
Start Of The Battle:

I stood still in the middle of the space, as debris floated around me, I felt a presence behind me and turn around and saw Pybara standing there with a smile on his face,

" I do appreciate you destroying these ships, but I forgot to ask a question, when do you plan on starting this plan of yours, " he says putting his hands behind his back,

" Two weeks, I need to get Cress, on board with the plan, and I need the Galatic reporters to report out, that I'm going to be attacking a planet near the Galatic prison, " Pybara nodded his head at me before speaking,

" I'll see you in two weeks then, just use the transmitter, I gave you to tell me when I should teleport inside the Galatic Prison, " He waves goodbye before he teleports back onto planet Yardrat,

I quickly place two fingers on my hand before teleporting back onto Ambrosia planet, I appear outside the log Cabin, I'm standing next to a black-haired woman, I believe her name is Mutsu,

" Hey, Tell me where Cress is, I can't sense his energy on this planet or anywhere else, " I say, she just gives me a side eye and scoffs,

" Now, why should I tell you where Cress is- "Before she could speak, I teleported again and appear inside the log cabin, Ambrosia was sitting on a red cushion with her legs crossed, she opens her eyes and speaks,

" I'm sorry Mutsu was giving you trouble, but to answer your question, Cress is on a planet just north of here, It's a snowy planet without many life forms. "

Cress was telling the truth, she can really hear us speak anywhere on this planet, I just nod my head and teleported to a planet just north of here, my feet were instantly covered in snow, as a freezing breeze blew past my body,

I kept walking until I saw a deem campfire leaking light through the dense fall of snow, I walked towards it until I could make out a silhouette of a saiyan sitting on a wooden log,

" Cress, we need to talk about a plan " Cress jerked his head to the right before a smile appeared on his face,

" I didn't expect you to appear on this planet Sado, but did you find a dragon ball on that planet covered in factories? " He asks me as I walk closer to him,

" No, I think it really was just a rumor, but I have a plan to crush the spirit of the Galatic Patrol Forces, "...


2 Weeks Later:

Inside a planet covered in oceans with land covered in red grass and birch trees, stood two figures wearing cloaks, they floated in the air looking down at a town, the town was made out of wood, with a massive wooden clock tower,

It was in the middle of the day, and a crowd of men, women, and children walked down the busy streets of the town until a bright ball of energy struck the clock tower, the explosion ripped the tower in half, as wooden debris landed onto the ground,

The tower came crashing down, landing on the crowd of people and killing hundreds, at the same time a off duty officer, was sitting in his Galatic ship half asleep until the shockwave of the explosion shook his ship,

He snap his eyes open and looked up into the sky, he saw two the figure in the sky and swallow his spit, before slamming onto a red button, he waited for a few seconds until a voice covered in static spoke,

" The hub of Galatic Patrol communications, what are you here to report, " said a feminine voice,

" Sado has arrived on planet Rubylie, and he's brought someone with him, " The woman let out a loud gasp before she spoke,

" A-All right, I will inform the commanders right away, " the transmitter cut out, as the Galatic patrol officer hopped out of his ship and activated the boosters on his feet, he floated into the sky and stared at Sado and Cress,

" Freeze, and I won't shoot! " Yelled out the man pointing his gun at them, Cress and Sado looked at each other before they laugh, Cress says something to Sado before he cracks one of his knuckles,

The man feels his head violently jerk to the side, before a cracking noise ringed into his ears, his grip became weak as his gun slipped out of his hand, Cress had mysteriously snapped the man's neck as his body crashed into the ground,

Sado and Cress's focus went back to the village, as they both extended their hands to the ground and started firing a volley of Ki blasts into the town...


At the same time the news of Sado and Cress attacking planet Rubylie, reached the commanders of the Galatic Patrol, they were in the meeting room but only four commanders had shown up,

" Looks like Sado, wasn't lying, he attacked a planet near the Galatic Prison, " said the Elderly man Maco leaning his elbows on the table

" Yes, It was a direct challenge to us, and we must respond accordingly We have sent 30 ships to planet Rubylie, and three of the commanders are heading towards the planet, Merus, Garnet, and Carnelia are heading towards the planet," said a yellow man in a white robe,

" And what are we going to do? " Asked Maco sitting in his chair, the man looks up at the ceiling before answering Maco's question,

" I'll head to the planet if Merus requests assistance but a better question is what do you plan to do? "...


An Hour later On Planet Rubylie:

Sado and Cress were still raining down blasts, they destroyed 60% of the planet's surface, the ocean was dried from the intense heat of the blasts, and only the smallest continent of the planet remained,

Sado and Cress started flying toward the continent, flying over the mass landscaped of dried oceans until Sado suddenly halted and looked up into the sky, a grin appeared on his face as he said something,

" Looks like they're here "...