

Hey people out there it's me Siera..

I'm a European . My parents live in Italy.. I got married few years back and now I'm living with my husband in France. His name is Elac. I'm a wife of a billionaire.. I'm proud of this fact.. yet my life has a void in it.. My one wrong step directed my life towards the dark..

Now I realise how important the maturity is.. How important your mental intellect is.

A single wrong step could make your life a living hell..

I was a very fun loving girl in my childhood days. I used to be happy in my middle class family..

And then when I started to go to high school, I met Elac there..

You know about that first eye contact that first spark that first connection.. I felt all of this when I firstly saw Elac in the school.

His brown eyes, his fluttering wavy hairs, his infectious smile.. The way he looked at people..Oh damn! This took my heart away.. O started imagining things with him.. I was a tom boy in my school but this was the first time when I looked upon myself and felt proud to be a girl..

I knew that this was simply hormonal imbalance it was a type of physical attraction that I had.. Then I moved towards my class and guess what I found that my seat was next to Elac..

He greeted me and said hello.. I was so charmed and taken off by his aura that I was hesitating in replying to just a hello.. Then I returned in my conscious and greeted him back...

He was the crush of most of the girls of my class..

I was not so beautiful I was just an average looking girl.. I just left the idea of being his girlfriend in my future.. I was just not being confident of myself..

As I was having a different nature from the other girls of my class.. I used to roam alone in my school but then Elac started to understand me. I found the best friend in him.. he used to listen to all of my craps.. gave me the best suggestions.. Actually not only me but also Elac was enjoying our togetherness.. He cut all his male friends time and used to devote that time with me..

I just loved his nature his everything.. I could even feel his touch in my dreams.

I was falling for him but I didn't know what was there in his mind.

We became very close friends he used to share every single secret with me.

He made me realise that yes I'm beautiful. I then tried to take care of my health so that I could be fit and beautiful..

Things miraculously changed in a positive way.. I too started looking beautiful my body just became fit and fine.

All thanks to Elac.!

The main thing was he admired me in my bad also as well as in my good..

We say there are activities that hints us of a person liking you.. I used to get all the hints from his activities but as usual we both hesitated to confess..

But then one day things changed positively.

I'll tell you more about this.. I have to do the groceries and I'll return to you all very soon..

Hey readers! it's me Ruchika.. I hope you'll like my efforts and would continue to read this story as there are many twists and turns waiting for Siera and Elac.

Suggestions are most welcomed. 💓