A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
In the blink of an eye, two weeks passed. I spent the two weeks in the bush as I felt my muscles slowly rebuild themselves, my power level increased by almost tenfold, my level power level is 190,000, but I think it will increase further as my body continues to heal,
It has rained nonstop on this odd planet, the soil on this planet absorbs water better than the soil on Earth, it rained for two weeks straight but there are only about 5-6 inches of water on the ground,
The group of people seemed to stop searching for me, or I guess they don't want to find me, I wouldn't want to find myself either, I chuckle as I think about this, the rain pours down onto my body soaking me completely,
I raise my fingers to my soaked forehead and start to focus, I sense around trying to find Cress's energy, I search for hours until I finally find an energy that is similar to his, my body vanishes and I feel my feet land on the ground, I open my eyes and I'm in an odd room, with abstract painting on the wooden log walls,
Sitting in front of me was an elderly lady wearing a green robe with a cup of tea in her hand, the tea is steaming hot as hot steam warped off the cup, there is a fireplace in front of the woman, and a small wooden table sat in the middle of the room, with a door on the left,
I glance down at the woman, I stare at her intently until I hear snoring, her head flops to the side as she drops the cup of tea on the ground spilling it, I ignore her and head towards the door, and grab the doorknob,
I twist the knob, until I feel a hand grab onto my shoulder, I glance behind me and see the old woman looking up at me with wrinkly eyes, I feel a gust of energy engulf my body, as my hands start to twitch,
I look down at the elderly lady before grabbing onto her shoulder, I start to warp the energy off her body, Her old eyes become more serious as the house starts to shake, I look around as the house is cut into squares and start the pieces of the house separate from each other levitating in the air,
I see through the cracks of the wall and see the vacuum of space, I smack my lips as the house pieces start to spin around us, In the corner of my eyes, I see her arm flicker as I'm blown back slamming through the house pieces,
I reach down and grab the ground, it looks like normal grass, I come to a sliding stop, I stand up straight, and start to look around, all around me are massive pieces of land, floating like islands, each island has a gigantic building on it, even though it was in the vacuum of space I could breathe perfectly fine,
The pieces of the house shoot up into the air, flying far above my head, I watch as wooden pieces bend and warp, slowly changing colors, they turn into a purple color slowly fading into balls of purple energy,
The balls come flying down hurling directly toward me, I extend my hand firing up firing a massive yellow blast into the air, but to my surprise, the purple balls of energy fade into nothing, I stare up into the sky as I feel two fingers tap my neck,
I glance down and see the elderly lady with her fingers on my neck, I look down until she lets out a cough, she lowers her hand to her waist, I look to my left and see the wooden house still there but with a massive hole in it,
" Looks like Cress was right, You are weak to illusions, but your mind is pretty strong but nowhere near strong enough to stop me, " said an elderly lady looking up and staring into my eyes, An awkward silence engulfs the area until an familiar voice roars out,
" Nice for you to finally join us Sado, " Yelled out Cress, on another island, I looked at him and saw five other people with him...