
A Romance Story For Myself

Andrea was born the second princess of the Kingdom of Hestia. However due to speculations regarding her birth, Andrea was abandoned and neglected by her family and the workers of the palace To escape from her hellish life, she spent her time reading and writing romance novels. One day, the king hears word of her distasteful hobby and marries her off to an abusive and horrid Duke. When all hope was lost, the Kingdom of Hestia went to war and the Duchy was attacked. Andrea escapes and restarts her life in secrecy. Except secrets can only be hidden for so long. Follow Andrea and her dream to find the romance story for herself and live “Happily Ever After”

Moonlee_xx · History
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: An Ominous Message

After the breakdown I had with Lucy, she brought me paper and ink, and I spent my time journaling my thoughts and days. For the past 3 months, the Duke remained quiet and ignored me until last night, when my wishes proved themselves as mere wishes.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

It's the middle of the night, who could it be?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

They're really persistent.


A sudden chill ran down my spine. A sense of fear took over me.

I know this feeling. It was the same feeling from 3 months ago.


It's him.

Why is he knocking? Did he forget that those chains don't reach till the door? He's the one who set them up in the first place.


"This time I tried to not scare you." A disgusting voice came through, one filled with horrible memories.

He walked up to the bed and stroked my face with his hand.

"My lovely princess! Oh how beautiful you are!" he said as he continued touching my face with his disgusting hands.

"I heard you almost killed yourself a few days ago. You wanted to die? I see, I see." His hands felt so cold, but his words were even more chilling.

His hand travelled down from my face to my neck until all of a sudden, he started to choke me.

"EUGH! Lord Duke- You're- Agh!" He clenched his hand, making it even harder to breathe.

This man really wants to kill me. But why does that even matter? Even if I die, will the King do anything? Maybe if I die, he'll be relieved instead. In the end, no one's on my side. The thought of being alone brought back a lovely memory of bright purple eyes glimmering in the night sky.

At least there was one person on my side. All I wished was to see him again, but I guess fate wasn't on my side.

I can't breathe. My heartbeat was getting slower and slower. My vision started to die out. What a shame that the last person I saw before dying happened to have the same blue eyes that caused me pain for the last 15 years.

What a shame indeed!

"SIRE!" At the sound of sudden yell, the Duke loosened his grip.


"Mervin. Every single time, you stop me right when I'm enjoying myself. I should've just killed you that night instead."

Mervin fell to his knees, and lowered his head. He raised his hands which seem to have held a letter of sorts.

That seal! It was a letter sent from the King!

"My lord, forgive me for my imprudence but a letter has arrived from His Majesty the King himself." his voice spoke with fear.

The Duke walked up to the butler and snatched the letter from his hand. He ripped the seal and flicked open the letter.

With every word he read, his expression grew even more grim.

Although I was almost guaranteed it wasn't, I had a small hope that maybe the letter was about me.


I knew it. However, that topic was definitely more interesting.

"Celesten is rising? Have they lost their minds?"

The Duke ran out in a rage and the butler got on his feet. He walked up to the bed and looked at me. "Is Your Highness alright?" His voice sounded like it was in pain.

I turned my head and looked at him and my chest tightened. He looked panicked and was extremely worried about me. His eyes were in pain. He must've been thinking about what could've happened if he didn't come in time.

"I'm alright Mervin, you can leave."

I was in no state to worry about others.

Mervin once again left in utter silence.

My neck throbbed but it was better than not being able to feel this pain.

Coming back to the letter from the King, it seems Celesten is waging war on the bordering Kingdoms.

Hestia is a large Kingdom on the border of the Celesten Empire. For the past few decades, Hestia and Celesten coexisted in peace, however, there are rumours that the Emperor of Celesten passed away and his sons fought for the right to the throne. There is no information about the new emperor of Celesten but many of the coexisting kingdoms along with Hestia received these ominous letters about a war.

However, all of these are mere rumours.

For a war to take place, a letter of confirmation is sent to the issuers before the fighting begins. If Party B refuses to partake in a war, there are further conditions they must fulfil as proof of surrendering. And knowing Father, he would never surrender the Kingdom's peace for a war. At worst, Hestia would become a part of the Celesten Empire.

Well, that's what I presumed but I guess I really don't know my father that well.


The following morning, Lucy almost fainted at the sight of the bruise on my neck. She brought several ointments and properly applied first aid to the injury.

"My lady, you should have called for me. This wouldn't have gotten this bad if we treated it sooner." This girl is truly a blessing.

"Lucy, I've been meaning to ask, where is Mona? I haven't seen her since that day."

Lucy's hands slowed down and her expression grew solemn. Something happened that I wasn't aware of.

"Mona- Mona was killed by the Duke."

It hurt me more to see how that didn't surprise me all that much.

"Can I ask if there was a reason why he killed her?"

Lucy hesitated to answer but found her strength and told me the truth.

When the Duke caught me from escaping, I had fainted from fear. Before I was brought here and locked up, he actually tried to kill me. Mervin and Mona ran to stop the Duke, however, the Duke was enraged at Mona's attempt and stabbed her with his sword. Mervin calmed the Duke and shared the idea of locking me up here. There were intentions behind the idea that Lucy didn't want to reveal.

I was being so cruel to him even though he tried his hardest to save my life. He must have hated himself through all of this.

"My Lady, I will have to leave early today." Lucy said as she cleaned up the first aid.

"Is there something going on at the mansion?"