
A Rich Gamer's Life

Truck-Kun has struck again! [7 Chapters per week]

finishme · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Attack and Defend!

I closed the skill tab and heard a new ring, a hologram, that only I could see, pop out in front of my face. 






[REWARD: +100 EXP]


Oh, experience points!? Good! I'm so motivated now! Leveling up without fighting monsters!? Who would not want that?


Let's go!


Anyway, I need to calm down. And so, I lay on the bed and Marvin started the massage session. 




After the massage session, Marvin went home and I started bathing. Refreshed from the sweat and muscle pain, I lay on my bed and started losing consciousness. 




Morning came and I exited the car. I entered the school building and walked straight to my classroom.


I entered the room and was surprised that those kids who skipped the class yesterday were present!


Well, looking at them, I saw Eric's snobby attitude from them. Fucking stuck-up bitches. 


I walked straight to my chair and just closed my eyes waiting for our teacher.


"H-hello." I heard a greeting, I saw the girl from yesterday, yes, it is Anna Barera. The level 10 kid. I opened my eyes and saw her eyes looking at me from her desk. 


I smiled and greeted her back. "Hello Ms. Anna, a good morning to you too!" 


My greeting was heard by other rich stuck-up kids, maybe some stuck-up geniuses too but I don't care. 


Seeing the expressions of the other kids inside the room, Anna just said to me, "Good morning." and then turned her back to me, seemed like she was embarrassed by the attention.


Welp! Whatever. Time to learn some basic shit!




The class started when Felix entered the room, and some stuck-up bitches tried to shit on our teacher! What fearsome kids! I see! They seemed to start their cliques now huh? Let's see what will Felix do to these damned bitches.


"Seemed like some students didn't know what capabilities I have huh?" Felix uttered in a serious tone.


Quickly, he produced the same pressure the old man in the assembly arena yesterday did. 








Why am I not affected? 


I checked Anna and she was not also affected, even that stuck-up Eric was not included. It seems like he knows how to retreat when it is necessary. Heh~


I just closed my eyes and waited for the shit to finish.


I could hear groans around me. How amusing to hear such sounds in the morning. What a way to start the day!




The punishment lasted for 10 minutes, and after the pressure emitted by Felix died down, I opened my eyes and saw all of the students, except for me, Anna, and Eric, were all slumped down from their desks, puffing out bubbles from their mouths. Damn, is this some comedy?


After a few more minutes, some recovered from their bubbling status. 


"So, do everyone understand now?" Felix said coldly.


"Yes!" All of us answered.


"Good! Let's start the lesson." Felix flipped the book and started re-discussing history from yesterday as well as the classes available after reaching level 20.


And the whole 4 hours in the morning ended quickly.




I got home after the class, and I did not pay attention to any other of my classmates, even to Anna and Eric. Well, who are they anyway? 


After eating lunch, I prepared my training suit and walked inside the training room, there, Jason was standing on the side waiting for me.


"Are you ready, young master" Jason expressionlessly said to me.


"Why, of course!" I replied with enthusiasm. I walked towards the opposite of Jason, who also went to the middle of the training room. Seemed like he had been waiting for me here since lunch. 


There, he just stood by and waited for me to attack. I knew he was just waiting as both of us were already facing each other.


I grabbed the wooden sword tightly and quickly attacked Jason. I started with a simple slashing motion and then made a turn to leverage my horizontal slashing attack with additional power. This was what I learned from the sword mastery (passive) skill.







With every swing of the wooden sword, I gained +1 proficiency on sword mastery (passive) skill, and I am glad it is working! 


For now, I will be spamming my attacks as long as possible, and Jason kept dodging my attacks anyway.
















Our training session finished after an hour, and I am now grasping for air. God damn Jason, he kept on dodging my attacks effortlessly. I have not even landed one hit on his clothes. 


My body landed on the floor, but I got up quickly and lay on the massage bed for Marvin to start massaging me. 


Once the massage started, I looked into my skills tab and god damn it, I only managed to attack 199 times in one hour!?


[Skills Tab:]

[Sword Mastery (PASSIVE)] [Level 7] [Proficiency Points: 449/450]

[Basic Sword Skill, increases mastery of the sword]

[+0.8% Damage using swords]

[+0.8% Sword Skill (ACTIVE) damage]


One more and it's going to level up! Damn. It is only 3 in the afternoon so I still have 4 hours left to increase the level and proficiency of sword mastery (passive) skill.




I am now facing Jason again for our second session of the day.


"So young master, how's the practice with a partner rather than doing swings all day?" Jason asked me seriously.


Huh... well... I scratched my head thinking about how to answer that.


"Well... it is definitely better and I can learn more on how to efficiently attack you, but, with every idea I got, they never got into fruition. That is due to our level of disparity, which I fully understand, however, for this new session, I want you to attack me and I will defend, of course, you will not injure me, just show me my openings for me to realize which part of my defense is lacking. I'll improve on that later." I answered Jason with my full understanding of where should I be lacking.


"Oh? Young master seemed to realize this too early huh? That is good to know! So, I'll be the attack now and you will defend?" Jason clarified and I nodded to him.


"Let us start... now. Jason, whenever you're ready!" I said to him, and as soon as the last breathing part of the word "ready" Jason disappeared from my sight.


Fuck. How serious can you get? Can we start slowly!?


I knew he would be either on my left or right side or even at my back!


I heightened my senses and felt a slight movement in the air. Left? Right? Back?


Wait, I felt a slight airflow on my left! Left then!





Huh? No one? My guess was wrong!? 


"Bad judgment, young master." Jason appeared at my right side and poked his wooden sword at my right side belly.




"1 point for me, young master." Jason's tone seemed sarcastic. Well!? What can I do? He's freaking on the hundreds-plus levels! 




*50 minutes passed*





"Wrong judgment again, young master." Jason appeared at my back, lightly poking his wooden sword at my neck.


God damn, even I maxed out my senses alright!


My body is not tired but my mind is!


"Ha~ Let's take a break. Good work Jason." I gave up.


"Good work as well, young master." Jason stood back and returned to the side with Shina. 


I called Marvin and lay on the bed to start the massage. My mind needs relaxation! I'm so stressed!


As for the sword master skill, I leveled it up, however, checking the total proficiency points I earned from that second session with Jason as the defender, it is utter garbage!


I only gained 150 proficiency points!? Bollocks!


[Skills Tab:]

[Sword Mastery (PASSIVE)] [Level 8] [Proficiency Points: 149/500]

[Basic Sword Skill, increases mastery of the sword]

[+0.9% Damage using swords]

[+0.9% Sword Skill (ACTIVE) damage]




After the massage session, I said to Jason that we would do another session tomorrow as I needed to consolidate what I learned today from that sparring session. Jason seemed to understand what I wanted to do so he asked Shina to prepare meals later.


I started swinging my wooden sword again, but the difference now is that Jason's shadow is in my mind and I tried hard to materialize him in my mind. 


This is like doing shadow boxing, I imaginarily materialized Jason as an opponent. Whatever the case, the shadow sword training began!











Imaginary Jason appeared on my back. I could even hear Jason's imaginary self saying "Wrong judgment, young master." How fucking annoying!




*To be continued*