

Michella Claire never thought that she would become the wife of the richest businessman in London named Ben Stone. Ben Stone, who is none other than the CEO of a property company called STONE ENTERPRISES HOLDINGS, INC. Her meeting with Ben was accidental, when Mic, Michella's greeting, intends to help her best friend to meet Ben and conduct an interview for a final project. Initially Michella refused, but because she still had a high sense of empathy for her best friend named Kate. Finally, Michella wanted to help Kate to interview the CEO. But there is another secret that Michella doesn't know about Ben and his family, because Ben married Michella because of a past mistake that made Mic nearly lose her life in an accident which ultimately resulted in her parents dying. And since then Ben was devastated and felt guilty for Michella's family, not only that Michella also had to accept the fact that she was not the only woman in Ben's heart. There was another woman who lived side by side with her in Ben Stone's heart. Can Michella accept her destiny like this?

julietasyakur · Urban
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140 Chs


Michella walked out of the room, she rushed to meet Ben in the dining room. Ben, who was enjoying his wine while looking out the window, could see Michella's arrival. Ben turned his body and sure enough, the woman already looked very beautiful in front of him.

"Michella, you look so beautiful," Ben muttered as he walked over to her and hugged Michella tightly.

"Ben, I was surprised when I came out of the bathroom, everything looks so neat. Even I can't find my clothes, Maria gave this dress to me. She is very nice, I like her."

Ben smiled. "Thank God if you like Maria, from today on, I will assign Maria as your assistant. If you need anything, you can call her using this tool." Ben exclaimed while giving Michella a walkie-talkie.

Michella reached for the tool, even she didn't understand how to use it. Ben immediately taught Michella, and Michella easily understood how to use it. Not long after Maria came with the other maids, they immediately set the dishes on the dining table.

This time Ben was going to have lunch with Michela on the balcony because it was a sunny day and not too windy. Michella rushed to follow Ben behind her, she didn't expect that Ben would do this for her.

"Ben, this is too much," Michelle said.

"What do you mean too much?"

"The menu that is presented this time is so luxurious for lunch size," mumbled Michelle.

"Of course not, I think it's the right size of lunch for both of us. Come on honey, let's start the lunch." Ben immediately pulled a chair for Michella and motioned for her to sit down.

Michella still couldn't believe that Ben called her affectionately, it made her heart tremble. Because no one has ever called him that.

They both started their lunch, Ben's feeling very happy. Because Ben has found his heart's desire, this time Ben will not let anyone get close to Michella. When the time is right, Ben will take Michella to meet her grandfather.

"How is Mic, do you like it?" asked Ben enthusiastically.

Michella smiled and swallowed her chew, only then did she answer Ben's question. "Of course I like it, it's very delicious."

"I'm glad you like it. Michella I have something to tell you."

Michelle frowned. "About what? You got me marketing Ben," mumbled Michelle.

Ben laughed a little, he was very funny to see Michella's behavior. Ben gripped Michella's hand tightly and started to say it. "Michella, are you willing to live in this apartment with me?" asked Ben seriously, and that made Michelle look shocked.

"What? Live in this apartment?"

"Yes, are you ready? I bought this apartment especially for you Mic."

Michella was again wide-eyed when she heard Ben's words, she didn't think that Ben would do that to her. Even though he is a new person who comes into Ben's life, Ben has treated him like a queen.

"Ben, why did you spend so much money just to buy this apartment?" cried Michelle.

Ben sighed and gripped Michelle's hand tightly. "Michella, listen to me. I love you so much, I would do anything for you."

Michella lit up hearing Ben's words, this is the first time someone has treated her so well as Ben did.

"Ben, thank you. You treated me so well, I didn't even think you would go this far to buy me an apartment. God bless you, Ben. I'll think about this later."

Ben smiled. "Okay Michella, I'll be waiting for your decision to move. Hope you can do it as soon as possible."

Michelle smiled, they both went back to eating their food. This time Michella must think carefully about her decision to move into Ben's apartment.

Because all this time Kate had also been very good to her, Michella didn't want to disappoint Kate. Because Kate has always been there for him from the start.

After lunch, Ben invites Michella to watch a movie in a special room. Again, Michella was surprised because this was the first time she saw a super luxurious movie room like a cinema.