
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl-It's never too late to start again

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

AngelPikas2 · Urban
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54 Chs

CHAPTER 35- Study Afternoon.

CHAPTER 35- Study Afternoon.

(Pov- Saik.)

After punishing Yuki for mocking me, I went down the stairs and entered the dining room.

The food is already ready. Delicious. After that public humiliation I suffered, a good breakfast will relax me.

"Thank you very much, Iris."

I sat at the table in front of Iris. Enjoying a good meal with company feels pretty good. My head still hurts a little, but I'm already feeling better.

(Pov- Kaeyko.)

I left my boxes in front of the door of my new apartment. This place looks nice. It's quiet. I left without my mother noticing, I don't want to argue. My father already knows I moved, let him tell her.

Well, this is the beginning of my new life. I hope my days in this place are relaxing. What I want is to not have headaches.


Huh? A woman's scream.

I turned around. Wow, a woman tripped and fell to the ground.

Wow. A girl with gothic clothes. That black outfit suits her too well. Her hair is black, long, and messy. At least her eyes are visible. A strange woman of around 25 or 30, huh? It's rare to see someone of her age wearing that kind of clothing.

I approached her and offered my hand.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I think so. Thank you."

She took my hand, and I helped her up.

Well, my job is done.

I stepped away from her and took out my keys to open the door.

I opened it and picked up one of the boxes with my hands.

"A-a new neighbor?"

Her tone of voice is somewhat low and gloomy. It matches her appearance of a cold girl.

Small breasts, but tall. A strange but cute combination.

"Yes, I just moved in today. Don't worry, I'm the type of person who doesn't have parties or friends. You don't have to worry about me causing any problems."

It's better to make that clear to have a good relationship with the neighbors and not get into unnecessary trouble.

"D-do you want me to help you?"

Again that gloomy tone, and she's looking at me very fixedly. Her eyes are very scary, but life has taught me not to judge people without knowing them.

She's too scary, but I don't know her, I won't judge her.

"Yes, thank you very much, I would appreciate your help."

It would save me time and effort.

Between the two of us, we put my things inside the apartment. I just need to unpack, but I'll do that later.

"Thank you very much for your help, miss. By the way, my name is Kaeyko."


Sylvie, huh? Sounds cute.

I extended my right hand.

"Thank you for helping me."

"Y-you're welcome!"

She approached me to greet me, but stumbled and fell on me.

I tried to catch her, but for some reason, I also stumbled and fell to the ground.

Damn, I hit my head, but I'll be fine. How strange, I was sure I was standing perfectly.

"I-I-I-I-I'm sorry!"

"Don't worry."

I hate this kind of situation because it brings back bad memories, but I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose. I also stumbled for some reason. Is the floor slippery?

But... why is her face so close to mine? This is getting uncomfortable.

"Um... could you stand up?"

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry!"

She quickly got up and I got up from the floor.

"Don't worry, accidents happen."

... Huh?

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go!"

She ran out of my apartment. She's not shy, I'm sure of that. Shy girls don't enter the apartments of strangers. I felt fear and embarrassment in her... It's strange.

And the strangest thing is that I felt someone touch my butt. She didn't do it, it's impossible.

Well, I probably imagined it.

Sylvie entered her apartment, which was next to Kaeyko's, and fell to her knees, mortified with shame.

"He'll think I'm a weirdo! And why did you push us?! No, that's not important! Why did you touch his butt?!"


"Stop laughing, it's not funny!"

A ghost of a woman in a black dress laughed while Sylvie was suffering from the embarrassment she had experienced.

The ghost was not normal, it was chilling, unmistakably not a living human. Its eyes were empty, and it had a long, uncomfortable smile on its face.

"I'll never be able to have friends because of you."

Small tears began to flow from her eyes, and someone knocked on her door.

This surprised her, and she quickly got up to answer it.

"Hello again. Please accept this as a thank you for helping me."

Kaeyko offered her a small chocolate cake.

"I was also planning to give one to the other neighbor, but they didn't answer. I guess they're not here. I hope you like it."

"Y-yes, t-thank you very much."

The ghost appeared behind Kaeyko, and Sylvie was frightened.

The ghost began to sniff Kaeyko's hair, but he didn't notice anything.

"Well, I have to go, I have to unpack. Goodbye."


Kaeyko walked away, and the ghost wanted to follow him.

Sylvie took her by the arm and entered her house with the ghost.

"Don't bother him!"

(Pov- Saik.)

"It's 11 am. Do you know what that means, my lovely and adorable ghost friend?"

"Cleaning day!"

""Exactamente, mi pequeña amiga fantasma"."

My Spanish isn't very good, but I think I said it right, didn't I?

Anyway, Iris has gone home, so Yuki can be at home without fear of being discovered.

She's wearing a refreshing white dress and looks adorable. As for me, I'm wearing my comfortable black clothes.

A big house needs to be cleaned weekly. Dust is a big problem if it accumulates. What would my mother think if she saw me living in a dusty house?

"Let's get started."

Cleaning the house will take us an hour. We only live two people here and always wash what we dirty.

We're just going to sweep, mop the floor, and clean the bathroom.

Yuki will sweep and mop, and I'll clean the bathroom.

Okay, I'll wet the floor to mop it.

I took off my shirt so it wouldn't get wet and left it where we hang the towels.

Okay, let's start.

~Knock knock knock~

Ah, someone's knocking. I hope it's not some salesman. I don't have time for this nonsense.

I left the bathroom and went downstairs.

"Yuki, don't come out."

"I know."

Well, I don't feel any bad feelings, so I don't think it's someone who wants to kill me.

I opened the door.

"Good morning, Saik."

"Hey, don't you know shirts?"

Ram and Saoto. Ah, do they also want to bother me on weekends?

"I was about to clean my bathroom, so I'm in this condition. Don't stare at me too much, that's sexual harassment."

"Stop saying stupid things. Won't you invite us in?"

Ah. I really wanted to clean first, but oh well. Maybe they need me for something.

"Come in. Cake or jelly?"

"Cake, please."

"Same here."

They didn't refuse, they must be hungry.

They sat on the couch and I went for the food.

"Saik, should I hide in the room?"

"They can see your dress. Stay here."

I brought them slices of cake and pineapple juice.

I sat in a chair facing them and started eating.

"So... What is it this time?"

"It's about the new rules they applied."

"Not the ones about betting?"

"No, it's others. The school changed the current system too much. Now there will be two different points. Positive points and class points."

Huh? The previous system worked in a certain way, forcing students never to miss class and turn in assignments if they didn't want to drop a class. Only the best survived, and the worst were expelled.

The school system was designed for the government to choose the best students and thus create citizens capable of getting ahead. Guaranteeing a full scholarship at any school can only be the work of the country's government.

Now that it has changed, it means that they no longer want individualism, but group unity.

They realized some mistake or something.

The school is 5 years old. Maybe they wanted to experiment for the first 5 years and then change it. There's also the possibility that the system was going to stay longer, but as students like Tanya and I realized how easy it was to get points, they decided to change it.

I talked about what I thought of that change with Ram and Saoto, and they agreed with me.

"It's true, it's quite likely that was the reason."

"Now they'll want us to raise our class by working as a team."

"And what did they tell you?"

"The class points will be obtained basically by judging our tasks and behavior. Like positive points, we will also get class points in special exams."

Does that mean I can't sleep in class anymore? That was a low blow. I quite enjoyed sleeping in class.

"I see, I see..."

I ate a bit of cake and sighed.

"And you came to my house just to tell me that? I don't think so."

"We want your help. Will you cooperate to raise our class?"

"I'll do my part, but that doesn't mean I'll be helping you all the time. I won't help anyone study. I won't give away any protection or positive points. And, of course, I won't waste my time socializing with the class. I have more important things to do."

"Like getting in trouble with the student council."

Ram stood up and approached me.

"If you get expelled, we'll lose class points. Don't get in trouble with the student council."

"I think it's already too late. I have the vice president in my sights. I promised I would get him expelled, and I will."

"You'll only make enemies."

"I know."

I'm used to having enemies.

"Just promise you'll do what it takes to raise our class and that you'll help us."

"... You know, I've never been sociable. I'm the kind of person who cares more about themselves than others. I'll do what I think is necessary to raise our class, but that doesn't mean I'll help others. Exams will give us class points, right? Having people with low grades in our class will harm us. I'm not willing to study with them, I don't have time, you guys do it... Oh, by the way, if it's necessary to expel someone from our class in the future to move forward, we should do it."

"No one from our group will be expelled."

Ah, Saoto, that thought of yours is adorable. A thought that's too stupid. Real life is very different from your imagination. The power of friendship doesn't win. The villain will always kill the hero's important person when he kidnaps them, he won't wait for the hero to rescue them. School is like that. They won't avoid an expulsion just because you ask them not to.

There will be expulsions, whether you want them or not.

"Good luck getting a protection point to avoid expulsion at the end of the semester. Or maybe before. There are still special exams in October and November. There could be two expelled."

"You're not willing to save one of your classmates?"

"If that means sacrificing my protection point, no. You can ask Sylphie for the point, but I don't think she's stupid enough to give you that point."

"You won't give us the point?"

"You can buy the point from me. 20,000 positive points."

"You don't need more positive points."

"You don't know that. Maybe in the future, I'll need a lot of positive points to survive."

"... Let's go, Ram."

"No, I'll stay a little longer, you go."


"Go home."


Saoto left and I drank a bit of juice.

"I'm sorry, Ram, but I won't change my mind."

"Fufu. Don't worry, I would do the same. I prefer to protect myself than others."

"And what do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"About what?"

"About Tanya."

Tanya? I didn't expect that. Did she challenge Ram? Personally, I would do the same. I think Ram and Saoto are the leaders of Class B. If she defeats the leaders, the class would crumble in no time.

"What about her?"

"Will you accept her offer?"

Ah, about changing classes. I can't switch, there's a girl I'm interested in and I need her help, I can't stay away from her. But I won't tell Ram that.

"Mmm... I don't know. She has shown guts, and I like that. She's quite different from Saoto."

"Yes, I agree. Saoto is smart and popular, but he's an idiot if he thinks we can all get along and avoid expulsions."

"Tanya has a strong character and is hard to intimidate. As a leader, she's very reliable, but also suspicious."

"Yes, I know. I heard she forced everyone to obey her the first few days of class."

"And she won them over when thanks to her, everyone got 1,000 positive points for expelling a student. We must be careful with her. As an enemy, she's dangerous."

"And the leader of group C is even more dangerous from what I've heard. A prodigy who controls the class."

"I haven't heard anything about him."

"He forced everyone not to do anything stupid like what you did."

"How do you know?"

"He told me himself. He offered me to join his class. I rejected it, I don't like shortcuts. I'll climb the class on my own."

A thought that I respect, Ram. So Class C has a prodigy as leader and Class D has a tyrant.

"And what about Groups A and E?"

"The 'Keeno' twins are the leaders of Class A and Class E doesn't have a defined leader."

"Twins, huh? Sounds interesting."

Class E is at a disadvantage if they don't have a leader. They need someone to keep the class under control and propose ideas for their class to advance.

"It's best to wait for the next special exam to start and see."

"Yes, I agree."

I finished my cake and got up.

"Well, I'd invite you to eat, but I have to clean."

"Do you live alone?"

"No, I live with the ghost of a little girl. The same one who helped me cheat on the entrance exam. Do you want to meet her?"

"Ah, that joke already bored me. See you on Monday."


She left... Well, she still believes I'm lying.

"Hahahahahaha! I love it when no one believes you, Saik!"

Time to keep cleaning.

(Pov Kaeyko.)

Yes... Alright... Done. All my manga and anime figures are in place.

I finished unpacking. This is the beginning of my life as an independent man.

What awaits me in the future? I don't know, but whatever it is, I will fight to keep moving forward.

~Knock knock knock~

A visitor. I hope it's not my mother or sister. I moved away from them to be far away.

I opened the door and almost had a heart attack. Sylvie's piercing eyes were staring at me while she smiled in such a strange way that it would scare anyone who saw her.

"Well, well. Hello, Sylvie."

I shouldn't judge someone by their appearance. I don't know their situation. Maybe she feels nervous or something. I won't judge her by her appearance, I refuse to be like the people who judged me in the past without knowing me.

"H-h-hello, Kaeyko. H-here, a welcome gift."

That chilling tone of voice makes my skin crawl. Great. I admit you have style, Sylvie. I like you, but you also scare me a bit.

"Well, well."

I took the paper she gave me. An artist, huh? She draws quite well. She drew me. Great. She didn't need any picture of me, just her memory managed to draw me.

"Wow. And without taking a photo of me, you managed to draw me perfectly. You have talent, Sylvie. Are you a designer?"

"Y-yes, I'm a digital designer."

"Great. I would like to learn to draw, but even though I try, I always fail. Thank you very much, Sylvie."

"I-I can teach you! I like teaching!"

Wow... I'm used to girls approaching me to ask me out and go out with them, but I don't feel any of those intentions in her. She's not attracted to me, I can feel it... Oh, maybe she has no friends and wants one. Well, she's scary, and society today judges people without knowing them. It's quite sad. I understand you perfectly, Sylvie, I went through the same thing.

"Really? Someone with your talent would teach very well. Thank you very much. When do we start?"

"I-if you want, we can start right now."

"Sure, I have nothing to do."


We entered her apartment... Well, well... It's quite messy... And there's clothes on the floor. I think she lives alone, I only see women's clothes. A lonely one, huh? How envy... No, I shouldn't be envious. I'm a weirdo who enjoys solitude, but surely she doesn't enjoy solitude...


I caressed my abdomen. I felt a shiver in my abdomen. That was strange.

"S-sorry for the mess."

"No problem, I'm used to it. My room is only tidy because I just moved in."

I looked at the drawings on her walls. Drawings that are scary.

Well, well. She likes ghosts.

I looked closely at one of the drawings. It's her being hugged by a ghost or spirit. That spirit is scary. To imagine that one of those spirits was always behind me is something I never want to experience... Eh?

I feel something in my groin. I'm not being touched, but I have the feeling that I am. This is quite strange.

"You draw really well, Sylvie. Looking at this drawing gives me chills."

"T-thank you very much. Shall we start?"

"Yes, thank you."

I sat next to her at a table. Being with her makes me feel scared and uncomfortable. If I were someone else, I would immediately distance myself from her, but I am me, I am not like those who judged me. I refuse to judge someone solely based on their appearance.

Those were the weirdest two hours I've ever had, but I admit she teaches pretty well. Her behavior is very odd and her penetrating eyes scare me, but ignoring that, she is a good and kind person. She even invited me to eat. See? That's why you should never judge someone by their appearance.

"Thank you very much for today. You taught me very well and I think I learned something."


Did she get stuck?

"W-w-w-w-will you come...t-tomorrow?"

"Of course. If it's okay with you, of course."

She took my hand and started shaking it.

"S-s-s-s-see you tomorrow!"

She went into her apartment. She's weird and scary, but once you get to know her and live with her, anyone would agree with me that she's just a girl who's scared and wants to have friends.

She's the first woman I've liked in a long time.

(Pov- Saik.)

I entered the cafeteria where Sylphie works. It's 5 pm, there is still an hour left before her shift ends, but I arrived early because I got bored at home. I wanted to exercise, but I got hungry, so I came here to eat.

Between loafing and playing video games, time flew by and I didn't cook anything. Yuki was being lazy with me, so she didn't ask me for food either. She stayed at home cooking, and I came here. Cooking takes time, and eating takes even longer. If I had eaten at home, I would have arrived late here. I preferred to arrive early and eat here.

I looked at Sylphie, and our eyes met. I'm wearing my glasses and my hair is combed, so she can see my eyes.

She delivered food to some customers and approached me.

"You came early, Saik. My shift ends at 6."

"I was bored. I'll eat here and play with my phone while I wait."

"Uh... W-well... T-thank you very much, Saik."

"You're welcome. Could you take my order?"

"Of course!"

After ordering my food, I sat at a table and left my backpack next to me.

I took out my phone and checked my notifications. They kept coming. I even reached 890 reactions on the post I uploaded.

I thought it was hard to get followers, but I have 982 followers. How strange. Being friends with Sylphie on this social network made me popular.

Well, I don't care. I opened the game. After a few seconds, I can already play.

My character is a fire warrior with a sword. I prefer swords to bows and spears. I don't know how to use bows, and spears are boring to me.

And as always, Cristal sent me a request to join my world. I accepted it. This has become a small habit between us.

"Hey, hey, hey. Can I sit with you, young ghost hunter?"


I looked up. A huge man with huge muscles. Dark skin and tattoos all over his left arm.

This man is not ordinary.

"Sure, have a seat, sir."

He sat in front of me, and I continued playing.

"Are you going to pretend I'm not here?"

"I'm playing, so I can't sign autographs."

"Hmph. You're funny, kid. I want you to give me the legendary ghosts that are under your power, and I'll let you live."

"Oh, legendary ghosts, huh? Follow me."

I got up from the table and approached Sylphie, who was serving another table.

"Miss, please leave my food at my table. I'll be back in a few minutes."


That man and I left the cafeteria.

"So... where do you want me to kill you?"

"Hahaha! So you choose death, huh?"

I walked away, and he followed me.

Mmm... I think there's an alley around here... Mmm... Here it is.

I entered, and he followed.

"Legendary ghost number 3. Illusion ghost."

Black vapor surrounded me and took the shape of clothes. The clothes I wear as Shadow. This black aura around me makes me look cool, but it's also annoying.

"You may begin. I suppose you think you can kill me, which means you're powerful. Don't worry, no one can see us. The legendary ghost of illusion prevents others from seeing what's going on. Please don't disappoint me."

"You'll regret underestimating me!!"

He tried to hit me, but I easily dodged his fist by just crouching.

I jumped and kicked him in the face with my right foot.

He flew and rolled on the ground.

"You have strength, but you are slow."

"Tsk. Please, Ghost Goddess, give me your blessing."

Ghost Goddess? This makes no sense. Why does she want to kill me? She gave me a few years to decide.

That man's eyes turned completely black.

"Eh? What are you doing?! Why are you betraying me...?! Saik, I'm sorry for this, I told them not to attack you, but they underestimate you too much. They think you're just a kid."

His voice changed. Wow.

"Hello, Ghost Goddess."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again... I hope. I can't promise anything. Oh, my time is running out. Goodbye."

That man turned into dust and dispersed.

... No, he's not dead. She used some strange power to take him away from me.

If she didn't kill him, it means he's useful to her.

Damn it, I just want a normal school life.

"That's all I want."

I returned to normal and went back to the cafeteria.

My food was on my table and Sylphie was waiting for me.

"D-did you have any trouble with that man, Saik?"

"No, it's personal. That man knew my father and wanted to give me something in private. Don't worry, I'm not in any trouble. But thanks for caring."

Sylphie breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at me.

"I'm glad."

That man resisted my blow. His skin was extremely tough and hard. He wasn't an ordinary human. Ah, damn it, more unnecessary problems.

(Pov- Yuki.)

Saik, it's already 7 pm. I hope you bring me some sweets.

"I don't deserve that punishment!"

Hmmmh. It's not fair. I just wanted you to be popular with women. It's not fair that you punish me just for caring about you!

Sitting at the entrance of the house waiting for Saik makes me look like a dog waiting for its owner. Being without Saik is boring.

"Ah, I hope you arrive soon."

"H-h-hello! W-w-what's your name?!"

Huh? Someone is talking near me.

I looked up... Kya!

I quickly moved away from that girl. That little girl is scary! She almost gave me a heart attack...! Well, even though I'm already dead.

"P-p-p-please, don't be afraid of me. I w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-won't hurt you."

That girl's eyes are terrifying, and her messy hair doesn't help at all!

I'm scared of that crazy smile and those sharp shark teeth.

And her voice is eerie and gloomy! It's not adorable at all, it's scary!

... Wait... Yuki, think. That girl can see you, right?

"Can you see me?"


... Okay... Yes, she can see me... Yes... Why?!

"I have to go for Saik! Stay here, girl...! No, better not, it's dangerous. Go inside the house, I want you to talk to someone."

"O-okay. I-I-I need your friend's help."

(Pov- Saik.)

"Thank you very much for helping me study today, Saik."

"Don't worry. We both studied, so it's fine."

It was a pretty productive day. I can't complain. It was a quiet day compared to other days.

The only weird thing was that man who tried to threaten me, but it was quickly resolved.

"S-so... Saik, would you like to go to the movies with me? A movie I want to see is coming out on Monday."

Sylphie's face turns red and she avoids looking at me. She's looking at the ground. That makes me uncomfortable.

Do I have anything to do on Monday? Hmmm... Lounge around, play video games, and study. I think I can squeeze her in between lounging around and playing video games.

"Sure, I have time. Thank you for inviting me, Sylphie."

She smiled and nodded quickly.

"T-thank you, Saik! I-I feel embarrassed going alone."

"Don't feel embarrassed. Movies are enjoyed with or without company. Only couples go to the movies to not watch the movie and make out. Single people like you and me go to the movies to enjoy the movie. I've always gone to the movies alone and never felt embarrassed... Oh, I forgot that I'm a weirdo who enjoys solitude. Forget what I said."

"Saik, Saik, Saik! Emergency, emergency, emergency!"


"I hope the next special exam is fun and less dangerous. What do you think, Saik?"

"As long as it's challenging, I don't care."

Yuki started floating next to me.

"Saik, a little girl can see me!"

I immediately stopped when I heard that. Someone can see Yuki? No... This is impossible. Not even those who can naturally see ghosts can see Yuki.

"I'm telling the truth, I already confirmed it! She can see me!"

"Saik? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing, I just remembered something I have to do."

I kept walking.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"I-I see."

Someone can see Yuki... Why? This should be impossible.

Who is that girl?

I left Sylphie at her house and returned to mine.

That little girl is eating a piece of cake while watching TV.

"Hello, little girl."

She turned to look at me. Yuki is right, that girl is scary, but she would only scare normal people. I have seen worse things. She must be around 6 or 7 years old.

"I-i-i-i-i-it's a pleasure to meet you!"

She took my hand with her hands and her two hands feel so cold.

"P-p-p-p-please, help me control my power!"


"R-really?! Th-thank you!"

"Uh?! Saik, you agreed too quickly!"

I'm not stupid enough to let this powerful girl go free. The best option would be to kill her, but I'm not that cruel.

"Does your mother know you can see ghosts?"

"No, only my older sister."

"Let's go to your house. Your mother should know."

I prefer to avoid misunderstandings with her mother.

We arrived at the girl's house. It was an ordinary house like any other.

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds a woman opened it.

"What can I do for you?"

"Ma'am, do you believe in ghosts?"


"He's like me, Mom!"

The woman sighed as if what Sumi, her daughter, said was a nuisance, and I hate that. It reminds me of my past.

"Daughter, I already told you that..."

"Do it."

Yuki covered her mouth and the woman was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

We entered her house and I closed the door.

"Who's covering your mouth? Her name is Yuki, and she's a ghost."

The woman turned pale, and I sighed.

"This will take some time."

After hours of arguing with that lady and her daughter, I went back home.

I want to eat something for dinner.

"You're going to train that girl on weekends. You're quite kind, Saik."

I'm only interested in that little girl, she has enough potential to be better than me. Her older sister is an adult, so I won't bother her. She managed to become independent and move on, I won't ruin her normal life.

The two of them will keep my identity a secret, and I lied to them telling them that they will die of a heart attack if they tell others about me. That was enough to scare them, I doubt they will try to betray me.

"Do you want burgers, Yuki?"

"Yes, please!"

Ah, my weekends are ruined, but that had nothing to do with school, so I can still maintain my normal school life... Right? I hope so.

The Ghost Goddess.

The student council.

A new girl with a power like mine.

Ah... And her sister too. I'll send 31 to investigate her.

Ah... Seriously... I'm barely starting my third week of classes. Can't they leave me alone for a while? Let me enjoy what's left of my life, please. It's only 3 years, not much.

After I graduate, I'm going to commit suicide. Won't they even let me enjoy the rest of my short life?

It's not fair.


I put my things away. Alright, I'm ready. A new week of classes has started. My third week to be exact. The previous weeks were a headache, but I hope this week is quiet and without many problems.

I left the house with Yuki and we started walking together.

"Saik, do you mind if I go to school with Sumi? I want to know more about her. I'll let you know if she's a good or bad person."

"Sure, but tell her not to talk to you when other people see her. I guess you already know how."

"The spy Yuki withdraws!"

Yuki flew away and I continued on my way.

That little girl reminds me of myself. My parents never believed me, but unlike me, she got someone to help her. Her mother already knows that ghosts exist and won't treat her like a crazy person.

How different is that girl from me? She's scary and they considered me crazy... Ah, and also because I had long hair and my eyes couldn't be seen... I think that little girl and I are not so different after all.

I took a chocolate out of my pocket and took a small bite.

Sumi is like me in a woman's version, huh? But unlike me, she shows her feelings more easily. She smiles.

A smile, huh?

A natural smile... Will I ever be able to smile naturally and not fake?

"I don't know."

After a few minutes, I arrived at school, and the girl I'm interested in is at the entrance, talking to her friends.


"A girl with a strong personality who doesn't let herself be intimidated, huh?"

I wonder if I can become interested in her in a romantic way.

I walked past them. For now, we are just classmates who don't even greet each other when we see each other.

Will that change in the future? Will the day come when Naima will come running towards me and hug me?

"Well, well."

Imagining it seemed cute to me. Naima is definitely the person I'm looking for.

She's so different from...

"S-Saik, good morning!"

Very different from Sylphie.

Sylphie started walking next to me.

"Good morning, Sylphie.

Sylphie is a good girl. Any man would be lucky to have her as a girlfriend.

But honestly, I can't be interested in her.

I'm sorry, Sylphie.

(Extra - My first friend.)

(Pov - Yuki.)

"So, does that mean we'll be friends?!"

"Well... I guess. I just want to keep you from drawing attention to yourself."

"Thank you! I've never had friends before!"


"Of course we'll be friends! Just keep it a secret from other people. It's not a good idea to keep talking to ghosts when normal people can see you."

"Okay, I'll keep it a secret!"

It's pretty sad that a little girl like her doesn't have any friends...! Ah, it reminds me too much of Saik. Except, unlike him, this little girl actually wants to have friends and shows more emotions than Saik.

Don't worry, Sumi, the beautiful Yuki will be your friend!

Wow... My first female friend. Awesome!

(Author's note: Thank you for reading. Please leave your comments and like my Facebook page: Ángel Pikas. And follow me on Twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2)