. Spending four years as a filial son and leader,Feng Yuan found the truth about his real identity and the conspiracy behind his mother's death,he sought to avenge his parents. During a battle with the Xianfeng Empire,he secretly poisoned himself and pinned the blame on the enemy. As a result he became paralyzed and lost all his martial arts. With time,the poison slowly dissipated from his body and he secretly learnt a set of forbidden martial arts techniques. During his period of recuperation,he fell in love with Han Shuo,a young naive sixteen year old disciple from Taihua Peak Sect who was assigned to attend to him. After mastering the forbidden techniques fully ,he slowly unraveled his true nature;his sword Radiant Dawnblade that was once wielded to uphold justice ,now became the Voidshadow Reaver wielded to seek vengeance turning him into a revenge maniac.

xiaohuli455 · History
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12 Chs

Chapter 6:Real Life Experience.

Feng Liang was sure someone had conspired against him but he wasn't sure who it could be. Feng Yiran wasn't his only enemy at the hunt. Many young men disliked him so he wouldn't rule out Feng Yiran as the only probable suspect. He interrogated his servants but none of them had an idea how and when the two deers were exchanged.

"Fifteen days are already over ,you need to pay my salary,"Han Shuo demanded.

Feng Yuan had already bought a wheelchair and he could move around. As he reached at the chest of drawers he opened one of the drawers,gave Han Shuo forty taels and a written slip showing how he ended up with a net salary of forty taels.

"The rent is sixty taels?"

"The room costs four taels per day totalling to sixty taels after fifteen days. Your salary was supposed to be hundred taels but we agreed I would deduct the rent."

"So expensive!"

"I told you to choose a room and you chose an opulent one. How can you expect to enjoy good things without spending a fortune?"

"Why didn't you tell me the rent depends on the room's quality? I was hoping I would save money and open my own pharmacy in the future now I don't see myself even doing it in a year's time. "

"If you stop buying sweets you might save a lot even with ten taels per month,"Feng Yuan mocked him

"Is the attendant offer still valid?"


"Can you increase the salary a little bit?"

"Are you a con man or a doctor?"

"Just a little even five taels,"Han Shuo made a series of cute pleading facial expressions but didn't notice it till Feng Yuan started teasing him.

"Since I've officially become your attendant tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Feng Yuan opened a drawer displaying several sheathed daggers with different beautiful scabbard designs.

"Go and pawn them."

"All of them!"

"Yes all of them."

"How can you expect me to pawn all those daggers I'm a doctor not a weapon dealer."

"Why don't you go pawn your medical kit instead and see how many taels you'll earn?"

"That medical kit of mine is made of lacquer of course it costs a lot."

"What pawn shop would even agree to take a medical kit?"


"I was going to give you all the money that you would get after you pawn them but since you're not ready then forget it,"Feng Yuan said closing the drawer but Han Shuo suddenly held on to the drawer and agreed to go and pawn the daggers.

"Your Highness,that Sacred White Deer controversy,is it your doing?"Feng Yiran's attendant Mohan asked in the middle of their drinking session.

The two were lying lazily on bed with Feng Yiran's head lying on Mohan's chest. Feng Yiran was into men so it was normal for him to interact intimately with men especially his attendant who didn't seem to mind.

"If it was my doing, wouldn't you be involved as well?"Feng Yiran questioned back drunkenly .

"Yeah you're right,"Mohan said as he took a big sip of wine and gulped it down his throat and then smacked his lips in pleasure.

"Most people don't like Feng Liang. It could be anyone or even Feng Yuan,"Feng Yiran deduced .

"Him?"Mohan snickered,"How can he manipulate everything from Red Sun Hall?"

"Anyway Feng Liang is always silly keeping his guard low at such times. He picked up random servants at the palace to join the hunt. He didn't even care to verify their identities. Let's continue drinking ,go and bring two other pots ,"Feng Yiran ordered dismissing the boring topic.

"Your Highness how can I get up with you lying on top of me like this?"

Feng Yiran lazily got up giving Mohan the chance to get up as well.

"I pawned all the knives?"Han Shuo said proudly.

"They're not knives they're daggers. How much did you pawn them?"

"Each two taels."

"Two taels!"Feng Yuan was dismayed.

"Just kidding. Fifty taels to a hundred taels each ."

"It's a relief to know you aren't as thick headed as you seem to be ,"Feng Yuan said mockingly.


The following day Feng Yuan happened to have a visitor;Ye Xiwu. She was a beautiful charismatic girl who always spoke her mind. Feng Yuan called her Chatterbox because of how she wouldn't stop talking. Initially she didn't like the name but she had grown to accept it.

"Brother Feng Yuan,I heard Master Chen's last disciple has left the mountain. I heard he's cute and his medical skills are superb even the masters of martial sects are looking for him to join their sects and become their doctor. I really want to see how he looks like."

The door creaked open and Han Shuo walked in carrying a tray with a teapot and two small porcelain cups on it. Han Shuo proceeded to serve the tea to the two friends.

"Isn't he cute?"Feng Yuan asked referring to Han Shuo.

"Very cute ,"Ye Xiwu answered honestly not having the faintest idea that the person she had been yearning to see was right in front of her eyes,"Brother Feng Yuan,when did you get yourself such a good looking attendant?"

"Let me introduce to you , Taihua Peak Sect's last disciple Master Chen's beloved disciple,the cutest doctor Han Shuo the bunny,"Feng Yuan spoke smiling mischievously.

Han Shuo was okay with the introduction but his face frowned at the last part 'the bunny.'

"He is Master Chen's last disciple who just left the mountain a few days ago?"Ye Xiwu asked in amazement,"I can't believe I had to meet him like this. What does Taihua Peak Sect feed its disciples to have such beautiful faces? Is it the herbs you eat?"

Han Shuo was truly dazed by both the girl's skills to speak without pausing and the fact that someone admired him so much unlike Feng Yuan who was always bossing him around and looking down on him.

"Taihua Peak Sect disciples love eating herbs but this one here likes to sneakily eat meat,"Feng Yuan said mockingly.

Han Shuo was shocked by how observant Feng Yuan was that he noticed he liked meat

"You like meat? I like meat too, especially braised pork,"Ye Xiwu continued excitedly.

"Chatterbox,once a hornbill keeps quiet the master will know it's either sick or dead,"Feng Yuan said.

"What do you mean?"Ye Xiwu asked subconsciously glaring at him because she felt the words were aimed at her.

"Aren't you the noisiest in the sect?Your Shifu knows whether you're around or not. You snuck out of the sect. I wonder what he would do to you when you go back,"Feng Yuan said not sparing the girl a little face.

Han Shuo was expecting to see her cry as he had heard from her master and sect brothers that girls can't take harsh words so they always end up crying when they are told harsh words. He seemed to believe this theory till he got a real life experience that the theory wasn't always true. Not only did Ye Xiwu not cry but also stood up and stretched ,her face bearing a serene expression not the least bit affected by Feng Yuan's words.

"My Shifu likes tangerines. If I buy some for him I'm sure he will forgive me,"Ye Xiwu said proudly.

Not only was the girl tough hearted she was also planning to shamelessly bribe her master. Why were the girls he was told about by his master different from the ones he saw in real life?

What do you think of Han Shuo's real life experience of girls?

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