A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
The two men disappeared, I instantly look at the ground there were no footprints which means they must be in the air, I raise my hands slightly above my head firing two blasts, they hit nothing and go into the night sky, but I hear a small grunt, I look down at the ground again and see two feet, he must have landed on the ground to dodge my blasts,
I dash forward kicking the man, his body reappears crashing into a tree, I raise my guard before a punch was thrown, he hits my wrist I fling my arm out grabbing what I guess is his arm, I yank the arm down, I hear a loud thud with particles of dust flying out of the grass, his body reappears laying on the ground, I look at the two men laying down until I feel something flying towards me, I duck dodging a flame, My head flings up getting hit by someone invisible, I stumble back the woman must have hit me,
I look around me all of them have disappeared, I close my eyes and hear faint footsteps walking all around me until one of them dashes jumping into the air, I raise my arm firing a blast in that direction, I hear his feet land on the ground, I snap my eyes open throwing a punch he blocks it but his body fizzles back into existence,
I try to pull my punch, but he grabs my wrist, I throw a punch with my other hand but he ducks under it, he yanks my arm behind my back before pining to my back shoulder muscles, I look around me and see two set footsteps running towards me, I bring my free hand to the center of my chest,
" Everyone get back, " Yelled the woman, the man lets go of my arm before dashing back, I look at his footsteps as he circles in front of me, I stop charging my attack and all three of them reappear group together,
" Why did you stop us, " asked the man rubbing his chin,
" He was going to fire a blast, that surrounds him completely he used it against me when I fought him alone, "
The men nodded, before both of them looked at her confused, " Didn't we tell you to head back home, your majesty wants you?
" You did but something told me that you would need my help to defeat this man. " The woman said raising her fist in front of her before pointing it towards me, the men shake their heads before they all disappeared at once,
I instantly charge ki into my legs before flying up into the night sky, I extend my hands downwards before I notice twenty sodaians approaching where I just was, they must have seen the two blasts I shot into the sky,
" Getting worried now that more of us are coming? " the man reappeared in front of me throwing a punch, I duck under throwing an overhand hitting his chin, he goes flying back until he regains his flight,
I need to scan his power level to see if I can win this, I can scan his power level it reads 1005, if he's 1000 then the other one is most likely is to and the woman is probably just weaker than them, with twenty other sodaians showing with power levels of 500, that's a combined power level of near 13000,
There's no way I can beat that, A huge aura covers my body before dashing through the sky fleeing, the twenty appleians fly into the sky and start chasing me followed by the other three, they fire countless blasts at me but all of them miss, in the corner of my eye I see five more appleians fly into the sky...