
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl-It's never too late to start again

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

AngelPikas2 · Urban
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54 Chs

CHAPTER 33 - Public Enemy Number 1. Part 4.

CHAPTER 33 - Public Enemy Number 1. Part 4.

(Pov- Saik)

Well, at least I won a cake. I hope he doesn't try to put something weird in it.

That guy's actions are weird. I hope he doesn't try to do something to Sylphie. I'd rather avoid having to kill someone in my group, that would just cause me unnecessary problems with the ghost hunters.

"Oh, I'm wet. Well, I had to get wet."

It's a little cold, but I don't want to go back in the water. Where is the physical education teacher?

Besides, I see blurry. I need my glasses.

"Hey, Saik, do you have problems with the student council vice president?" Ludius said.

"I think he's angry with me because I'll be the one to expel him in the future."

"Did you really threaten him?"

"It's not a threat, it's a reality. I will be the one to expel him. The student council made their move to ban gambling, but that won't stop me from expelling him."

"Wow... and why do you hate him?"

"I don't hate him, but he's trying to ruin my peaceful school life. I'll only expel him because he tried to threaten me."

Hating an insignificant person like him is illogical to me. Why would I hate an insignificant person like the vice president...? Ah.

Something was thrown at me and I caught it. A... lollipop?

"You can consider it payment for the show."

Ah... um... who is this?

"Sorry, I don't have my contact lenses. Who are you?"

"Did you forget my voice?"

Women's voices sound the same to me, mostly.

"I'm the president."

Oh, yeah, I remember her now.

"Thanks for the lollipop. A free candy can't be refused. By the way, if you think that by banning gambling you will prevent me from expelling the vice president, you are mistaken. Now I'm more motivated to do it."

"I knew you would be capable of doing it, that's why I did what I did. You know, to make it more interesting."

She started caressing my abdomen.

"Wow, wow. It's harder than I imagined."

"Where can I file a sexual harassment complaint?"

"Fufu. You're adorable."

She petted my head. I feel like a cat.

"I'll offer it to you one more time. Join the student council, you'll be my successor."


"Will Saik be the next president?"

"That position is quite important in this school."

"What will you do, Saik?"

Hey, is that position really that important? Well, considering that the president controls the second and third-year groups, it must be an important position.

"I have a question, why me? You don't know me well enough. Shouldn't you give that position to someone more trustworthy and capable?"

"I have a good eye for people, and you are quite special, Saik. I can tell just by looking at you."

"Did you fall in love with me? I'm sorry, I have to reject you, romance and love don't interest me. I've never had a girlfriend and I'm likely to die alone."

I hope you hear that, Sylphie. That goes for you too.

"Fufu. No, no, no. It's not love, it's admiration. Perfect score on the entrance exam. You were the first first-year student to expel another. You expelled two third-year students. And of course, the fact that you have all those positive points makes you even more interesting. You're a worthy successor.

"I see. Mmm... No, thank you. I think I prefer not to waste my time pretending to care about others. I'd rather not waste my time on that.

"A month. I'll give you a month to think about it. Don't disappoint me, Saik.

"President, can I say something?

"Of course.

"I don't hate you, but you're starting to give me problems. The vice president will be the first, but that doesn't mean the others are safe. I'm a danger to the entire student council, not just the vice president. I want you to remember that.

"Well, well. Thank you for making my last year the most interesting, Saik. I expect great things from you."

She walked away and I sighed.

Ah, more problems. Being president could bring me benefits and all that, but it also means I have to work for free. No, thank you. I prefer to keep my free time and sleep.

And I have other things I need to do. If I want to have the normal school life I want, I have to do some things.

For example...

I looked at Naima, talking to her friends. My vision is blurry, but that feeling I get when I see her helps me recognize her.

Yes... She's the person I'm looking for. If I want to achieve what I want, I have to think carefully about what I'll do. It will take me time, but it will be worth it... I hope.

What kind of girl is Naima? I don't know, but for the first time in a long time, I'm interested in someone. And for the first time, a girl interests me in a strange way. I hope to achieve "that".

"Are you okay, Saik?

"Yes, why?

"N-nothing, it's just that you got quiet.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking about something.

Naima... A girl who isn't intimidated, huh? She'll be quite useful.

The rest time had come. I grabbed my lunch and was ready to go enjoy my meal with Yuki, but a certain person was waiting for me.

"Hello, Saik. I'd like to talk to you."

A girl. I think she's the student council secretary, and she's looking at me as if I were a nuisance. Hey, girl, you're the only nuisance here. I have nothing against you because I don't know you. Please don't add to my problems.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have a date with my food. Goodbye."

I tried to leave, but she grabbed my arm.

"Then I'll eat with you."

"Ah... Why did the student council become addicted to me? I don't have time, sorry."

I freed myself and started walking, but this girl doesn't give up. She's following me.

"How do you plan to destroy the student council?"

"Saik, this girl is annoying!"

I say the same, Yuki.

"Do you know that the president controls the second and third-year groups? Do you really want to have them as enemies?"

I yawned and scratched my left arm.

"I'm sleepy and hungry. Ah, I should have slept in class."

"You still have time to repent."

"It's true, the chest has been unlocked. I wonder if the gems I have are enough to buy a new character."

"You're no match for the president."

I stopped and sighed.

"You're quite annoying. If I'm no match for the president, why bother me? If I don't pose any danger, why do you care so much?"

"The president wants you to be in the student council. It would be a waste if you were expelled."

"Ah... Whatever. I don't care. I won't join the student council or change my mind about what I'll do to the vice president. Say what you want, I don't care. Goodbye."

I continued on my way. Well, it doesn't seem like she's following me anymore. Thank goodness, I finally have some peace and quiet.


Ah... Noel, really... Ah, I'm regretting my promise.

Sylphie caught up with me and started walking beside me.

"Were you threatened again?"

"Something like that. It doesn't really matter."

Hmm... She's holding her lunch in her hand, walking at the same speed as me... Yuki, I think you're going hungry again.

"Are you going to eat in the school cafeteria, Sylphie? I was planning on eating behind some classrooms."

"I'll come with you. That's what friends do, right?"

"Yeah... I guess so."

Goodbye, alone time with Yuki. Goodbye, peace and quiet.

(Pov- President.)

Saik has a nice friend, huh? I wonder if they're a couple. They look good together.

I open the window to observe them better. A cute girl with a guy like Saik. They match well, although I have a feeling that Saik is annoyed by the presence of that girl.

No, it must be my imagination. That girl is cute and, as far as I know, they are good friends. I'm just misinterpreting something.

"President, what do we do about Saik? Because of him, one of our classmates was expelled."

"That idiot was destined to be expelled. Saik just accelerated the expulsion. We won't do anything for now. I will personally bring down Saik."

Since I arrived at this school, I have faced many special exams, intense and fun challenges. But Saik... For some reason, I feel that Saik has become the most exciting challenge I have had to face.

Don't disappoint me, Saik. I have high expectations for you, don't disappoint me. There have been many students who caught my attention, but ended up being a great disappointment. You and that girl named Tanya look promising. There's also that girl named Okaina, but she's blind, that will limit her potential... Well, I think I'm being a little rude to her. Despite being blind, her academic abilities are incredible. I think I'll meet with her soon.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

It's nice to be with Saik. My food tastes more delicious. Before meeting him, food had no flavor for me, but now it tastes pretty good.

"Hey, Sylphie, Naok and Ludius will play today. Do you plan to stay and watch them?"

"I don't know..."

No, Sylphie, they're your friends too! They don't harass you or look at you lustfully! I must behave like a good friend!

"Yes. I think so. I'll stay. And you?"

"Both will play at the same time. Bell will support Naok, but I want to support Ludius. Who will you support?"

Uh... Uh... It's a difficult question. I'm not interested in any of those sports, but watching a soccer game with Saik sounds good. But I can't answer so quickly! I don't want him to think that I just want to be with him. Think, Sylphie. You're not that dumb, think of something... Ah... Yes, I'm a fool, but you have to activate all your neurons, Sylphie! You must accept watching the game with him, but without him thinking that I'm only doing it to be with him. Come on, think... Think... I got it!

"Basketball doesn't interest me much. I think soccer is more fun. I think I'll support Ludius."

Excellent answer, Sylphie! I knew you weren't that dumb!

"I see. I find both boring, I'll only support Ludius so that he feels supported and plays more motivated and better. I hope they both win. We don't need the points to win first place, but now that betting is banned, winning as many points as we can is the best option we have. Although we shouldn't worry so much about the points, we have a large amount in our power."

"Yes, you're right."

Thanks to Saik, I have 10,000 positive points. I'm no longer in the danger zone because of him.

"Hi, Saik!"


Who's she?

"Oh, hi, Cristal. You don't look tired, considering we played all night."

All night? Were they playing all night? W-what kind of game?

No... Is it that kind of perverted game?! A sexual game?!! Does Saik have that kind of relationship with that girl?!! No!! Don't imagine it, Sylphie! Ahhhh! It hurts my heart just to imagine it!

"Yeah, it's weird, I don't feel sleepy. But it was worth playing all night! We completed many missions and leveled up!"

Oh, they're talking about a video game.

A great sigh of relief came out of me, and my heart returned to normal. I thought they had sex all night... Ahhhhh! I imagined it again! It hurts to imagine it! Stop imagining it, fool!

"I see. You were lucky. I'm very sleepy. Today, I'll get home and sleep for about 20 hours."

"Ah... I was going to ask you if we'll keep playing at night, but I think it's better if we play tomorrow."

"Yeah, I think that would be best. I don't have much time today. I'll stay at school to watch the soccer game and then I'll go home to sleep."

"Then let's play tomorrow! See you!"

She left. They seem like very good friends... D-don't get jealous, Sylphie!

"I'm sorry, Sylphie, but I can't help you study today. I'm really sleepy."

"N-no worries, Saik. Can we study tomorrow?"

"Sure, I'll see you at your workplace."


Studying with Saik not only helps me feel more at ease, but I also learn better. He explains things in such a clear way that I have no problem learning anything. Saik would make a great teacher... It's true, I wonder if Saik plans to study something specific.

"By the way, Saik, what do you want to study? Do you want to be a lawyer, a doctor, or something like that?"

"... My future, huh?"

Saik simply rubbed his arm.

"... I don't know... I have nothing planned... I'll think of something later... Yeah, I'll think of something later. And you, Sylphie? What do you want to be?"


I've never really thought about it since my father died. Since I was a little girl, I admired my father because all his students loved him. He was a great teacher and I wanted to be like him. Would I make a good teacher? I'm not smart enough, so I don't know if I can make it.

"Well... I wanted to be a teacher like my father, but I'm not smart enough to be one."

"And you'll give up so easily? Won't you try?"

"I... I don't know... I'm scared of failing."

"I think you'd be a good teacher, Sylphie. As long as you try hard to achieve it, I'm sure you'd be a great teacher. For example, your shyness with me has decreased because you've made an effort to overcome it. And your grades when we study have improved quite a bit. You're one of those people who, when they make an effort, achieve their goals, so don't give up so easily, Sylphie."

"Y-yeah... T-thank you, Saik. Hearing that makes me... h-happy."

Saik's words make me feel quite good. I really want to be a teacher. My father loved his job. I want to experience the joy he felt when he helped his students... But... But that's not my only dream. I also... want to have... a son or a daughter... B-but that's not important now!

"T-thanks for all your help, Saik."

"... I'll tell you a little story that my mother, who was quite strict by the way, used to tell me. There was once a little boy who could see ghosts. Everyone thought he was crazy for talking to himself and stayed away from him. That little boy became a loner. And the ghosts were mean to him sometimes. They tried to take over his body more than once. The poor boy couldn't sleep at night for fear that a ghost would take over his body or kill him. Because of that, he couldn't concentrate in school and never did any homework. His mother tried to get him to study, but the little boy couldn't concentrate on his studies because he was so tired. Do you know what the little boy did to solve his problems?"

"What did he do?"

"Every day he stayed awake at night to fight ghosts. Day after day, without sleeping, he spent his time fighting them, preventing them from taking control of him. And one day, he punched a ghost and felt that punch. Before, when he punched a ghost, his fist went through it, but for the first time, he managed to hit the ghost as if it had a physical body. After years of suffering and thanks to all his effort, the little boy managed to control his power to see ghosts. After that day, he dedicated himself to training his power. The ghosts that used to harm him were destroyed by that little boy. Now he could control the ghosts. Ghosts were no longer a problem for him, and he finally managed to have the normal life he wished to have... Tell me, Sylphie, what do you think would have happened if that little boy had not worked hard to drive away the ghosts?

"I-I don't know... Would he have died?"

"Maybe he would have died, or maybe he would have really gone insane. The important thing is that he made an effort. The poor boy slept only one hour a day, even less. Because of all the fighting, his body was very sore. The ghosts attacked his soul, so the boy had no physical wounds, which is why his parents never realized how badly off he was. All the pain he had to endure was indescribable. But all his effort had great results. The little boy learned to control his power and ghosts were a thing of the past... My mother used to tell me that story to teach me that the efforts we make will have their results sooner or later, that I should not give up so easily when life gives me problems... My mother was beautiful and intelligent. I think she inherited her beauty from my grandmother, but she obtained her intelligence by studying, by making an effort to be better, and she succeeded... So, Sylphie, don't forget that nothing in this life is achieved without effort. You must strive to achieve your goals and not give up so easily."

"Y-yes, you're right! Thank you for telling me the story... And how does it end?"

"The little boy managed to have the normal life he wished to have. That's the end. Ghosts were no longer a danger to his life, so he lived his life normally. Maybe he married a woman and started a family. Or maybe a man. It's also possible that he died alone. I don't know, it's just a fictional story. But I like to think that the little boy lived a long and happy life... Unlike my parents..."


I understand, Saik. Thinking about my late father also makes me sad. I still have my mother, but you lost everything.

"Well, let's finish eating. The break will soon be over."

"Yes, you're right. Do you want some of my food, Saik?"

"No, thank you, Sylphie. I want to have more space for my cake."


Saik is eating cake... I forgot how much he loves sweets.

"You should take better care of your health, Saik."

"Don't worry, Sylphie. Eating lots of sweets won't have any negative effects on me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just know."

That confidence of his is very rare... W-well, it's his body, his decision... But I really don't want anything bad to happen to him.

(Pov- Yuki.)

That story... The protagonist of that story is definitely Saik. I'm a fool. I thought Saik was a prodigy at controlling his ability to see ghosts, but I was very wrong.

Every day I see Saik studying so hard. With the little free time he has, Saik watches cooking videos online to improve his skills. He's even learning how to sew. He tries too hard, so much so that it's inhuman.

Saik is the definition of hard work. How much has Saik suffered in his life?

"Saik... How many years did it take you to learn to control your power?"

"Four years. From when I was 2 to 6 years old."

"Did you say something, Saik?"

"It's nothing, Sylphie. I'm just trying to remember something from the past."

Four years of suffering, despite being just a little kid.

It's quite sad, but also incredible. To think that Saik managed to survive all that suffering despite being just a little kid is almost impossible to imagine. "Almost" because Saik did survive.

No wonder Saik is so cold to people. Pain changes people, doesn't it?

"Don't worry, Saik, your days of suffering are over! I'll protect you from the evil ghosts!"

Although I don't know if I can do it, I'll try, I promise!

(Pov- Saik.)

Yuki lay down on the floor and put her head on my lap.

"Yuki is strong, I will protect you, Saik!"

Well, I have my legendary ghosts to protect me, but it's adorable that you consider yourself strong, Yuki.

My past is something I don't like to talk about. Why did I say that? I don't know, I just wanted to help Sylphie... I feel weird.

Lunchtime ended and we returned to our classroom.

The classes continued as usual and it was boring. The math classes were so boring that I almost fell asleep. I decided not to sleep in class for a while and focus more on the classes to avoid being caught off guard. Although Yuki informs me about important things happening in class, I prefer to avoid taking any risks.

Classes ended, and there was an hour left before the game starts, so we decided to use the time to study.

Everyone left, and I joined tables with Sylphie. I sat next to her and pulled out my books.

"Today we will study mathematics. Mathematics is boring, but once you understand it... well, it's still boring, but at least it becomes easier to understand."

"Yes. Th-thank you."

"Don't thank me. This way, we both study."

Studying with another person is nice; it helps me memorize what I study faster. Wait...Mathematics...


My advanced mathematics book is missing. It's a pretty good book to learn from. Did I forget it? How strange.

"I'll go to the library, Sylphie. I need a book."

"What if we study in the library?"

"That's right, let's go."

I avoided the library today because I want to avoid the student council. I've seen one of their members in the library every time I visit, so I preferred to avoid her.

Oh well, it doesn't matter.

We arrived at the library, and as I suspected, one of their members is here reading. It's the girl who was harassing me. I hope she doesn't continue bothering me.

"Please wait for me."

Sylphie sat at a table, and I started looking for the book. The math books are...here. Perfect, I quickly found it.

"Excuse me..."

When I was about to take it, someone tapped my shoulder with a finger. I turned to see who it was, a girl. Oh, a blind girl. Her short black hair is cute. Bandages over her eyes and a smile on her face. An adorable smile.

"Ah, hello. What's up?"

"Could you pass me the book above? It's called 'The Art of Mathematics.' I guess you can imagine which one it is."

"Yes, sure."

A book for the blind, huh? This school is well prepared for all types of students.

And this girl is small, about 1.5 meters tall. She's adorable.

I raised my arm and took the book. A book for the blind. It seems difficult to read. I feel some admiration for this girl. I wonder if she's blind from birth or was it due to an accident.

"Here you go."

"Thank you very much."

I handed her the book.

"You're welcome."

I took the book I was looking for and returned to Sylphie.

"Let's begin."

(Pov- Number 31.)

Hmm... Where is that idiot? My cute Saik gave me a mission. If I do it well, he'll give me a kiss! Fufu. And maybe he'll give me something else.

He must be around here... Found him.

He's changing clothes. Wow, everyone here looks handsome and strong... Hmm... No, I tried, but I just can't get Saik out of my head. Only my cute Saik can excite me...! And sex between men... And kisses between men.

But my Saik excites me the most!

Well, this boy is the vice president. Is this the idiot who dared to challenge my cute husband?

"Hahahaha! It must be a joke!"

This boy is nothing special. Why does Saik bother to use legendary ghosts on him? He's not worth it.

This boy is so fragile.

"Well, anyway, I have to do what Saik asked me to do."

It's a waste, but Saik is the boss.

"Tsk. Come out, number 67."

Legendary ghost number 67, the ghost of health, appeared in front of me.

"Well, well. Did Saik give me away? I thought I had already earned his trust. Do I need more feminine charm?"

Damn man-stealing bitch. Just because you have bigger breasts than mine doesn't give you the right to try to seduce my man!

No... I must control myself. I must do my job well.

"Saik gave me control over you for a while. You'll do what I say."

"Hmm... Well, well. I don't like women, but you're cute. Do you want me to give you a kiss?"

"Tsk. You disgust me, bitch."

I suspect she was a prostitute when she was alive and that's why she wears that prostitute outfit. I won't let you get close to Saik!

Well, I can't criticize other people's clothes when I only wear underwear.

"Oh, you're rude. Saik treats me more kindly. I want to go back to him."

"Shut up and do what I tell you. Obey and there won't be any problems, bitch."

I can't stand her, but at least it'll be worth putting up with her. Darling, I hope you'll at least let me give you a blowjob...! Ah, I sounded like a bitch... Well, I'm only like this with my cute Saik, so I don't care.

(Pov- Saik.)

The game had already started when we arrived.

Wow, there are a lot of people here. I guess they're the parents and friends of the players. Anyway.

"I'm not good at shouting, so let's cheer him on quietly."

"Y-yes. I don't think I'll dare to shout."

I'm too lazy and Sylphie is shy.

Everything seems in order. 0-0.

The vice president takes the ball and heads for the goal.

He'll try to kick it, but...

His uniform gets dirty and shit starts coming out, literally. Human excrement is coming out and down the legs of that boy.

"I admit it's funny, but wouldn't it be more interesting to face the student council without using legendary ghosts, darling?"

I agree, number 31. I'll face the student council without the help of legendary ghosts. I did this for revenge. They took away the fun of gambling, that's unfair, so I did this to get back at them.

"That's disgusting."

"Yes, I agree, Sylphie. It's gross."

The game stopped for a few minutes and the vice president left the field, amid mockery and laughter.

He's even crying from embarrassment. It was quite satisfying to see a conceited boy like him in that situation. A situation that will haunt him for quite some time.

"This... Well... Sorry for what you just saw."

Don't worry, it's not your fault. I'm partly to blame, but number 31 did this.

Ludius took advantage of the free time and approached us.

"I expected more from the vice president. I'm quite disappointed."

"This is weird. He was feeling pretty good a few minutes ago. I'm sure the opposing team did something to him."

"And what will they do now?" Sylphie said.

"The game must go on, we'll simply replace him. I have to go. Thanks for coming to see me."

Ludius returned to the field and I took out two chocolates from my pocket.

"Do you want one?"

"Yes, thank you."

Sylphie took one. Well, well, well. I hope the vice president doesn't leave school because of this. It would save me time, but I prefer to expel him using legal methods. It's more satisfying.

"You had nothing to do with what happened, did you?"

A girl stood in front of me, one of the members of the student council. Will she keep harassing me?

"No. It wasn't me. I want to expel the vice president, but I don't hate him. I'm just going to expel him for trying to mess with me."

"You'll have to come with me."

"Why? I didn't do anything, I just came to support a classmate."

"Come with me now."

"I won't. I didn't do it, I have nothing to confess. If you want me to go, I want a teacher to ask me."

"Tsk. Idiot."

She left and I watched her go. Wow. She has a nice ass and nice legs. She's probably popular with men. I have to be careful with her followers.

"I'll probably be a suspect for this."

"D-don't worry, Saik, you were with me the whole time, I'm a witness! You didn't do it!"

"Well, we'll see what happens. I'll go buy something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"I'll come with you."


Number 31, I have to admit, you did a good job. So did you, number 67. I'll give you more days off.

"Saik, Saik, the game is about to resume! Are we cheating already?"

I nodded slowly and Yuki smiled cheerfully.

"I won't disappoint you!"

More than two hours passed, and as planned, Ludius' team won 11-0. Ludius scored 4 goals. Yuki deflected the balls a bit so that the opposing team's players couldn't kick the ball as they wanted.

She stayed for 30 minutes helping, and they took advantage of the advantage we gave them. After that, she went to help the basketball team. I don't know if they won, but Yuki helped them a lot too, I hope they took advantage of the advantage.

"It was a good game. Ludius played very well. He had a bad start... well, a disgusting start, but the rest was good... I guess, I don't know much about it."

I agree, Sylphie.

Yes, it was definitely a disgusting start, but they played pretty well. I think without Yuki's help, they could have won perfectly.

I was accompanying Sylphie home. It is no longer necessary to stay at school.

"I don't like soccer, but it was interesting to watch a complete game. It's the first time I've seen a full soccer game."

"I-it was also my first time... I-I mean my first time watching a soccer game! Kya! N-no! I'm a virgin, don't get me wrong! I-I mean...! I-I better not say anything else."

I turned to look at her.

"You're adorable when you get nervous."


She exaggerated, it stopped being adorable and now it gives me some second-hand embarrassment.

"I'm sorry if I said something weird. I'm not used to talking to people, so I don't know when I say something weird or uncomfortable. Please, if I say something that makes you uncomfortable, tell me to avoid it."

"D-don't worry, it's cute that you care about those kinds of things."

I looked up. It's cloudy. Will it rain? Shit, I left clothes on the clothesline.

"We better hurry, it looks like it's going to rain."

"Yes, you're right."

A strong wind blew. Is a storm coming?

... Oh... Sylphie is wearing white underwear. She has cute thighs.

I immediately looked away to avoid making her uncomfortable.


The wind is quite strong.

Sylphie avoids her skirt from lifting, and I look around. This wind is quite dangerous.

"Walk behind me."

The wind is coming from the north, hitting me directly. If Sylphie walks behind me, the wind won't bother her as much.

"Are you sure?"

"That way we'll prevent people from seeing your underwear."

"Eh?! Y-yes, you're right! Thank you!"

She stood behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. The wind hitting her will decrease. This wind is dangerous. I hope my clothes don't fly off. I'm too lazy to buy more.

"Kya! It's so romantic, Saik! Sylphie is so nervous and red! You're quite the gentleman, Saik!"

"Ah, I hope my clothes don't fly off. I wish I had a younger sister to pick them up."

"Yes, yes, I got the hint. I'll go pick them up! Fufu. I'll leave you alone with a cute girl. Don't take advantage of the situation, okay?! Maximum a French kiss!"

Stop saying nonsense and go, my clothes will fly off.

Yuki understood my gaze and flew away. Floating. Whatever.

After walking for 20 minutes, we arrived at Sylphie's house. Raindrops are starting to fall. I just hope it doesn't rain until I get home.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Saik."

"Don't worry, it was nothing. See you tomorrow, Sylphie. By the way..."

I took out my phone and opened an app.

A quite popular social network. Normal students have an account on some social network. I never cared about it, but if I want to experience a normal school life and be a normal student, I must have some account on some social network. Will it be useful for me? The truth is no, I just created it to become a normal student. It will only serve me to talk to people.

"I created an account. I don't really know what it's for, but I remember you asked me if I had any account on a social network. Send me a friend request, if you want."

"Yes, of course! Don't you have any profile picture?"

"No. I haven't put any yet."

"I see..."

She took out her phone and a few seconds later, I received a friend request... Is this account Sylphie's?

"Why do you call yourself Sylkas?"

"I-it's my nickname. Don't you like it?"

"It's nice. And your profile picture is also nice."

A drawing of a white cat.

"Wow... You have a lot of followers, but no friends. Is there a reason?"

"It would be sad to have friends on the internet and not in real life. I promised myself to first have friends in real life and then get friends on the internet."

"I see... Well, it's an honor to be your first friend on this social network. You are also my first friend... Well, well. You are my first real friend and my first friend on this social network. Thank you, Sylphie."

"N-no, thank you, Saik! You are also my first true friend."

I began to check her profile. She only uploads drawings... Even drawings for adults... Wow. She has talent.

"Two men kissing. No wonder most of your followers are women."

"Ahhh! I'm sorry, I know it's weird, but...!"

"It's not weird, don't worry. You have talent... You even know how to draw on paper."

"T-thank you."

... Wow... All of Sylphie's followers have a profile picture, most have pictures of their faces. Is that normal? I'm new to this social network thing.

"Is it normal to have a picture of your face as a profile picture?"

"I suppose so, although you can also put a drawing or a meme."

Meme? I know the word, but not much the meaning.

"I see... This is new to me, sorry."

"D-don't apologize... This... Saik, c-can I take a picture with you?"

"Picture? Will you upload it to your account? If you do, tag me... Mention me? Something like that."

"Yes, of course!"

I think a picture is important. I must not embarrass Sylphie.

I combed my hair a bit... Okay, my hair no longer covers my eyes.

"Should I smile or not?"

"I-it's not necessary if you don't want to."

"I see."

I approached Sylphie.

"What do I do?"


She approached me and our bodies touched.

Sylphie is smaller than me, but I don't think I should crouch.

"Look at the camera."

I looked at the camera... Now?


Sylphie showed me the picture. Is Sylphie smiling? I thought it was not necessary. Well, it doesn't matter.

"You look good, Sylphie."

"Y-you too!"

A chill ran down my entire body. Something bad is going to happen.

"I'm sorry, I have to go, it looks like it's going to rain. Thanks for today."

"N-no, thank you!"

"See you tomorrow."

I started running.

This feeling... Something bad is definitely about to happen.

After running for two minutes, it started raining.

Ah, perfect, shit.

Anyway, I don't care.

I kept running until I reached the store where Iris works. It's closed.


Iris's voice.

I entered the store. The door was open. They closed it too quickly and didn't realize they left the door open.

I knocked down a door where the employees rest.

Two criminals, huh?


Iris... Iris is losing energy.

Two people are trying to take advantage of Iris. One of them is trying to take off her pants and the other is taking off her blouse. One of them is an employee of this store. A disgusting and fat man.

Iris is under the effects of a drug, she can't move... Damn.

"Who the hell are you...?!"

I kicked that fat man in the head and his face hit the ground. I fractured his nose, but that's nothing compared to what I'll do to him.

"W-wait, wait, t-this is a misunderstanding!"

He's trying to grab the knife in his pocket, but I hit his face with my knee and broke his nose too.

"You will regret this."

The legendary ghost of pain appeared next to me.

"You will regret this."

"Eh? W-what?"

Iris woke up. Thank goodness, I thought she was going to stay asleep.

"Hello, Iris."

"Saik...? What happened to me? Eh?! W-why are you carrying me in your arms?!"

"You fainted. I think it was from overworking. We were talking on the street and you fainted."

It's raining too hard. I'll take her to my house, it's closer.

"My house is closer. Do you mind if I take you to my house? You needs to rest."

"Y-yes, of course! T-thank you so much!"

The effects of the drug erased her recent memories. I need to make sure she recovers.

I left Iris on my bed and gave her some of my clothes.

"This shirt stretches, don't worry. I hope you're comfortable."

"Th-thank you, Saik. I don't know what would have happened if I had fainted on the street and no one helped me."

"It was nothing."

I dried her hair with a towel.

"We need to dry you off."

I dried her arms and face.

"Can you move?"

"N-not much."

"I see... Your clothes are wet, you could get sick... Ah, this is awkward to ask. Can't you take off your clothes yourself?"

Iris got nervous and tightly closed her eyes.

"N-no. I can't move."

The effects of that drug are disgusting. I can't remove them because that could cause her memories to return. Those effects must disappear on their own.

"Can I take off your clothes and put on dry clothes for you? I won't do anything bad, I promise."

"...Yes... Yes, please. I would appreciate it."

Well... This is awkward.

I began unbuttoning her blouse and carefully removed it.

White bra, huh?

No, Saik, don't think stupid things.

I put one of my shirts on her. It will be short and somewhat tight, but it's the best I could find.

I unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down.

Iris tightly closed her eyes, avoiding any eye contact with me to avoid being more embarrassed than she already is.

I took off her shoes, socks, and then her pants.

I put on one of my stretchy shorts that I found.

I covered her up well and sighed. Alright, the awkward part is over.

"Okay. Do you feel okay, Iris? Do you not feel cold? Is the room warm?"

"Y-yes, thank you, S-Saik... Seriously, thank you for your help."

"Try to sleep. I'll go prepare dinner."

"T-thank you."

I left the room and clenched my fists.

"Saik, Saik, what happened?!"

"She fainted, she's been working quite a bit lately... I need to pee."

"...Was it necessary to tell me that? How gross."

I went into the bathroom and legendary ghosts number 31 and 99 appeared in front of me.

"They're getting what they deserve," said 99 and disappeared.

"Darling, I deleted and disabled the security cameras. I took the bodies of those men to one of their houses and made it look like they killed each other."

"Thank you."

I sat on the floor and sighed.

"It's been a long day."