A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
me and Gala continued our small talk, joking around about things that happened in our fight, we both were laying on our beds bored,
" Your saying that like I didn't find you half dead resting against a tree, after fighting Merus for a couple of minutes, " said Gala laughing while wiping tears out of his eyes,
"Yea, but you couldn't beat a couple of weak Galatic patrol officers quick enough to help me, fight Merus, " I say out loud with my arms behind my head,
"I killed them all in less than four minutes, It's not my fault you can't handle yourself for like two minutes, but let's stop joking around, I have to teach you how to sense energy, " Gala once joyful speech, turned serious,
" So it's very simple close your eyes, " I listen to his instructions closing my eyes on the bed, I see nothing but darkness,
" Bring some ki into your frontal lobe, but don't do it too fast or you'll mess your brain up a little, "
I let out a deep breath before slowly pouring energy into my frontal lobe, after a few seconds all around me ten small blue lights appeared, some dimmer than the others, I open my eyes and the blue lights vanish instantly,
" So, did you do it? " he asks me with a plain voice
" Yes, I saw about ten small blue lights surrounding me, some dimmer the others, " the room turns silent until Gala speaks again,
" Hm, so you are really part appleian, " Said Gala with a little bit of excitement in his voice,
" What do you mean? " I ask him in a confused voice,
" The sensing technique you just did can only be used by us Appleians, It is a technique that was passed through our generations, but I wonder if I could teach you any more of our techniques, " Said Gala hopping off of the bed, landing right in front of me,
" But for right now I'll teach you to lower your energy, that way you won't be found, so all you have to do is- " before Gala finishes his sentence. he jerks his head to his right, I look to my left and see four Galatic patrol officers walking to our cells holding orange clothes,
" Put these clothes on, and give me the ones you have on right now, " said a small Galatic patrol officer facing me and Gala, I glance at Gala before beginning to remove my armor, I take off the main body piece of the armor, leaving me with a black jumpsuit on with, black gloves and white boots,
I take off my gloves throwing them at the man, he catches him, I slip my boots off kicking them to the man, and finally, I take off the jumpsuit leaving me only in underwear, He walks forward opening the glass door handing me the clothes, I look to my left and see Gala getting handed the same clothes as me, but slightly larger,
I slide into the long orange pants, before putting on the orange shirt, the shirt has an odd black symbol on the left side, he hands me two pairs of shoes, sandals, and big black boots, I slip into the sandals reaching down and placing the boots next to my bed, I look over to Gala and see him wearing the exact same outfit as me, except he has a zipper and mine has buttons,
The galactic patrol officers step back before closing our cell door, locking it shut, they stare at us before opening their mouths, they talk in unison like robots,
" You get recess every three days, so in about three hours you'll be able to go to recess, " The men stop talking before turning around and walking away,
" Hey, look at the bright side at least we get recess in three hours, " said Gala in a sarcastic tone of voice shaking his head and hoping onto the bed,
"Anyway back to what I was saying to decrease your energy to hide better, all you have to do is imagine your ki energy leaving your body, quite simple actually, I was very surprised when the saiyans that invaded my planet couldn't do it, "
I close my eyes and imagine my ki warping off of my body, I feel my body instantly become weaker and more fragile, " To bring your energy back all you have to do is, imagine yourself forcing all that energy back into your body, " I instantly force the energy back into my body, I feel myself regain my strength instantly,
" So is this another appleians technique? " I ask him opening my eyes, and looking at him on his bed,
" Sorta, we stole the first part of this technique from the yardrats, but the second part of this technique is completely made by us, "
" Did I already do the second part of the technique and who are the yardrats? " I ask him while slightly turning my head,
" No, you just did the first part of the technique, and the Yardrats is a species from a planet not too far away from planet apple, they taught us many things to help us defeat y'all saiyans in the first war, " said Gala sitting up on his bed leaning against the wall,
" I see, so how do I do the second part of this technique? "
" You can't yet, you have to get better at sensing energy and lowering your energy before you can use it, " said Gala covering his mouth while yawning...