
A Reincarnator’s Guide To Godhood: In A Different Dimension?

After 11 lives, one would expect an experienced Reincarnator to annihilate anyone who dares stand in their path with unmatched power, wouldn't you? Xin Ming, is currently living through his twelfth and last life. Through a series of reincarnations, Xin Ming discovers secret methods, bugs with the system, and millenniums of knowledge of cultivation techniques and mortal affairs, granting him unparalleled power. With his new aptitude he has to make the most of it and ascend this time, however he faces new challenges as he has now become too powerful! [You have broken the natural law of this world] His talent now surpasses human limits to such an extent that even the heavens themselves dare to oppose him. He is cast into other dimensions, forced to confront challenges beyond mortal comprehension! “Just why does this happen to me in my final life…” How would a martial arts perfectionist who is starting from zero again for his twelfth time fare in a fantasy genre world? Or even modern weaponry? Will he survive the relentless onslaught and ascend to godhood, or succumb to the unfathomable forces that seek to thwart his destiny?

ReadMyriads · Eastern
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19 Chs

Normal Day Of Cleaning Up Trash

Xin Ming's second opponent, Yu Zong, epitomized the epitome of arrogance and entitlement. As the pampered son of a wealthy governor, he exuded an air of haughty superiority, his every movement dripping with disdain for those he deemed beneath him.

"System show me his stats.." he sighed, disappointed with the caliber of my second opponent.

[Name: Yu Zong]

[Cultivation Realm: Foundation IV]

[Cultivation Base: 1250/1400]

[Cultivation Aptitude: 2]

[Martial Prowess: 2]

[Strength: 48 (+18)]

[Agility: 48 (+11)]

[Qi: 24 (+0)]


[Guarding Palm Lv 1 (Level 2 Martial Power)]

It looks like this glutton guzzled up through his father's treasury to get that many elixirs, clearly he hasn't worked for a day in his life.

With his finely tailored robes and ostentatious jewelry, Yu Zong strutted onto the arena with an air of unearned confidence, his disdainful gaze sweeping over his competitors with barely concealed contempt. He wore his status like a badge of honor, believing himself to be untouchable by virtue of his noble birth.

As the officials signaled the start of the match, Xin Ming stepped forward, his movements deliberate and purposeful. Across the arena, his opponent awaited him, a fat figure bathed in the glow of the afternoon sun.

With a disdainful sneer, Xin Ming watched as Yu Zong approached, his arrogance preceding him like a foul stench. As the crowd murmured in anticipation, Xin Ming could practically taste the smug satisfaction radiating from his every pore.

I had little patience for pretentious fools like him.

As the match began, Yu Zong wasted no time in sprinting at me, his movements sluggish and wide as he sought to overwhelm me with sheer ferocity. But his efforts were in vain.

With a casual flick of Xin Ming's wrist, he deflected his blow with contemptuous ease, my movements fluid and effortless as he danced around his attacks with almost disdainful grace. Each strike he aimed at Xin Ming was met with a swift and merciless counter, his blows landing with bone-crushing force and surgical precision.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Xin Ming systematically dismantles his opponent, his strikes landing with brutal efficiency as he exploited every weakness and vulnerability with ruthless precision. With each blow, Yu Zong's arrogance crumbled away, replaced by a raw and primal fear as he realized the depths of his own inadequacy.

And then, in a single, devastating blow, Xin Ming brought an end to the farce. With a thunderous crack, his fist collided with Yu Zong's chest, sending him hurtling across the arena with bone-shattering force. He crashed to the ground in a crumpled heap, his body broken and battered beyond recognition.

As the crowd erupted into shocked gasps and murmurs of disbelief, Xin Ming stood victorious amidst the chaos, his expression as cold and impassive as ever. The message was clear: in the world of cultivation, there was no room for arrogance or entitlement. Only ruthlessness will prevail.

Now, for the main course.

Xin Ming gazed towards the audience, locking eyes with Lu Shan, the favored contender of the tournament, he felt a surge of anticipation course through my veins, after all, the difference between a Gold Core Realm Cultivator and a Foundation Realm Cultivator was massive. The air crackled with tension as they stood on opposite ends of the arena, two titans poised to clash in a battle of wills and skill.

The crowd's murmurs swirled around them like a whirlwind, their whispers carrying the weight of expectation as they awaited the showdown between the tournament's favorite and the dark horse that was previously known as trash. But amidst the sea of faces, Lu Shan's expression remained inscrutable, his features a mask of calm determination that betrayed nothing of the storm brewing within.

As the officials announced our match, the atmosphere grew electric with anticipation.

The sun cast its golden rays down upon the arena, bathing us in its warm glow as if to herald the beginning of our epic confrontation. With a sense of grim resolve, Xin Ming squared his shoulders and prepared to face his greatest challenge yet. For in Lu Shan, he saw not just a formidable opponent, but a privileged self proclaimed genius who was a whole major realm above him who has consumed more elixir than he have eaten rice.

"System, show me his stats"

[Name: Lu Shan]

[Cultivation Realm: Gold Core I]

[Cultivation Base: 385/9900]

[Cultivation Aptitude: 4]

[Martial Prowess: 3]

[Strength: 390 (+50)]

[Agility: 390 (+91)]

[Qi: 130 (+0)]


[Bagua Palm Lv 5 (Level 3 Martial Power)]

[Bagua Footwork Lv 7 (Level 3 Matial Power)]

Hm. Luckily this trash city doesn't have any qi techniques, otherwise he would overwhelm me with stats. His talent is actually not that bad, one in ten thousand, I'd say. I get where his confidence stems from.

As the match commenced, I could feel the eyes of the crowd upon us, their collective breath held in anticipation of the clash to come. But in that moment, there was only me and Lu Shan, his eyes locked in a battle for supremacy, each determined to emerge victorious at any cost.

"Superiority complex much?" I quipped, my voice laced with a subtle edge of mockery. "Or are you just compensating for something?"

The words seemed to strike a nerve, eliciting a flicker of annoyance in Lu Shan's steely gaze. But instead of rising to the bait, he remained stoic, his composure unshaken.

Xin Ming could tell my taunt had hit its mark, though. Beneath his calm facade, he sensed a simmering frustration, a crack in the facade of confidence he wore like armor.

Looking at his stats he looks like a speed type fighter, having trained and probably has combat experience to some extent.

As the tournament official's voice echoed across the arena, the anticipation reached a fever pitch. The crowd held its breath, their eyes fixed upon the stage where Lu Shan and Xin Ming stood, poised for battle.

"System, show me my stats."

[Name: Xin Ming]

[Cultivation Realm: Foundation VI]

[Cultivation Base: 120/1600]

[Cultivation Aptitude: 20]

[Martial Prowess: 6]

[Strength: 156 (+0)]

[Agility: 156 (+0)]

[Qi: 26 (+0)]


[Precise Strike Lv 10 (max) (Level 2 Martial Power)]

[Sealed (Level 29 Martial Power)]

[Sealed (Level 50 Matial Power)]

… (List Goes On)

Well my skills are sealed right now as my body can't handle them but I will have to use my Qi if I want to win against his sheer force.

Xin Ming forcibly opened dormant meridians for the first time in this body, unleashing a torrent of energy that surged through my veins like a raging river. The sensation was exhilarating, each pulse of qi igniting a primal fire within him.

[The skill Enhancement Qi has been created]

With a flourish of his hand, the official declared, "Let the final match begin!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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