A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
Pybara breathes heavily as his shoulders move up and down, the two red skin prisoners stare at Pybara before they look out the cell at Maco, They swallowed their saliva before they speak,
" Hey, I don't who you are but we will help you," said one of them, they both charged, but as soon as they stepped outside the cell, their body to morph before they exploded into a bloody mist,
The men's blood covered Maco's body, as Pybara started to walk forward, He walked outside of the cell with blood covering the left side of his face,
Pybara's body starts to warp as he splits, cloning himself as 20 other Pybaras appear surrounding Maco, Maco looks around before the clones dash forward throwing a barrage of punches and kicks,
Maco is instantly overwhelmed and is forced to dash back as he tries his hardest to fight off the 20 Pybara clones, Maco blocks a punch, before leaning to his left slipping an overhand, He slams his fist into a clone,
The clone body is launched back slamming into three other clones, but the attacks were too vast for Maco to defend all, one of the clones slipped through his defenses and kicks him in the side sending him hurling into a glass cell,
The glass doesn't break, but hundreds of small cracks appear on the glass, as the three prisoners dash back in fear, as this was happening the real Pybara was walking around the prison snapping his fingers,
With each snap a prisoner disappeared, Pybara listened to the sounds of battle until the room suddenly turns silent, his eyes widen as he looks back and watches his clones disperse,
Pybara feels a hand touches his stomach he looks forward before a blast is shot through his side, He yells out in pain before he dashes back holding his side, a massive hole was in his side,
Blood poured out of the wound, as Pybara's face turned into a light blue color,
" How did you make my clones disappear Maco? " said Pybara with blood pouring out his mouth,
" You didn't understand what I meant by complete nullification, those clones weren't made out of energy, but you have to understand, I can nullify all even life, "Maco's body start to admit odd energy,
As the prison starts to shake, Pybara's face grows worried as an odd feeling crept onto his back, He looked around the prison and noticed that the prisoner's faces had grown pale,
He watched as the prisoners started to flop onto the floor lifeless, Pybara looked back at Maco as his body vanished, Pybara spun around and block a punch from Maco,
Pybara is overwhelmed by Maco's power, Maco twists his body and throws another punch but Pybara ducks it and rolls onto the floor, He throws a kick that lands and slams into Maco's knee knocking him off balance,
Using this chance, Pybara slams his fist into Maco's jaw sending him flying into the air before landing on the ground back first,
Pybara started to breathe heavily as the air around him started to become dry and hot, Maco slowly stood back up with a small cut on his lip,
" Looks like this battle is finally heating up, " said Maco with a huge smile on his face, Pybara just scoffs at him before talking,
" Unfortunately for you, this is where are battle ends, you have killed all the prisoners, that I came for, so there is no purpose of me being here, " Said Pybara placing two fingers on his forehead
Maco's eyes widen as he lunges forward and throws a punch but to his dismay, Pybara's body vanishes from the prison,
On a snowy planet, a hundred men and women are grouped together wearing orange jumpsuits, they looked around confused until Pybara appeared next to one of them and flew up into the sky,
Pybara coughs loudly before speaking,
" I'm sorry if my voice is a tad bit weak, but I did just run from a battle, but I am here to explain to you, why I broke you out of that prison "
The prisoners look up at Pybara confused, He smirks a little before he starts telling them the upcoming battle between the patrol and Ambrosia...