
The turn

Siera -

I became girlfriend of the boy of my dreams Elac.. I was so happy.. We dreamt and also we were adamant to marry each other as soon as our education gets completed.

We had spent a good time together our bond grew stronger and stronger everyday.

He was an ideal boyfriend. He didn't use to bring much gifts but the small gestures that he used to make towards me were incredible.

Handwritten notes handmade cards.. I still have kept all his gifts with me as it is in my locker. They are the most precious gifts.

I one day introduced him to my parents. His image was not so good in the eyes of my parents. They warned me that Elac is not good for you he is a bit more arrogant than others. He has carelessness in his attitude.

But their opinion didn't bother me much.

I loved all of his qualities.. I admired all of them. He was just like a small child who could be controlled only by pure love and affection.

I knew how to control his anger how to deal with the situations.

And then one day we completed our high school.. That day was worse for us as

his parents decided to settle in France as his father had set up a big company there. Our physical distances grew more.. They tried to seperate us apart.

I decided to gift him a ring before his farewell from Italy.

On the day of his farewell, I with my friend Lily went to meet Elac at the complex where he firstly proposed me..We saw each other and started to cry our hearts out.. we hugged each other tightly. I just wanted that time could stop there only so that I could be in his arms forever. But this didn't happen.

Finally, I gathered some courage and gave him a hope that yes we will meet again in our future and I assured him that I would definitely be his wife.

I gifted him the special ring and told him to wear that ring untill I meet him again.

Time ran like sand.. He was going to the airport for fetching the flight. I went in the cab with Lily towards my house but then my craving of seeing him one more time reached its apex. I made the cab driver to turn the cab towards the airport. I saw him and I started running towards him madly.. I hugged him from behind. He turned and picked me up in his lap and kissed me on my lips in front of his parents. That kiss was the longest of all..

His tears fell on my face I could feel his emotions..

Then I pushed him away as I realised that he was getting late for his flight.

He wasn't ready to leave me.. I assured him of the fact that I'll definitely come to meet him in France..

I controlled my emotions and said , 'goodbye Apple! I will meet you soon. '

he said ,'Pear! I love you a lot come with me we'll get married in France. '

I resisted as I wanted my parents permission for this.

Finally, his flight came and his mother took him with her.

I still remember his last touch at the airport. His urge of taking me with him.. His urge of marrying me.

I thanked God for giving me such a good boyfriend and I made my mind that I would marry Elac definitely...

Hey readers! I hope you are loving the story.

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