
A rich man's possession

After getting kicked out of her mother's house, Olivia freeman went to the streets for money so that she could pay her fees and live a better life but unfortunately she ended up working for her worst childhood enemy but even after all that she still managed to stay focused on herself and living up to her potential instead of finding love and romance. Little did she know that someone would enter in her life and make her feel things she vowed not to feel. She feels love for someone and that someone would be a gentle soul with a dark past.

Mochigan031 · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 5

[Olivia pov]

It's my night off from work and I wasted most of my day sleeping in until 9am. The honest reason on how I woke up is because Amber woke me up and reminded me that I have a lot of projects to hand in. I woke up and quickly went to take a shower and prepare. I got out fully dressed and the smell of breakfast quickly hit my nose. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner", I said while stuffing my face, "I did but every time I tried to you would kick me, put it off and cover your face so that you could sleep longer" she said to me with a look of content because she's used to it.

I finished breakfast, packed my projects and made my way to the car where Amber quickly got in and drove me to my college. I'm not allowed to drive because I was never taught and when I did try learning how to drive a car my legs couldn't reach the paddles no matter how many things we tried.

I tried purchasing a scooter but I didn't understand how any of the documents worked and I obviously gave up. Now I'm here in a car with Amber driving me to college. We were having a good conversation about life and out of the blue she said, "So I'm dating someone and I think they are nice and you also happen to know them", I glanced at her and took a deep breath.

"Who is it?", I asked her.

"It's Zander from the bar.... You know the bar at work... Where you collect your drinks and serve them", she said.

"I know who Zander is! You like them! For how long? Have you guys done the deed yet?

Why of all people would you like Zander? You do realize they live with thier sibling right?"

"I understand what you are feeling and I'm here to tell you that I love them and I know about thier living situation. I haven't fucked them yet, we have been together for around 2 months and I like them because thier a good person to me and everyone else".

"I understand but always remember that I'm here for you and if they hurt you I'll always be there to kill them for you"

We both laughed a bit and I finally arrived at college. I managed to hand in all of my projects on time and even conversate a little with other people from other places. I got some extra points for handing in my stuff early.

When I was about to exit the property someone called out my name. I was looking around for the person who was calling out my name and I realised that I didn't recognize the voice either. Someone came running to me. It was a guy and he looked familiar.

"Hey, are you Olivia freeman?", he asked me politely."Yes I am and how may I help you? And have I seen you before because you look familiar", I said.

"I was hoping it was you. It's me Lucas. Lucas grey from the 4th grade. We had the same class together. I also happen to be your best friend".

"There's no fucking way" I said. I gave him a big hug and he hugged me back. "I honestly thought I would never see you again, then you moved away and I thought you were gone forever" I said to him while I was still in his arms.

"Same, I'm honestly happy to see you again", he said. "Do you wanna grab a coffee with me? I was about to go hit the mall for victory cake and because I don't have work today",I asked.

"Sure it would be nice to catch up with you and have lunch, just let me go get my car and I'll be here in around 5 minutes"

"You have a car already?" I said in shock "Yes I do and a well paying job" he said smiling at me.

He went to go grab his car and 5 minutes later pulled in front of me. I got in and we were on our way to the mall. We reminisced about our childhood and talked only about back then. After 10 minutes of being in the car we finally made it to the mall. We got in and went to the nearest café where we sat down and looked at the menu until the waitress took our order and left.

"So tell me everything about you. What's currently going on in your life?", I said.

"Well life is going great for me honestly speaking. I started my own business a year ago helping the environment by making animal safe products, started working out too, and I currently live in an amazing household. Enough about me how are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm also doing good, I'm as healthy as a horse and I work at a strip club... serving drink obviously ", I said.

He looked at me in both shock and contentment with what I said about the stripper part. I just smiled a bit like a idiot.

"Why do you work at a strip club? And which strip club is it?" he asked me. " I work there because it pays better then the others and it's because I got kicked out of home and I obviously need to financially balance myself because my mom isn't doing that department well. To answer your last question it's the strip club down town near the cassino", I answered back.

The food finally came in and we started eating our lunch. It tasted amazing and we talked more about everything that happened he gave me the comfort I felt like I needed. Time flew by very quickly, he offered to pay for the bill but I denied and offered to pay again. We had a fight about it but in the end I won. I gave him my number and he dropped me off at home.

I went in the house and obviously Amber questioned where I was and when I was done explaining myself she just said, "They're too many guys in your life". I looked at her and started laughing on my way to my room.

I immediately fell dead asleep after the long day I had, but also knowing that there is work tomorrow bothers me.