A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
Leeks and I continue walking until we end up at the side of a massive cliff side, there's a small entrance with little light pouring out of it, we walk into the entrance, we walk through a hallway with low-hanging lights, this place is far smaller than I remember I guess its because I have grown so much,
" It looks relatively the same, " I say ducking under a low-hanging light, he glances at me before smiling,
" Yes, this place has been very quiet, since all the kids have left, " said Leeks, we turned into a small door on our left and enter the massive training room, the room looks the same with hundreds of holes in the granite walls, Leeks and I keep walking until he stops in the middle of the room and turns around facing me,
" You ready for your final training Sado, " said Leeks getting into his guard, I nod my head before getting in mine, he stares at me before dashing forward creating a blast in his hand, I extended my arm before pressing two fingers onto my forehead, he looks at me with a confused face, He slides his feet coming to a stop, he throws the blast at me, flies directly to me almost hitting me before I disappear,
I teleport in front of him his eyes widen as I throw a cross hitting him directly in the jaw, he's launched off the ground, he flips in the air before landing on his feet, he rubs his jaw before walking towards me, he creates blasts and begins to throw a barrage at me, I teleport dodging all the blasts, he looks around trying to figure out how I am moving so fast, he glares at me until I vanish from his vision,
I teleport behind him, I watch as he punches to his left trying to guess where I was going to appear, I load back my fist throwing an overhand, He turns around crossing his arm and blocking the attack, he stumbles back before I dash forward throwing a jab, he parries throwing a cross, I take a slight step forward before pivoting to my left, I side step his punch and throw a hook hitting him in the jaw, he stumbles forward before regaining his balance, he turns around faces me,
He spits some blood out of his mouth, before jerking his hand towards his chest, I turn around and see hundreds of blasts coming straight toward me, Those must be the blasts from earlier, I reach my hand out at the incoming blast, I was about to create blast before I heard footsteps charging directly at me, I teleport behind Sado seeing him throwing a kick at where I once was,
I load back my leg before throwing a kick directly at Leeks back, as soon as my kick was about to land, I see Leeks pivot his feet spinning around and dodging my kick, before I could retract my foot he grabbed my heel and flings me to the incoming blasts, I press two fingers on my head before teleporting behind the incoming blasts,
Leeks raises his hand stopping the incoming blasts, they float in front of them, he lowers his hand as the blast shoots into the ground causing a smoke screen, I need to remember that even If I am stronger and have more techniques than Leeks, he's still a great fighter, I close my eyes and sense Leeks coming from the right, I lean back and dodge a punch, I spin around kicking him in the chest,
He's launched back before stomping his feet into the ground and coming to a sliding stop, he creates a blast and flings it at my chest, instead of dodging it, I let go straight my chest, he looks at me confused before fog fills in the hole before he could ask a question,
I placed both of my hands together before shooting a massive yellow Ki wave at Leeks he begins to prepare to dodge it before the blast stops suddenly and stays in the air, I let my hands drop to my waist before walking around the blast that is frozen in the air,
" What is the point of the technique if the blast is simply frozen in mid-air, " said Leeks, I don't answer his question, we begin walking around the frozen yellow blast, I place my fingers on my forehead before teleporting next to him, I throw a punch, he reads my move before blocking my punch, he stumbles back before grabbing my arm,
He yanks me off my feet as I land on the ground, he gets on top of me before throwing a barrage of punches, he lands all of them before a smile appears on my face, I reach up and grab his wrist before teleporting both of us in front of the blast, he stands up and looks behind him, My body vanishes as appeared on the opposite side of the blast, I reach out and tap the blast lightly,
The blast shoots out before engulfing Leeks, his body gets launched into the wall, a massive explosion echoes through the room, bouncing off the granite wall, when the explosion finally settles a new massive hole in the wall appears making the room twice as big, In the middle of the hole laid a bloody Leeks breathing hardly, his saiyan armor was completely shattered,
I begin to walk towards him in the hole, he gingerly sits himself up, " Well do you surrender? " I ask him while slowly walking towards him, he looks at me before grinning,
" I guess I have to, " he says as he looks at me before I point above us, he looks up and sees a massive ball of blue energy floating above us,
" Pretty good choice for you to surrender, " I point my hand towards him as the massive ball of energy shoots out towards him, he raises his arms to block the attack but an explosion never occurred,
He stands up before clenching his fists, " You healed me? " said Leeks looking at me confused,
" I guess I technically did but I just gave you your energy back, " He looks at me before shaking his head in even more confusion...