
A Rogue In Gotham

Deathstroke's former apprentice, William is living in Gotham trying to go to school while working part-time as a bodyguard/goon for the penguin. He is getting tired of the goon life and doesn't know if things will ever change for him. His past is shrouded in mystery until one fateful night he is working for the penguin everything seems to change for him.

TheRealestWangLin · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Ch 1

[Will Pov]

Beep beep beep… ugh 5 more minutes. The boy rolled over, pulled the covers over his head, and sighed. Beeep beep beep the alarm keeps going off, the boy growled and shot up from the bed, smacking the alarm in the process. "Ah shit, I'm gonna be late for school," he said. So he limped into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. "Damn, I look like shit." He stared at himself and was met with the image of a man covered in severe injuries. His face was swollen, and his left eye was swollen shut. His nose was broken, giving him the striking image of two black eyes. Despite this, you could tell the boy was handsome. He was of medium build not more than 5'9" and well built. With tan skin and short dark hair, cut in a pretty clean fade. With some seriously dark eyes. His body was covered in bruises and he looked like he had just gone through hell.

"Ah, I wonder how I'm going to explain this one to the motherfuckers at school." The boy said to himself.

Then, he spat out some blood straight into the sink and began brushing his teeth and getting ready to roll out to Gotham Academy. He checked the time, it was 7:50 so he grabbed his backpack, and he began to sprint with a limp out the door of his dilapidated and empty apartment.

"Shit, Will you are so screwed today, but at least last night you made some money. We have a place to stay for another month." He thought to himself.

As he weaved his way through the various dank decrepit alleyways of Gotham until he finally managed to roll into his first-period science class thirty minutes late. Will quickly limped over to his seat in the back of the class and sat down next to a gorgeous redhead. Who looked at him and deadpanned and just said, "Will what did you do."

"Shit, Barb, you know how clumsy I am. I don't even remember what happened this time."

She looked infuriated when he told her that. "Is that the excuse you are going with this time? You were literally just in Gotham County for four months this summer and now you're back out doing God knows what. What the hell Will."

He averted his gaze from her and said, "Yeah I know I know, luckily I was just there for the summer anyways, so I didn't miss any school. This is the only way I can keep a roof over my head and put food on the table Barb."

Barbra looked at him with pity in her eyes. "There are other ways to make money than whatever the hell you are doing."

He sighed and said, "Yeah, yeah, but you know how hard it is for me to get a job with a felony conviction."

"How long have we been friends, Will? A couple of years now, I wish you would just tell me the truth." Barbara said.

He tried to piece together the best smile he could at her but when he did, she looked absolutely disgusted. Will guessed it was probably from all the blood on his teeth.

She said, "You know if you are in trouble, you know my dad can help you right."

Will laughed back at her trying not to choke on the blood that ran down his throat.

He said his eyes narrowed, as he put on the most convincing face he could, "Look Barb I can take care of myself no need to worry, plus I got some money recently so I should have a roof over my head for another month and have enough to finally pay my tuition. Plus, I might be getting a good job soon."

"Oh, and where are you going to be working this time?" Barbara said.

He thought to himself, "For the penguin once I'm all healed up."

He just flashed as bright a smile as he could right now and said, "The Iceberg lounge, I'm finally going to be making some bread, your boy here is on the come up."

She just narrowed her eyes at him clearly not believing what he was saying.

The teacher came up and asked them, "What's so interesting that has you both talking, instead of listening to my class? Is it whatever happened to your face William? Please see me after class."

Will cursed under his breath. "Damnit, I'm fucked."

So, he and Barbara just tried to focus on the lecture. Eventually, class let out and Barbara said, "Will this is not over, not even a little bit."

"Ugh double screwed I knew I should have skipped for the next few days until my healing factor finished helping me fix whatever the fuck is wrong with me. If there was one thing about being Deathstroke's former apprentice, it was the enhanced abilities it had to be the enhancements. Last time I take on Killer Croc for the Penguin unless he pays top fucking dollar. I definitely might have overestimated myself on that one. He treats me pretty well though all things considered, so I'm not complaining. I just wish I wasn't poor as fuck." The boy thought as he watched everyone walk out of the class.

So, he stayed behind after class and limped up to the teacher.

"Truthfully, of all my professors, this one was by far the hottest." Will thought to himself.

She had beautiful blonde hair and an incredible body.

"Usually, it's pretty distracting. None of my other teachers are like this. Why the hell is she? Also, why does she have to be the one teacher who gives a shit? She's always trying to nose in on my business." Will thought to himself with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Mrs. Fultz, you wanted to speak with me. Oh, and might I add you look absolutely stunning today." he said.

She blushed a little and then quickly put on an ice-cold expression.

"Will that's inappropriate, also, please do know that flattery will get you nowhere right now. What the hell happened to you? You rolled into my class thirty minutes late and I don't think I've ever seen you look this bad before." She asked her voice frosty.

I averted my gaze shamefully for a second. "Ugh, Deathstroke would have beaten my ass for a tell like that I really need to not be so careless when I'm at school. I can't believe I let my guard down like that... Eh, whatever let's just roll with it." He thought to himself

"Um, nothing really. I had a hard time getting to school today cause my leg is injured. I'm having a hard time walking." Will said.

She looked down at my right leg, raised her eyebrow, and said, "Okay then, roll up your pant leg so I can take a look at it."

"Ugh, really, you know it'll be fine in a couple of days right." Will said.

"Yes, really now do it. Otherwise, I'm going to get the nurse." She said sternly her blue eyes locking with Will's brown ones.

He pulled up one of the chairs and rolled up the pant leg of his khakis. Then, Will kicked off the only pair of nice dress shoes he had.

"Ugh, I fucking hate this uniform, but hey education am I right." Will thought to himself

Mrs. Fults reached out and grabbed Will's ankle, causing him to wince in pain.

"Holy fuck, that hurt," he thought.

She quickly examined the extremely swollen ankle that was turning black, and her eyes went wide.

She said, "You walked here on this ankle? You do know it's definitely broken, right? How did you really make it here?"

Will rolled his eyes and said, "I walked mam. Look, I can't lose my place at this school. It's like my one shot of making it as something other than a goon out here. I'm not going to let that go for these injuries. My mother, if she were still alive, would scold the shit out of me for missing school if I could make it."

Her gaze softened, "I understand, Will, but whatever you are doing needs to stop. You come in here all the time injured only to heal up and do it all over again. It makes me worried about you. What if one day you get hurt so bad you never recover, or god forbid you die."

He scoffed internally and thought that might be pretty hard due to all of Deathstroke's enhancements. Hanging around that motherfucker is way more dangerous than anything I do now.

Truth be told, he didn't mind Miss Fultz. he couldn't trust her with his real life, but it did feel nice to have someone who cared.

He sighed, "Please don't make me go to the hospital. I barely have enough not to be homeless, and I definitely don't have insurance." Will pleaded.

She snorted and said, "Yeah uh, you're coming with me I will make sure your absence is excused."

He sighed and thought, well, at least there's that. I'm so not paying that hospital bill.

The boy said fine, "but you have to help me walk to wherever we are going."

He put his shoes back on, and they both stood up. Will was around four inches taller than her.

"She's smaller than I thought." He said under his breath.

The boy wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pressed into her a bit. She seemed a bit flustered.

"I guess she's not used to men or something." He wondered to himself.

They walked out of the classroom into the pristine halls of Gotham Academy. One of the few places that's not actually a shithole in Gotham. He looked over, only to see Barbara waiting for him with her arms crossed, tapping her foot, looking pissed. The boy shot her a wink and stuck his tongue out at her. She just rolled her eyes and flashed him the darkest glare he'd ever seen her make from across the hall. For a second, he could almost swear he could feel murderous intent coming from her and began to sweat a bit. So, he just defaulted to doing what he always does and laughed at her. She just scoffed and walked away probably to go find Tim or something.

"Jeez, she's going to fuck me up one of these days I swear." Will thought

The boy and his teacher walked off to her car, and she drove him to the hospital in an uncomfortable silence.

[Barbara Pov]

Later that day, Barbara was walking and venting to an incredibly handsome but slightly shorter young man with an incredibly fit build, named Tim Drake. He looked pretty annoyed after listening to her complain and said, "Why do you give a fuck about him anyways. He's a literal criminal Barb, you know the kinda guy we run around trying to catch in the night."

Barb looked at him angrily, "Because he's really not a bad guy I mean he hasn't killed anyone I don't think he's irredeemable in the slightest and I hate having to watch him basically crawl into school every other day."

Tim looked at her, annoyed, and said, "Look, Barb, the kid is starting to pick up major respect among the criminals in the south side of Gotham. The kid might not be a part of the Penguin's gang, but he works for him, and he's been getting into worse and worse shit."

"Look I get he works for Penguin, but he's had the opportunity to join the gang several times now and despite the pressure to join them. He has turned them down every time, I refuse to believe he is that bad. Plus, he's kind of funny when he's not making me angry or worry about him." Barbara said stubbornly.

Tim rolled his eyes, "Riiight, he's funny thank you for illuminating your true feelings. You seem almost like a lovesick puppy. Get it together Barb. Plus, I heard he's been messing around with Trixie Parkins anyways."

Barbara's face turned red and, but she quickly suppressed it, "It's not like that at all you just don't know him like I do. Plus, Trixie is a bitch anyways I hate her. Ugh, so annoying."

Tim just laughed at her, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

[Will Pov]

Miss Fultz helped Will out of the car and they both walked into the hospital emergency room.

He thought, "I fucking hate this, next time I'm just not gonna show up I swear. The boy and his teacher checked in and began to wait for their name to be called. The boy just mindlessly played on his phone.

Message from Trixie, "hey, what are you up to? I heard you got into some trouble today."

Will groaned, "Ugh, not this girl again I wish she'd just leave me alone. I'm just gonna ignore it unless she keeps blowing me up, then I'm gonna tell her to fuck off. These rich girls are crazy men. I swear I am not in the mood for this shit right now." He thought to himself.

"Miss Fultz, that's a nice ring on your finger when did you get engaged?" He asked.

She looked over slightly embarrassed but happily, "Recently my fiancé proposed to me over the weekend. I'm very excited."

"Congratulations then, I personally don't expect something nice like that to happen to me but I'm curious how you knew he was the one or whatever," Will said as he scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed at his painful attempt to make small talk.

She seemed happy to talk so he just listened to her ramble on about whatever bullshit she and her fiancé did that made her fall in love with him.

"Like I give a shit . Honestly, I really miss Ravager though. She's the only girl I've ever loved, too bad she's completely batshit fucking crazy and has tried killing me more times than I can count. It's like we fuck, and things seem good, then she tries to kill me, she fails I escape, and we keep doing this bullshit dance over and over again. I think I'm finally done with Ravager. I need a new woman. I can't deal with her bullshit anymore. If she left Deathstroke, I'd consider it, but there's no chance that will ever happen." Will thought to himself as he stared at the white floor of the hospital.

As the boy and his teacher are sitting there his eyes start to droop and exhaustion from the night before overtakes him and he falls sound asleep.

[Bruce Pov]

Batman is sitting at his computer frowning as Alfred brings him a cup of coffee.

"Master Bruce, what seems to be the matter?" Alfred said

Bruce said, "It's the Penguin he's been getting more and more bold in recently and has been moving a serious amount of drugs and has been snatching up territories from his rivals. Anybody who tries to stop him ends up in the hospital or worse. This isn't Penguin's usual MO. He's the type who won't make a move unless he's absolutely certain he can win. I wonder what's causing this change Alfred."

Alfred looked thoughtful for a moment, "Maybe he's got some kind of weapon, or he sees an opening of some kind, Master Bruce."

"I think so too Alfred, maybe it's intergang selling them weapons I don't know, I'm investigating tonight." Bruce said as his eyes darkened.

Alfred placed his hand on Bruce's shoulder and his eyes softened. "Master Bruce I wish you'd just take a break for once. You are going to run yourself into an early grave if you keep this up."

Bruce looked back at the man who raised him and said, "Sure Alfred, I will take a break once Gotham is safe."

Alfred rolled his eyes,"Right Master Bruce, I take it you will be skipping your breakfast this morning."

Bruce reached out and grabbed the cup of coffee from Alfred's outstretched hand, he took a sip and said, "Yes Thank You Alfred, no breakfast this morning there is simply too much to do."

"Master Bruce, you know I hate seeing you like this. I will allow it this time but you simply must come up for lunch. Also please don't forget the crowne party this Sunday it would look bad if you missed it Master Bruce."

"Alright Alfred I'll come for lunch and thanks for reminding me don't let me miss it Alfred." Bruce looks back to the bat computer and begins.

[Will Pov]

By the time Will woke up, the sun was already setting, and he was already feeling a lot better. He yawned and noticed he was in a hospital gown and was wrapped up from head to toe. His wounds had been tended and his leg was propped up at the end of the bed in a cast. He reached over and grabbed his phone, six new messages. He saw next to it was a letter with a heart on it from Miss Fultz apologizing that she couldn't be here when he woke up. One from Barbara, one from Tim, two from Trixie, and 2 from the Penguin. He promptly ignored the messages from the rest of them because they would probably just be nagging him anyway. He opened up the messages from the Penguin.

"Good work the other night I have more work for you, call me when you get this." Penguin sent

He scrolled through his phone until he found Penguin's number and hit the call button. Bzzt bzzt bzzt

"Hello, P, are you there." He asked into the cellphone.

"Yeah, boy I'm here. Where are you? You were supposed to meet me at the Iceberg Lounge tonight." Penguin said.

"Yeah, sorry, P I guess I got a bit more injured than I thought fighting the Croc for ya last night. I'm in the hospital, should be healed up in a bout a week. You know how quickly I heal." Will said

"Shit yeah, I hear ya it's alright, boy Croc is a pretty dangerous beast. Not many people can take him on and make it out alive, much less injure the freak." He said

"Yeah, I hear ya P, it was one of the hardest fights I've ever been in you call me if he needs another beating sometime." Will said.

"I'll keep that in mind boy, have you given any more thought to joining up with me full time?" Penguin said.

"I actually have, man I'm really thinking about it. You treat me well, P, it's just I really want to finish school for my mom. She always wanted me to go to school before she died. Plus, I pretty much work for you anyway, you know I don't mess with anyone else in Gotham. Plus, I held it down for you in Jail this summer." Will said.

"I know that boy, but I need you out here soon. I heard Deathstroke is coming, and I can't hide out forever. I need to go to the Crowne gala on Sunday for a business meeting and need an extra bodyguard. Somebody with some real skill." Penguin said

"Alright P I'm in I should be back to one hundred by then, how much are you paying for me to take on Deathstroke that's gonna be pretty hard, that man is dangerous P." Will said.

"I'll give you a hundred and fifty thousand to handle Deathstroke. If he doesn't show, I'll give you the fifty. For being willing." Penguin said.

Will's eyes lit up with a fiery light, "Alright I'm in P, send someone to grab a suit so I can fit in at this party though. Trust me Deathstroke's not going to harm a hair on your pretty little head P. Though this does make me wonder, we've been pushing Black Mask pretty hard recently. It would make sense for him to send someone like Deathstroke and maybe even Deadshot as well. Try and take it easy this week and just lie low, until I can come protect you. Just be careful P, also tell Orca I said what's up."

The Penguin just laughed, "HAHAHA, yeah I hear ya boy see you Sunday. Report to the Iceberg Lounge around 5:00, and we will get you taken care of and ready to roll for the party." Then Penguin hung up the phone.

Will looked around the pristine hospital room it felt so clean so sterile, definitely not what he's used to. He thought back to his dilapidated apartment and sighed.

"Maybe if I keep working hard I'll be able to get a nice place to stay for once. Some place that's all mine and I don't have to pay rent. Wouldn't that be something?"

He was feeling pretty restless and quite hungry after sleeping pretty much all day, however, he couldn't actually go anywhere they had him wrapped up so tight. So he pressed the button and in came a very plain-looking woman in scrubs. Her skin was pasty white, almost the color of the room.

She walked up and asked, "Oh good you are awake you gave us quite the scare. How are you feeling?"

Will responded, "I hurt pretty bad, and I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten anything today. Is there any way you can get me something?"

She replied, "I'm sorry, baby, the kitchens are closed. I can't bring you any food right now."

Will replied, "What about like some Jello or something like a snack? Anything with calories. Please, I'm so hungry."

She looked thoughtful for a second then smiled and said, "Sure honey." Then she turned and walked away when she did. Will turned on the TV and began trying to find a movie or something to watch. He found they were having a Harry Potter marathon on this one channel and began watching, "The Prisoner of Azkaban." Starting from about halfway in.

Eventually, she returned with a bag of Chex mix, a couple of things of Jello, and a large bottle of Gatorade.

She placed them there and said, "Are you still in pain? I can go get the doctor to give you something if you need it."

Will hesitated for a second, thinking this would go by much faster if he could get high through it. In the end, he shook his head no and said, "No mam, I'm good thank you so much. The nurse left the room, and he began to devour the food he was given.

"Ahhh, so good," he said. It might have been the best Jello he's ever had. Though he knew it was nothing special.

Before he knew it 4 days passed just like this. By now he was pretty much healed, only the leg would take a little bit more time. His swollen face was all but gone. In its place was someone who was very handsome, his jawline was incredible, he had a little bit of stubble from not having a razor in the hospital, and beautiful olive skin. He was incredibly fair, and it was hard to not see that.

He got up from the hospital bed, put on his Gotham Academy uniform which was folded up neatly in a chair, and went to school. Miss Fultz and Barbara were happy to see him. Tim was cold to him as usual. Tim and Barbara were pretty much his only school friends anyway, he liked them because they seemed secretly pretty fierce. He knew they could fight but never said anything about it. A lot of people trained, it's nothing for him to discern how dangerous someone is just from looking at them, A trick his real father taught him before he was murdered.

Time flew by, and nothing remarkable happened. Will just did homework and rested so he could be at 100 percent on Sunday when the time came for him to face off against his old master.

It gets cooler guys

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