

Although I know its useless, I still tightened up the security around the building where the Teleportation Array has been placed. You never know what will happen. Its better to be cautious. That piece of crap might return sooner than I expected.

With Jon dead, I need to somehow explain it to the Magic tower. A prominent magic tower researcher was killed in my territory. Without a proper explanation and compensation, it would cause a lot of trouble.

Before I use the skill <Shadow Path> I need to complete all the tasks I needed to complete urgently. I also needed to let them know that I have something to do important so that they won't have to worry about finding me.

I told Uncle Wilhelm to stop managing the administration process and leave it to run on its own. It would not only allow us to see if it could run autonomously and see if there's any problem with the system, possibly fixing them after we return. It is also to see if someone would use the opportunity of us being out. I wanted to let things run without me in case I didn't manage to return from the shadow world I'm heading to.

I returned to the Blackwood Manor at the Royal Capital with Uncle Wilhelm this time.

We immediately headed to the Magic Tower to meet the tower master and give them an explanation personally. We don't want to sour our relationship with the Magic Tower since we rely on them by commissioning things that we need.

We were guided by a staff from the magic tower and told us that they are going to inform the tower master.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the staff returned and told us that the tower master agreed to meet us.

We were directly sent to the top office where the tower master resides and probably where he does his experiments.

"Tower Master, Duke Blackwood is here." The staff said notifying the tower master.

The tower master acknowledged it and opened the door for us. The staff didn't head over and we walked straight inside his office.

"Its the first time we're meeting personally, isn't it, Duke Blackwood?" The tower master, Joad Exarion said while looking at a virtual screen.

"Yes, it is. I'm honored to meet the greatest mage of this era." I said with a nostalgic feeling.

Joad, in the past run, is like a nagging grandfather to me. He would always nag about us for not thinking of the future and saying that we're still young and told us to marry and have kids. He would always tell us to leave the troublesome things to the adult and just live the life we were meant to live.

Raphael and I would just laugh it off and say that he didn't do it. He didn't even have a successor or a wife and we would go banter every single time only to end up on the floor by Joad's gravity magic. The party would then laugh at our misfortune. I still can't forget what Joad said when we were about to face Bhromier Napolitan, the last boss.

"Even though I said to leave the troublesome stuff to us adults, I'm happy to see you guys grow up to be responsible individuals."

We're 34 and 31 y/o respectively, Raphael and I, but Joad still treats us like a child.

"So may I know what is the business of Duke Blackwood in the magic tower?" Joad said to me.

We then explained to him about the situation and we have a plenty of talk about compensation and stuff. After 2 hours, the business talks were done.

"I see. I get the gist of it. An outsider that's skilled in disguise and you were able to recognise him by the fluctuations of the mana in his body. You want me to make an artifact that allows anyone to see any mana fluctuation around somebody? You want me to personally do it too. Its a tough task but the idea is certainly interesting, it would also help the magic tower if such a thing happens again.

It would be a huge blunder if someone managed to sneak past and stole the things in the magic tower. I'm just about to finish an interesting idea as well so your idea is a God send since I don't want to be idling about." Joad said with a warm smile.

"Yes that is so. If someone has an artifact or a spell that can disguise as another person we would immediately be notified and capture the intruder." I said to Joad.

"Alright. I'll take the request personally. Although what I'm curious about is how you manage to sense the fluctuations in the air even though you're still a student of the academy. I'm not belittling your strength, I'm just curious how you manage to sense that. I would like to know more about it but unfortunately time is not on my side as I have a meeting to attend in 30 minutes." Joad said as he apologized.

"Its fine, its fine. We can just meet again after the academy sends us through recommendation." I said with a smile.

"It seems that you're confident about getting that recommendation. Alright, I'll take you up on your offer if you get the recommendation." Joad said and we stood up. Joad personally sent us off which surprised the staff of the magic tower.


"That stuff with the magic tower is finally done. The next thing up on the list is... yeah. That one." I said to myself while lying on my bed at the manor. Students usually live in the dorms of the academy but I don't need to live in the dorm since I have a manor here and the academy wouldn't nitpick about every single thing that I do.


"Adjest, would you like to go on a date today?" I asked Adjest whom I saw in the training room of the Blue Moon Party. When I entered their training room, many alpha students who are part of the Blue Moon party glared at me and would scowl but I just ignored them. I then asked a student about Adjest's whereabouts.

He didn't want to give me her location so I beat him up until he says where she is and now I'm in front of Adjest.

"W-what?!" Adjest sounded surprised because of it.

"What do you mean 'what?' I'm asking you if you want to go on a date. If you don't want to, I guess I'll just leave." I said and was about to turn back.

"Fine, where will we go?" Adjest have already calmed down and agreed.

"Hm... How about we go to Blackwood Estate? There won't be anyone bothering us there which is what you want, right?" I said and Adjest was about to nod when Professor Pugman burst through the door.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I'VE TOLERATED YOU FAR ENOUGH, DUKE BLACKWOOD." Professor Pugman said, his veins in his temples were about to explode.

"What? I'm just talking to Adjest. What's your problem? I'm talking to my fiancée, its not your problem isn't it? Let's go Adjest." I said and pulled Adjest's hand.

"WHAT ABOUT YOU? WHY DID YOU HELP A COMMONER PARTY?!" Professor Pugman shouted and Adjest seemed to be curious about what Professor Pugman said.

"Like I said, its none of your business. Also I didn't help them that much. Just treated them to some food and a small amount of money to help them get good food. Got a problem with that?" I asked him with a serious face.

"So you decided to feed some dogs? That's good to hear." Professor Pugman calmed down and fired a shot at me.

"If you think so then good for you." I ignored his remark and dragged Adjest with me.

'Also, those dogs you're calling will be the one who'll cause trouble for you. I feel so bad for you, Professor Pugman. You'll be the only advisor in the history of the Blue Moon Party who's defeated by a commoner. Ah~ the irony.' I thought to myself and we went out of Adjest's training room.

"Can you not hold my hand in public?" Adjest said as I let go of her hand.

"Sorry, I just don't want to deal with him so I instinctively pulled you away." I said with an apologetic smile. If someone managed to see us in public, her privacy in the academy would be invaded. And I even warned Desir and his party members not to tell anyone about her true identity. I don't mind Professor Pugman seeing us, he knew about it after all.

Adjest was surprised to see my apologetic smile but she already regained her composure.

"If you know, then lead the way." Adjest said and I started walking in front. The students who saw us together were curious as well as confused.

"Hey, do you think that there's something going on between them?" A student from the blue moon party asked.

"I don't think so. I know that Duke Blackwood is engaged already to the Emperor's daughter. Even if he takes her in as his concubine in the future, I don't think that Adjest would agree to it. She's one of the top talented student in the whole class of first year. She's also a magic swordsman. I don't think she will settle down as a concubine." Another student from the blue moon party replied.

"Then does that mean we will have our chances?" The student who spoke first said and it ignited their spirits.

"Wow~ Look at them, they're fighting for your love. Aren't you popular." I said to Adjest with a smile.

"You're also popular. Not in a good way though. You're basically public enemy number one of those in the blue moon party." Adjest replied with a deadpan attitude.

"I'm quite honored." I said with a chuckle not minding a measly blue moon party.

We left the Blue Moon Party's base and headed to the teleportation array to go back to the Blackwood Estate.

After returning, I lead the way to our date. I brought Adjest to fun places. Along the course of our date, her deadpan attitude, slowly faded away, revealing her true self. She wouldn't be shy and would completely take up the offer to do something together. She would say a few sweet words and would even sometimes pop a joke. She would even follow me to do stupid things without a care on who'll see her.

'Yeah, this Adjest is way better than the Adjest of the past run.' Being able to see Adjest enjoy the things we do and have fun is a sight to behold. With the attention from the academy gone, she could express herself freely.

The time passed by and its time to end our date. We were having fun that we didn't notice time passed by quickly. I was about to send her home when Adjest spoke.

"Aegis, can I see your parents?" Adjest asked me a question that surprised me. The mood turned somber and I thought that it was a bad way to end a date but I still decided to let her see my parents. Adjest also knows about what happened to my parents but she still wanted to see them regardless.

"Okay." I said to her and brought her to my home. We were silent on the way and the atmosphere between us were awkward.

We soon arrived at the grave of my parents.

"So Aunty and Uncle is buried here." Adjest said. She don't know but she's feeling a little fidgety and nervous. It didn't matter whether they are physically here or not, meeting her in-laws made her anxious.

I sat down in front of their grave, not caring if it'll dirty my clothes. Adjest also followed and sat down graciously.

"Hi, Mom, Pops." I greeted the two of them. I have never met them personally but I still feel somehow emotional sitting in front of their grave.

"Mom, Pops. I would like to introduce you to Adjest. Pops, she's the daughter of your friend. Mom, she's going to be your daughter-in-law in the future." I introduced Adjest and she became slightly embarrassed and blushed. She knew the courtesy so she bowed a little.

"Hello, Uncle. Aunty. I-I'll be sure to look after your troublemaker son. So you don't need to worry for him." Adjest said making me slightly annoyed.

"I'm not a troublemaker, I'm a responsible person, just so you know." I said and Adjest just laughed.

"Aunty, do you know that Aegis is the public enemy of the Academy? If that's not troublemaker, what is?" Adjest said.

"What do you mean?! Its just the Blue Moon Party that hated me how could you say that I'm the public enemy in the academy?" I replied to her.

We continued spending our time with my parents and I invited Adjest to dinner after. I then personally sent her back to the Royal Palace, I invited her to sleep at the manor in one of the guest rooms but she chose to go back. Before I let her go inside the Royal Palace, I spoke to her.

"I'm going to be away for quite a while so I won't be seeing you until I then." I said to her with a slightly apologetic smile. This could be considered a farewell for Adjest if I somehow didn't make it in the Shadow World.

Adjest slightly trembled after hearing my words and she stared at me for quite a long while. She didn't know how it happened but a tear manage to sneakily streak down from her cheek.

"Come back quickly or you'll miss the Promotional battle. I still have to get you back after what happened in the entrance exam." Adjest said and I smiled at her words.

"Don't worry, I'll come back without you noticing and when I come back, I'll be stronger so don't slack off in your training." I said with a determined voice.

'Yeah, I can't bear to see this girl cry. I'll try- no, I'll have to return at any cost.' I thought as a genuine smile full of emotions bared its fangs to Adjest who was mesmerized by that smile.

I watched as Adjest entered the royal palace before I left.

'Its time to go on an expedition.' I thought to myself. A burning desire to not only get strong but also return in one piece made my blood boil.

Next chapter