
A Royal's Lurgy:In Love With The Young Doctor[BL].

In his prime years as the Crown Prince,Feng Yuan rose to popularity as an invincible martial artist and as the most beautiful man in Longyuan Empire capturing hearts of men and women. Suddenly all this became long forgotten history after he suddenly became a crippled bedridden useless young man. ___________________________________________ At the age of sixteen,Feng Yuan had already entered in the list of top ten martial artists in Longyuan Empire. Shouldered with the responsibility of Crown Prince he fulfilled his filial duty in defending his empire by fighting many national wars against the Xianfeng Empire. Spending four years as a filial son and leader,Feng Yuan found the truth about his real identity and the conspiracy behind his mother's death,he sought to avenge his parents. During a battle with the Xianfeng Empire,he secretly poisoned himself and pinned the blame on the enemy. As a result he became paralyzed and lost all his martial arts. With time,the poison slowly dissipated from his body and he secretly learnt a set of forbidden martial arts techniques. During his period of recuperation,he fell in love with Han Shuo,a young naive sixteen year old disciple from Taihua Peak Sect who was assigned to attend to him. After mastering the forbidden techniques fully ,he slowly unraveled his true nature;his sword Radiant Dawnblade that was once wielded to uphold justice ,now became the Voidshadow Reaver wielded to seek vengeance turning him into a revenge maniac.

xiaohuli455 · History
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: The Bunny Doctor.

It was Han Shuo's first day to go to the palace alone. He was anxious at night but suddenly his anxiety disappeared in the middle of the night and he overslept. He was woken up by his master yelling out his name. He quickly wore his white robes and dashed out with his medical kit.

"Remember, be careful with your words at the palace,"Chen Minghao instructed.

"Of course I will be,"He said as he ran off.

Chen Minghao was left worried whether the kid would actually do as he had said.

"You're late,"Feng Yuan said with a slight smile when he saw the young doctor rush in like he was being chased by a gang of wolves.

"I'm sorry Your Highness,"Han Shuo bowed apologetically still panting.

"Maybe you should take a seat first and calm down."

"No , I can't. I still got stamina."

"Why are you wearing a blue robe coat on top of your robes?"

"White clothes are high maintenance I can't risk . My master is always strict about wearing white and so on,"Han Shuo whined.

"He's trying to make you attract girls who are able to maintain the white attire."

"I will never marry. My Shifu said women are trouble so I will stay celibate like my Shifu."

Feng Yuan chuckled in amusement,"And you think staying celibate is easy?"

"It isn't but I will try. By the way is it true that you've slept with all courtesans in Jiuling Metropolis?"Han Shuo asked innocently.

"Yes it's true,"Feng Yuan smirked proudly.

"So do you like them all?"

"I don't like any of them. What has it got to do with liking?"

"How can you do that thing with someone you don't like at all?"Han Shuo spoke in a low tone his eyes widening in shock.

"Love is really overrated. I don't think it controls everything."

"I would never do that thing with someone I don't like."

"Aren't you planning to be celibate? You don't need to worry about such things. And what's with you being vague saying that thing just say sex,"Feng Yuan said shamelessly.

"Well my master prohibits us from using explicit language."

"My Shifu said this My Shifu said that . Are you planning on listening to everything he says for your whole life?"Feng Yuan asked contemptuously.

Han Shuo felt a little scared by Feng Yuan's sudden change of attitude. He fearfully approached Feng Yuan and read his pulse then he picked two acupuncture needles and gave him acupuncture.

"Why are you tense? You aren't the one getting injected,"Feng Yuan said noticing how stiff Han Shuo's body had become.

"I rarely perform acupuncture on people so..."Han Shuo stuttered.

"Should I tell on you to your Shifu that you always sneakily wear a different colored robe coat on top of your uniform?"

Han Shuo suddenly became startled and added force on the needle. Feng Yuan screamed in pain.

"Are you drilling a hole on my skin with your f*cking needle!"Feng Yuan yelled.

Han Shuo jolted in terror.

"Pull out the needles,"Feng Yuan said almost losing it. Seeing how terrified Han Shuo was he pulled out the two needles out and carefully placed them on his palm and asked Han Shuo to take them.

Han Shuo could feel sweat dripping on his back,he took off the blue robe coat and put it beside his medical kit and fearfully went to take the two needles.

"You actually look like a cute bunny when you're wearing only white,"Feng Yuan smiled gently.

'How can someone change faces within a second?'Han Shuo wondered.

Han Shuo quickly concocted medicine and gave him. He then closed his medical kit , picked up his coat and swiftly walked towards the door.

"Hey Bunny,come back,"Feng Yuan said as Han Shuo reached for the door.

Han Shuo exhaled and turned around nervously.

"My name is not bunny my name is Han Shuo ,Doctor Han,"Han Shuo said feigning confidence.

Feng Yuan snickered,"Doctor Han? You call yourself a doctor when you can't even give acupuncture properly?"

"It's not that I can't give acupuncture properly it's your aura that frightens me. I've never dealt with overbearing patients like you."

"I've also never seen cute doctors like you,"Feng Yuan smiled mischievously,"Bunny,you can leave your little robe coat here if you're scared of dirtying your so called uniform when concocting medicine and also you won't have to carry it around sneakily."

"Really?"Han Shuo asked his eyes lighting with excitement.

Feng Yuan smiled gently and nodded.

"Where should I place it?"

"Just hang it next to those robes of mine."

Han Shuo did as he was told and immediately left.

Meanwhile at the palace of Xianfeng Empire it was a complete celebration. Although they suffered a loss and didn't emerge the winners ,the Xianfeng Emperor still held a banquet for General Zhang for defeating Feng Yuan who had slain most of their soldiers in the previous wars making it hard for them to win.

General Zhang was still puzzled about the whole poisoning thing. He didn't add poison to the sword himself who could have done it? He was an uptight general who liked to win openly not by use of dirty tricks. He felt he didn't deserve the gifts he had been given but he couldn't voice out his opinion to the Emperor so he just went along with them and accepted the shots that were toasted to him and swallowed a lump of guilt along with each shot.

The following day Han Shuo arrived early at the palace. When he entered the room,Feng Yuan was still asleep. He tiptoed and carefully placed his medical kit on the table. His eyes sparked with mischief as he tiptoed over to Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan had a pallid handsome flawless face that would get men and women looking at him twice or even thrice. From the first time he got a closer view of his face,Han Shuo couldn't believe Feng Yuan's ethereal beautiful face was actually real. He took the initiative to find out the truth . As he suddenly stretched out his hand to reach for Feng Yuan's face,a strong arm suddenly gripped his wrist ,with his hand still hanging mid-air.

"Do you want to peel off my skin or what?"Feng Yuan asked with his eyes still closed.

"I wanted to feel if your skin is real,"Han Shuo sad honestly.

Feng Yuan suddenly let go of Han Shuo's hand and let him trace the contours of his face to feel the texture of Feng Yuan's skin.

"Do you use any face cream in particular?"

"I rarely use face cream."

"Then how come you have such a fine face?"

"I was born with it,"Feng Yuan smirked proudly as he slowly opened his eyes,"Why do you admire my face so much when you have such a cute face?"

Han Shuo subconsciously touched his face to confirm if what Feng Yuan said was actually true as if he could see how cute his face was by touching it.