
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl-It's never too late to start again

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

AngelPikas2 · Urban
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54 Chs

CHAPTER 21 - A... special exam? Part 1.

(Important characters.)

Saik: The protagonist. He is an unexpressive boy who only cares about his own well-being. People close to him consider him a good person, although he admits that the "good" actions he has done were only because he thought they would ruin his peaceful school life if he didn't do them. His special ability is to see and control ghosts, an ability that has caused him many problems in his life. His favorite pastime is doing nothing and sleeping.

Yuki: She is a 15-year-old ghost girl, but she appears to be 10 years old because she died at that age. She hates it when Saik treats her like a little girl, but her personality and behavior don't help Saik see her as a mature girl. Her childish personality and behavior make Saik consider her his little sister. Her favorite pastimes are watching television, playing video games with Saik, eating sweets, and spying on people.

Sylphie: A girl with a shy and nervous personality. Thanks to Saik's actions, he became a trusted person for her. With him, she doesn't get as nervous or shy. Sylphie had problems with her mother's alcoholism and bullying, problems that were solved by Saik. Her favorite pastimes used to be watching anime and reading manga (hobbies she acquired because she never went out and was always at home). Now that she met Saik, her favorite pastimes are studying with Saik and being with Saik because she feels protected and feels that her luck improves since Saik appeared in her life, everything has gotten better.

Iris: She is Sylphie's mother. Due to her depression and low self-esteem, she turned to alcohol to forget her problems. When she couldn't bear her problems anymore, she attempted suicide, but Saik managed to save her and prevent her suicide. Saik saved her twice, which made Iris feel indebted to him because he not only saved her but also gave her advice and money to help her. She now strives to be a good mother to Sylphie and has quit drinking.

Ram: She is a girl with a cold and competitive personality. She has a personality similar to Saik's, with the exception that she wants to be better than others, and Saik doesn't care who is better. She only thinks about herself and doesn't care about others. Her favorite pastimes are reading and being comfortable.

(Pov - Saoto.)

After breakfast, I took my backpack, said goodbye to my parents and younger sister, and left home on my way to school. Yes, my father was the only one who wished me luck at school... and the only one who spoke to me kindly... But I'm used to it. I won't let this affect me academically because I have a great responsibility now, and I don't want to disappoint my classmates.

The school I'm attending is very strange. I had heard rumors about that school. They said it was too strict and had special tests. Tests that almost always end with the expulsion of many students, that's why I decided to enroll in that school. I decided to attend that school to prove myself.

I want to improve as a person... I want... I want to be a better version of my past self.

I made many mistakes in my past... Mistakes that I deeply regret.

I want to become a trustworthy person, that's why I volunteered to be the class president.

I want to support my classmates. I want to help them... I want them to be my friends... I want them to trust me.

I will help everyone equally... I don't want anyone to be expelled.

I know very well that there will be expulsions at the end of each semester, that's inevitable, but that doesn't mean I can't prevent expulsions for failing an exam.

I want to become a trustworthy person... I want to fulfill my promise.

"Grandma, please be patient."

I will fulfill my promise.

CHAPTER 21 - A... special exam? Part 1.

(Pov - Saik.)

Ah, the second week of classes has begun. I have gotten used to this school a little, and I will get more used to it because I can sleep during classes. Thanks, strange survival system. I don't know who came up with it, but I love it because it allows me to do what I always did in my previous schools, but without the negative consequences: sleeping in the classroom.

Today is Monday, September 1st. Just as a new week begins, a new month also begins.

We say goodbye to August and say hello to September.

And speaking of September, my birthday is coming soon.

For others, birthdays are a special day. And for me? It's just another day.

I have never had friends, so I never celebrated it like normal people did, and I don't have any other living relatives, so my "birthday parties" didn't look like it.

My parents would buy me a cake, and that was it. They insisted on throwing me a big party, but I found it unnecessary, so I refused. Besides, only they mattered to me. I didn't want their friends or their friends' children celebrating my birthday because I didn't want to socialize with strangers who didn't matter to me.

Celebrating my birthday with my parents was enough for me. They would give me gifts and that would be the end of my birthday.

For me, it was just an opportunity to eat whatever I wanted and get a new video game.

Currently, I have enough money to buy all the food and video games I want, so my birthday doesn't matter to me as much anymore. Now that my parents are no longer with me, my birthday is just another day on the calendar, its existence doesn't matter to me.

Although, if I keep buying things foolishly like I do, I will soon run out of money.

I need to get a part-time job. I don't want Yuki to go hungry... Well, she's a ghost, she doesn't need to eat, but... Ah, whatever. The important thing is that I don't want Yuki to miss her 6 daily meals, let alone my 8 daily meals.

"B-by the way, Saik..."

Sylphie's voice brought me back to reality and I turned to look at her. She sounded quite nervous, more than usual. I think she gathered the courage to speak. Is it something important? Her face is red, which means it's something difficult to say out loud. Is it a complaint about my way of teaching or something like that?

"D-do you have any social media?"

Ah... It's a common and ordinary question. Sometimes I forget how simple it is.

"Ah, social media, huh? Mmm... To be honest, I've never been interested in that, Sylphie. I don't have any."

Although I think normal people have them... Should I create an account?

Social media is just a waste of time, or so I heard my parents say when they talked to their friends.

I never made an account because I thought it was unnecessary, but since almost everyone has at least one, I guess I should have at least one too, to be more normal.


"I-I was just curious. I wanted to send you a friend request, but I guess it's not possible."

"Friend request...?"

Why does she want to add me on her social media? She has already sent me messages before, she has my number. Why would she want to contact me through another platform?

"I already gave you my number, didn't I?"


That's strange... Ah, another thing I should add to my research list. Being normal is more complicated than it seems. The people around me make it look easy. How do they do it?

Wow, that girl is eating something that looks like a "torta," a foreign food. Bread filled with something, like ham and vegetables. Like a sandwich, but bigger. It looks delicious. When I get home, I'll make something similar.

And speaking of delicious things, I forgot to give Sylphie the dessert.

"By the way, take this."

I took out a lunchbox from my backpack and gave it to her.

"I made the cake with the recipe you gave me. Thank you very much, it turned out perfect... I think. I sent you a photo, but you haven't seen it yet. I added lemon jelly to give it an extra flavor."

I crushed the jelly with my hands to pour it over the cake. It sounds weird, but the result is incredibly delicious.

"F-for me? Can I really have it?"

"Of course. I like sweet things, but that doesn't mean I'll eat a whole cake by myself."

"Oh... Y-yes... T-thank you."

She took the lunchbox and put it in her backpack.

"I-I'll return the container to you tomorrow."

"Sure, no problem."

I have plenty of them, so I don't think it will affect me if she keeps it. I don't think Sylphie is a thief, but sometimes appearances can be deceiving.

We entered our classroom and each sat in our seats.

I will start with my daily ritual that I just started.

Every day, during the first classes, I will put my backpack on my desk, take a breath, put my arms on the backpack, and fall asleep.

Good night. Ah, this is what I needed. How comfortable.

"Saik, you must pay attention in class!"

It's not necessary, Yuki. We will cheat on the exams and I will study at home. I'll just sleep during the first few hours of class, I promise.

"Hey, don't ignore me!"

Zzzzz. Good night, I said. Zzzzz.

(Pov- Yuki.)

Ahhhhhhh! Saik, everyone is looking at you weird! Don't ruin your reputation anymore!

"Wake up!!"

... Ah... This idiot won't listen to me.

Seriously, Saik, I don't understand you.

You're handsome, you have an incredible body, you can see ghosts, you have enough money to wipe your ass with bills. Yes, you don't have a family, but you have me. Why are you so... Saik? It's even difficult for me to explain how you are.

Aside from your haircut, you're the envy of any guy. You could definitely have any woman you wanted. You're almost perfect, the only bad thing about you is your personality and the way you live life.

Why are you like this? Having such amazing parents (according to what you've told me), why is the current Saik so unpredictable?

Ah, I don't understand this boy at all, but don't worry, Saik, I love you just the way you are. Your best friend will never hate you, even if you behave strangely! In fact, here's a kiss for you. Muah. Fufu. Consider yourself lucky, not everyone can boast of receiving a kiss on the cheek from the great and beautiful Yuki. Hahahahahaha!

"That boy is so weird. He disgusts me."

... Did I hear correctly? You... dared to insult Saik?

He may be an idiot, lazy, insensitive, and so on, but he is a good person... in his own way. I won't allow you to speak ill of him!

I approached that girl, or rather, group of girls, because I suspect her friends are just as rude as she is.

Several girls are around her, talking nonsense about Saik. Tsk. Damn them.

The type of person I hate the most: those who mock and despise others without knowing them. I know perfectly well the pain people feel when they are despised and insulted, because I went through the same... Although, well, I can't blame my former classmates for ignoring me and never speaking to me, because my mother is partly to blame. But I don't care! I won't allow them to insult my best friend!

"He falls asleep in class and refuses to tell us how he earned those points. Argh. I can't stand him."

... How can you hate someone who doesn't talk to anyone?

Saik literally told them the truth and they didn't believe him. If he falls asleep in class, it's his problem, not yours... You disgust me.

"And his hair is disgusting."

"Yes, it's true. Why doesn't he comb it? Doesn't he care about his appearance? What a common boy."


They all started laughing... They're laughing at Saik... They're mocking him.

Damn them... Damn rude girls!!

"Only I can make fun of Saik!"

Great phantom punch...!! Huh?

I tried to punch the main girl in the group, but my fist and arm went through her chest.


Is my body not activated?

I looked at Saik. Did he wake up and prevent me from hitting her? Don't stop me from delivering justice!

Oh, he's still asleep... Oh, right, he deactivated my body, he only activates it when we eat... At least I'll pretend to hit her to satisfy my thirst for blood! Die!!

"Take your seats."- said the teacher.

Everyone sat in their seats and I continued pretending to hit the leader. Die, flat-chested, you're not even pretty! You have no right to belittle others, ugly!

"If I were still alive, I would have huge breasts, and you wouldn't, flat-chested!"

Although this girl is not so flat, she has average-sized breasts, not too big or small.

But I would have big, gigantic breasts, I would beat her by a wide margin! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I really dislike this girl!

... Oh... She's the typical girl who mocks others. She's surrounded by other girls just like her... And, of course, she has an arrogant personality... The type of girl I hate the most! I hope you're the first one expelled from the class!

"Before we start the class, let's change seats."

A seat change, so typical. I hope Sylphie gets to sit next to Saik. I like her. Or maybe Ram, because it would be fun to see her try to surpass Saik. God, please let it be Sylphie! B-but if I haven't been so good, let it be Ram, please. You owe me for allowing an innocent girl's life to be taken away just because she was born beautiful! Oh, I think that might anger God. I better shut up!

(Pov- Saik.)

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. If only I hadn't let my guard down at that moment, you would be...

"Hey, Saik, wake up, we're changing seats!"

Ah... Thank you, Yuki. Nightmares never leave me alone. Your voice helped me relax... Wait, changing seats? Ah, how annoying. I hate this kind of thing. In my previous schools, it was enough to threaten the teachers to let me keep the seat I wanted, but I don't have the social power to do that anymore, especially now that I'm just an ordinary person.

I don't want to lose this seat, it's very comfortable to be here. It's more comfortable to sleep here because I'm far from the teacher and her voice is barely audible, perfect for sleeping.

"Yuki, I want you to do the following."

"Fufu. We don't need your help anymore, God! It's time to cheat!"- Yuki said, raising her arms triumphantly.

Help from God? Ah, if only you knew the truth, Yuki. Those Gods will never be able to help us.

Well, whatever, it's time to cheat.

To change seats, we will take a paper from a box.

While the teacher called the students one by one, Yuki peeked inside the box and looked for the number "5", the number that corresponds to my seat. 4 rows of 5 seats each. There is a considerable amount of space between the rows. I think the classroom is so big despite having so few students because we will do activities inside, or maybe for aesthetic reasons.

There are only 20 students in this classroom, but there are 4 other groups of first-year students.

100 first-year students in total.

Very few, but quality is better than quantity. The students who manage to graduate from this school are guaranteed to have better opportunities to enter a university and get better jobs... Or so I've heard. I didn't research the school much because I don't really care about the benefits. I was only interested in the terms "prestigious," "elite," and "challenging."

To be honest, I don't know much about the school. When I found out about the expulsions for failing, I immediately became interested in studying here.

Our class is "1-B". I don't know if class A is better or if it doesn't matter.

But knowing the school and its teaching method, I have no doubt that class A is better.

But if that's true, why is Sylphie in this class? If she is the worst, why isn't she in class E?

I have two theories.

Number 1: They assigned her to this class to balance it out, having both intelligent and stupid students.

Number 2: No class is better than another.

Option 2 seems the most logical, since I am the best in the first year thanks to my perfect grades and I am in class B. They probably just randomly assigned the students to the classes.


I'm coming. Don't worry, seat, don't miss my bottom, I'll be back soon. Well, that was a good joke, right? Ah, being normal is so difficult.

I went to the front.

"This is it, Saik!"- Yuki said.


I put my hand in the box while looking straight ahead, so as not to raise suspicion, and Yuki gave me a paper.

I took it out.

"Hmm... Number 5. Ah, that's good, I was used to my seat."

I left, sat back down, and tried to sleep again.

Nice seat, so comfortable. I don't want to lose you.

(Pov- Yuki.)

Ah... This idiot fell asleep again. I should get used to it.

One by one, the students are taking their seats, and nobody has sat next to Saik.

... Yes, it's Sylphie's turn!

Please, let her sit next to Saik. Come on, come on, sit next to him. I wish I could help you, but I can't, Saik deactivated my body. Come on, destiny, do your job!

"Number... 20."

Eh...? 20?! So far away?!

What bad luck! Noooooo!

It's not fair.

Ah... I have to see the bright side... What bright side?!

Saik is an idiot, he won't try to be friends with the person sitting next to him and will ignore them. Goodbye, future plans to help Saik make more friends!


Oh no... Please, not the rude girl sitting next to Saik. Please, anyone but the crazy flat girl!

"Number... 4."

Nooooo! Dammit. Today must be a bad day for us, Saik! Does God really hate me?!


Same here, dummy!

She sat in front of Saik. She clearly hates being in that seat, but Saik doesn't care because he's asleep.

Tsk. I swear, if you try to bother Saik, I'll use my ghostly power to pull your feet when you go to sleep! Muahahahaha!


Ah, I don't really care about her. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either.

"Number... 10."

Ah... Well... It could have been worse.

The two smartest students in the class (Saik only has the title), sitting together. Mmm... I think it could be somewhat interesting.

Everyone has their assigned seats now.

A student named Bell is sitting in front of Ram.

Well... I was hoping Sylphie would be here, but there's nothing we can do about it.

Ah... I just hope Naima isn't too annoying.

"Now that everyone has their seats, I will explain the first special exam you will have."


Everyone was surprised to hear those words because they know that a special exam means there could be a possible expulsion.

Wow, such an important test is approaching. How exciting! Saik, it's time to show them how superior you are! Yes, we'll cheat, but winning is winning! I don't care about morals anymore, I want you to win! They brought it upon themselves by making fun of you!

Fufu. I'm like an overprotective mother, huh?

"Teacher, isn't it a bit early for that?! It's only the second week!"- Saoto said, worried.

His concern is understandable. This school is very, very, very expensive. If any of them get expelled, they would be wasting so much money. They may be rich, but even they would feel the pain of losing so much money.

"There will be a special exam every month of the semester, except for December."

That means there will be 3 special exams before the end of the semester. That means there could be expulsions in addition to the one at the end of the semester.

This school is really strange, Saik, but also fun. It's like a TV series or something, where students have to fight each other to survive. Cool! And since Saik can see ghosts and is the best in the first year, that makes him the protagonist!

"I will explain what the special exam will consist of, which will last for two weeks. This exam is more like a test of effort and support among peers. It's very simple. You will form teams of 5 people. The test will consist of gathering the highest number of positive points. A test that seems simple, but it's not, because gathering points is more complicated than it seems. At the end of the special exam, the positive points gathered by the team members will be added up. The ones with the most positive points will be the winners. Of course, there are prizes. There will be 500 positive points for the winning team, 250 for second place, 100 for third place, and 0 points for last place. Do you have any questions?"

Oh, it sounds quite simple. That was a good summary. I thought it would be too long explaining the rules and... huh?

Saik raised his hand. How strange, I thought he was still asleep.

"Saik, what do you want to ask?"

Saik raised his head, sleepy. Yes, he was definitely about to fall asleep, but I think he's interested in hearing this because his position as the top student is at stake.

"Will the losing team be expelled?"

"No, this is the only special exam where there is no risk of expulsion, unless it is discovered that you received positive points by threatening others, as that would be considered cheating."

"I see... That's all."

And he went back to sleep... Ah, what a lazy person.

"Threatening?" Ram said.

Yes, I also have that doubt. Does it refer to threatening the teachers with the social power of their families or something like that?

"Teacher, if we want to get more points, what should we do?" a student asked.

"As I mentioned before, in the main hallway of the school, there is a blackboard with tasks that you can do to earn points. The soccer and basketball teams will have an official match very soon. You still have time to join and earn points that way. The tasks will also give you positive points... and you can bet."

Huh? Did I hear that right?

I wasn't the only one confused by that, most people are, because no one imagined that word would come out of the teacher's mouth.

Usually, schools prohibit gambling, but is it allowed here?

"Betting? Teacher, what do you mean by that?!"

"You can earn points by betting with other students... Well, that's one way to put it. As long as both parties agree, two people can compete against each other by betting a certain amount of points."

"T-That... can be done?"

"It's not prohibited, but it's not recommended. The positive points you earn can be spent. How? If you fail a question on an exam, you can spend 100 points to correct that answer. That would save you from expulsion, but it would put you at risk of being expelled at the end of the semester."

"100 points for just one question?"

"That's not fair."

"It's too much."

"That's why students bet their own points to win more, but I warn you that if you reach 0 positive points, you will be expelled."

Everyone became nervous with those cold words.

This school... is really strange.

"Of course, we are not responsible if a student does not want to pay. If you are going to bet, I recommend recording an audio or signing a contract where the parties involved agree to the rules and will pay the winner if they lose. That way, the school will force the students to pay the points they lost. Betting carries a lot of risks, which is why it is only allowed within the school, with witnesses. If someone threatens you to bet, inform any teacher, and it will be investigated secretly."

"And how can we know how many points we have or how many points we won?"

"In an hour, you will receive an email. In that email, there will be a download link for an application. In that application, you can see the points you have and the option to send points. Of course, it is constantly monitored. We will notice if any student tries to hack the application. Of course, those who attempt to do so will be expelled. The theft of points is punished with immediate expulsion. Any other questions...? No? Well, form your teams."

"I have a question about the bets."

"Tell me."



I see, I see.

A summary of the teacher's long explanation.

The system of betting with positive points is a way to compete with other students through mutual agreements. Participants can bet a certain amount of positive points they are willing to risk, and the winner takes the total sum of the points bet. Bets can be made on anything, as long as the parties involved agree to the conditions and the result is verifiable. For example, you can bet on who will get the highest grade on an exam, who will win a chess match, who will solve a riddle faster, etc.

To make a bet, participants must record an audio or sign a contract stating that they agree to the rules and will pay the winner if they lose. In this way, the school will force students to pay the points they lost. If someone refuses to pay or tries to deceive the other, they will be expelled. The application they sent can also be used to make bets, as it has a function to record agreements and transfer points automatically.

Fufu. The school knew this would happen when designing this system, huh? It really is like a survival game.

Bets are a way to quickly gain positive points, but they are also very risky. If we lose a bet, we can end up with no points or even be expelled... Well, both are the same. 0 points equals expulsion. In addition, bets can generate conflicts and hostilities among students. That's why the school does not recommend making bets, but it does not prohibit them either. It is up to us to decide whether we want to bet or not.

Fufu. What a strange system, but fun!

(Pov- Saik.)

Ah, I see... It's a simple test and there's no risk of expulsion.

Points are very necessary to survive. The worst students will need them to avoid failing exams. Students like Ram surely want to have many points in case they are needed in the future, and knowing the school, that is very likely.

I looked up to see all my classmates.

The worst students are gathering with Saoto and Ram, so they can help them.

And, despite being the best student, no one approaches me.

That's because of my lazy personality, and because they hate me.

Ram and Saoto have shown that they care about getting points, but I have shown that I don't care.

"Saik, won't you find a team?"

Ah, right, Yuki. I must make sure that a certain person gets points.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

Everyone has started looking for a team... But... What can I do?

I am the worst in the group. No one will want me on their team.

I would just be a burden.

No one will want me on their team because they will think they will lose.

What can I do?

Maybe Saik... No... No... He probably also cares about getting points.

I would just be a burden to him.

"Ah, what a hassle, they interrupted my sleep."


"Hello, Sylphie. Have you found a team yet?"


"Do you want to be on my team?"


S-Saik, you're an angel! Thank you for taking pity on me! I promise to be helpful!

"Hey, Saik."


She approached us. What does she want?

"I need one more member. Do you want to join my team?"

... I recognize all of them. They all got more than 75 points... Ram chose them for their skills... In contrast, I... am the worst.

I am no match for them.

"I'm sorry, I already have a team. But I really appreciate your offer."

He rejected Ram?!

"Are you really going to team up with her?"

"That's my plan."

"Why? Don't you want to win?"

"Well... To be honest, I don't care about winning, but I also don't plan on being last."

"If you're with her, you'll be last."

... Yes... She's right about that. I can't deny that sad reality. I'm nowhere near being like them. Saik and Ram are far beyond my reach, I won't be of any use to him.

Because of the time I study, I won't be able to earn points by helping society.

And on weekends, I work... I will only be a burden to Saik. I won't be able to earn many points.

He knows that... He knows...

It's best to stay away, I don't want Saik to be affected by...

"I don't think so. I don't know if we'll be able to earn enough points to be in first place, but at least we won't be in last place."

Huh? He sounds so serious saying that... So... serious...

"Why are you so sure?"

"It's a feeling."

"Fufu. Well, well. It sounds fun. Alright. I'll look forward to the result."

She and the others left... Is this okay?

I mean, for me it's okay, but does this really not affect Saik? I don't want to ruin his academic record.

"... Saik... Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, don't worry. Sylphie, do you know what's most important for improvement?"

"I-I don't. What?"

"Not stressing out and staying calm. If I'm with Ram, she'll be nagging and pressuring to earn points. The important thing is to stay calm and not despair... Sylphie, I'm sure you'll do a good job, you shouldn't underestimate yourself... So... Do you accept joining my team?"

"Yes! Thank you so much, Saik!"

"Alright... We just need three more members."

Thank you so much, Saik.

I promise I'll do my best, I won't let you down. I'll give it my all! I won't disappoint you!

(Pov- Saik.)

To be honest, the points hardly matter to me. I will use this opportunity simply so that Sylphie is not in last place.

I promised Noel that I would help his wife, and I promised Yuki that I would help Sylphie.

I am a man who keeps his promises. Well, actually, I do this because in my family, promises are always kept, so I don't have another choice.

Alright, I have three more to go.


I observed everyone around me.

Danna, the cheerful and popular girl in the class, has many people around her.

Well, after all, she got 80 points, or so I heard.

It would be nice to get her help, but she will probably team up with her friends.

Let's keep looking.

Hmm... Ah, there's a guy who is like me, he's sleeping.

Well, well. I thought I was the only one who dared.

I wonder if he's shy or just doesn't care about anything, like me.

I don't know him, so I don't know if he's smart or not.

There are also two other guys talking to each other, they probably plan to be on the same team, or maybe they're just so foolish that they know they won't be chosen and are waiting for some team to call them to fill in the space. I think the second option is more likely... I think their names were Bell and Naok.

Two men. Sylphie will feel uncomfortable. They might try to flirt with her, but if I give them a little punch, they won't do it again. Besides, with the plan I have in mind, they're not really necessary to win, I just need them to fill in the space. But considering my reputation as the best first-year student, that plan might fail. Having a plan B would be a good idea.

Hmm... I think I could use Naok.

Bell... Well, he'll do to fill in.

Well, something is better than nothing.

I approached them.

"Do you want to join my team? I'm with Sylphie."


"You just saved us, friend!"

Naok hugged me with his huge arm. Disgusting, and he squeezes really hard. Do normal people greet each other so roughly?

A normal person would feel pain from this, but I barely feel anything. Should I pretend that it hurts a little or is it not a big deal?

"To think we would get to be on a team with the top student in the class!"

"It must be our lucky day!"

Ah, I'm already regretting it, but something is better than nothing.

I can use Naok, then I'll think about how to use Bell.

Alright, one more to go.

Most people already have a team. I need to hurry... Oh, there's a guy looking for a team. I can tell easily because I'm looking at everyone. Nervous about not finding a team?

I better ask him. I'd rather not waste time waking up and asking the guy who's asleep.

I approached that guy.

"Hey, first of all, let me tell you that the smartest ones already have a team. Can you settle for a team like mine?"

Naok and Bell stood behind me... smiling and posing... Why...? Ah, I understand people less and less.

Whatever. They're the worst in the class along with Sylphie and another girl I don't know.

Bell is in fourth place, the unknown girl is in third place, Naok is in second place, and Sylphie is in first place.

Obviously, I'm talking about the worst in terms of points only.

I would invite the girl to keep Sylphie company, but she already has a team, and she looks a little inappropriate. I don't judge people by their clothing, but Sylphie might, and she would feel uncomfortable. That girl dresses very provocatively. Does she do it for comfort or is there a hidden motive? Ah, whatever, just in case, I'll keep Yuki away from her.

And speaking of Yuki, where is she? I haven't heard her voice.

"Can I join...? Thank you, I thought I wouldn't find a team."

At least he's grateful.

... Hmm... No, I don't know him... How can I use him? I'll figure it out later.

Yuki, where are you...? Ah, I see, you're keeping an eye on Ram's team. Well done.

For now, we're complete.

With this team... Hmm... Yes, it will be possible to achieve the goal I have planned.

As long as nothing messes it up, everything will be fine.